Past Departures


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Over the years, since Days began, actors/characters have left the show, some quite well, others without a word. The good, bad, the ugly. So let's talk oi how Days writes out characters.
We do have the infamous "Don going out to mail a letter" and never seen again.....along with Dr. Neil Curtis going on rounds at the hospital, never to return.
So, who left with a good story/reason, and whose departure was a disgrace, in your opinion.

When I first began watching Days, there was no Hope, and Bo was being played by Robert Kelker Kelly. But I will offer a few....though I have opinions on many.
Steven "Patch" Johnson.........he was severely injured in a rigged boat explosion intended for his best friend, Bo. Ultimately he died int he hospital, but not before we saw someone injecting a drug into his IV, and later, at his funeral, we saw his coffin being switched. Anticipation was the name of the game thereafter, and tho it took 15 came to pass.
And Patch returned, to lousy story, and then, is last seen visiting wife Kayla int he hospital. They both just vanish. Huge thumbs down.

Baby Chelsea is born dead, buried in a Georgia swamp, but turns up a few years later as a teen. After donating part of her pancreas to her dying father, Bo, she decides to go to London to care for mom, Billie, who was in bad auto accident. (o.k.)
Max Brady, who disappeared into the attic as a kid, returns as a super race car driver, but turns auto mechanic/bartender, romances Chelsea, and eventually leaves for London to join her, and become a doctor!!!! (O.K.)

Kayla leaves town after Steve dies, to L.A. to be near sis Kim and evidently goes back to med school and becomes a doctor. Bad story prior to leaving, but good excuse.
Stephanie goes upstairs a the pub....never seen again, Stupid
I dearly loved Isabella and the way the wrote her out was so sad but she did get to appear as an angel a few times.

Jack, what can I say.. dead..not dead he's alive then dead ...that elevator shaft thing was almost as silly as his return to Salem ..falling into the cake...sigh

Lexies good story

Tek Where is he ? He was in the car with Lexie when they supposedly died ....she survived but Tek?

Even though I didn't watch back then from what I have saw in clips and read, Addie's death was well written out
Even though I didn't watch back then from what I have saw in clips and read, Addie's death was well written out

No, it was the opposite. Patricia Barry (Addie) was quite upset how she was written out. First they were going to kill her off and have her die of leukemia, but then they extended her stay for 6 months. Then, in June 1974, they had a car run her over (when she pushed baby Hope out of the way), but none of it was shown on screen. In a newspaper article just after that happened, Barry said she disliked not even being able to show Addie's death on screen.
The Good: Isabella, Kristen's departure in the 1990s; Carly & Lawrence leaving with Nicki in the 1990s was also well-written IMO. Grampa Shawn got a great sendoff as well.
The Bad: Billie's last two departures, as well as Austin & Carrie's recent departure after months of ill-handled story
The Ugly: The entire Johnson family gets the shaft regularly as to departures. Jack has been written off more times than I can count, and the only one I felt for was when he left baby Abby over his guilt for causing her illness. Steve's departure a few years back was a disgrace, Stephanie has vanished, we never see Jo or Vern.
Bo also has been very poorly treated in this last departure.
I did not like how Bart was written out...sword thru the belly, and then immediately cut open for a key he had swallowed. And then Tony, being impaled when falling down stairs. But..they were seen and definitely dead. Rolf....who knows, he just vanished. Shane got transferred out of Salem, while Kim married a movie producer, moved to L.A. and we never heard about that movie producer again.
Even when the couples get a good send off they usually return in a way that ee see it may have been happily but not ever after. Mike & Carrie, John & Marlena, Bo & Hope. I liked Shawn & Belle's departure & how it's left open for a return at any time.

Can't say I didn't like Bo's departure but can say I'm not fond of the lack of closure in it, even if it's open closure if that makes sense lol.
Melanie is supposed to have gone to see her mother, Carly, and evidently is staying with her. I don't remember how Carly left town, guess I was just glad she left. But see, when she left the first time, she was with Lawrence & Nicky.....and when she returned (in a very stupid way, in my opinion)she had killed Lawrence, and who knows about Nicky.
Nathan....went to Boston, right? offered a position there?? Chad went to Boston, no mention of Nathan, but then left there for who knows where.
Laura Horton left Salem to be with husband Bill in Africa, and yet was somewhere close by when Jen wanted to have a talk with her mother.

I am grateful that Tom, Alice & Mickey all got a nice funeral, acknowledgement that they had been part of the Days Family for so long. Same goes for Shawn Brady, Sr.

Then we have Jan Spears, Father Francis in comas in the hospital. Wonder if they are still there. And of course, Father Matt has also vanished. Yes, we know in real life, the actor, Ralph Waite passed away. I do hope that Days will at least mention him...perhaps having gone back to the monastery, or something, and passing away there. (NCIS is doing a special for Gibbs's dad passing away).

Yes, some characters are carted off to jail, guess that is a good way to have them leave. Marie went to a convent to become a nun. Some characters moved to California. Whatever happened to Colin? Did we ever learn. And then there is Bo.

A small aside about Stefano, who evidently believed in spreading his "seed" all over the planet. All the children, all by different women, and ...most of them gone.
Thanks Jason I had not heard that.

I Know Stefano has been written out a lot lol but one of the silliest was when they had some skinny little stand in with a brief case as Stefano. Didn't like that one. Was that death #4 in the tunnels by fire:confused:
Melanie is supposed to have gone to see her mother, Carly, and evidently is staying with her. I don't remember how Carly left town, guess I was just glad she left.
Carly went into rehab somewhere in Europe and Melanie and Nicholas went with her.

Nathan was last seen going up the staircase in Alice's house, with Tom's doctor's bag in his hand. (preparing to go to Boston)

I want to know where Tommy Horton and his daughter, Sandy are? Same with Steven, Julie's brother; and, David and Scotty (Julie's son and grandson).
We never knew about Caprice, she along with her story were dropped her and her story poof. I always suspected she was Celeste's sister :confused:
This is more of a general comment but I never like how they rush some departures rather than having the story develop and then leave. It's almost like once the writers decide a character is leaving, they get lazy and no longer write for them. I think the reason Lexie and Isabella worked so well is because they took time to develop the story and then have the characters die. From what I remember, this was more so the case with Isabella. Now obviously not everyone dies of an illness but at least a murder justifies a quick exit.

Even most recently when Kim and Shane came back to Salem for 3 episodes, they literally arrived from LA to Salem and then left the same Salem day. And it actually seemed more like a few hours than a day. Come on now. Same thing happened when Austin and Carrie left in 2012. Suddenly their story was over so TPTB moved them out of Salem almost instantly. Over the course of a day or two in Salem time. Why not do something more realistic and have the characters have a going away party, show them packing, having a garage sale, etc.

I do remember the Steve murder storyline vividly to this day because I remember watching in real time thinking to myself that he's be back one day. I wish they had done something similar with Jack this last time around. We never saw a body and then got the cremated line.
I was just thinking that Heather, about Steve. Kayla at his bedside saying "you feel so warm", that made me think he wasn't dead, then the coffin switcheroo clinched it, but it was soooo long before he came back. Sure glad he did though. :)
We have Bill Horton and Mike still in Africa? and Mike's son Jeremy a total looser somewhere.....I will admit to not really paying close attention to the show during that time frame... All the excitement of a story line for Mike's son.... and that was what we got..... pathetic....