New Amsterdam (spoilers)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Is anybody else on here watching that show?

It is soooooooo good. If you haven't watched, go to and start watching from episode 1 and get caught up. (That's what I did....and I am hooked and can't stop watching.)

It's my new favorite. Best show on television, hands down. And it's based on a true story. Incredible! The acting is phenomenal, the story gets you right in the gut every single episode.

My husband laughs at me, because every time I watch I cry like a baby and through my tears say "it's just such a good show" when he asks if I'm ok. I told him he needs to watch and get caught up so he can watch with me for moral support. haha. Holy smokes, it's good. I can't wait to see more of New Amsterdam!

FYI - I am a huge This is Us fan. I'm currently behind on This is Us (will get caught up tonight though). But I can't stop watching New Amsterdam! It's really that good of a show. For me, it's even better than This Is Us.
It is a good show but with my work schedule sometimes I just cannot stay up that late.

But... I still think of the lead character as Tom from The Black List.
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This is a show I just love, comes on right after This Is Us on Tuesdays. One wishes the doctors at Salem's hospital could be as intelligent and devoted. That said.....the other day, NY was having this huge blizzard. The scenes were outstanding, realistic. Because of pileups, etc. EMTs, people could not get to the hospital, so, the hospital went out to them.

Would be nice if NBC, or New Amsterdam would lend/rent a few of the outdoor scenes to Days. Salem is in the midwest, where, actually, TODAY, there is a blizzard going on. Days keeps their leaves on the trees, all nice and shiny green. Maybe once or twice, there is a trace of white on the ground, but it's citizens never dress for winter.

On New A, the wind blew the blinding snow around, folks were in winter coats, with hoods, stumbling over the deep snow, barely able to get up steps. The head of the hospital is undergoing chemo for throat cancer, but was out there. The hospital psychiatrist was as well. Drama inside the hospital, Patients & their relatives, between doctors, doctors & patients. So many different things, but every single one holds your interest.

And no, non-employees do not wander into rooms or areas at will. Amazing, huh?
I read a brief interview with one of the writers (Shaun Cassidy, son of Shirley Jones and Jack Cassidy) and they filmed most of those outdoor scenes during a real blizzard. They joked that the actors didn't have to pretend to be cold.
Ohhh, gosh, sorry, I did not even look to check.............merged the threads. Thank you!
Did anyone watch New Amsterdam last night?


The onscreen description of the episode kind of blew the ending. It said something like "Max struggles to take care of baby alone", so I had wondered if the beginning with Max and Georgia in bed together when he got up to tend to Luna was just his imagination.

I thought it was funny when Iggy suggested to his husband they should adopt another child, considering how insanely busy they are. Speaking of Iggy's husband, it finally hit me where I recognized him from. He was a forensic specialist on Law and Order SVU for several years until the character was murdered in the lab.
New Amsterdam is one of my very fav shows. When he got out of bed at beginning to get the baby, was singing with Georgia, etc..........then at end, the scene continued, the bed was all made up, he was alone with the baby.........WOW!
The storm had abated a bit, so thank goodness our TV did not go off during the episode, as it had earlier. And now his cancer is gone, and so is Georgia. There are others who were injured in that accident, guess the coming season will show how all the lives change, have been affected by it all. Good show!