Praise and prayer for Carl

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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My husband, Carl fell off a ladder on Wednesday. He was 10 or 12 feet up and landed on his side on to gravel. Praise that he was not severlly injured, however he does have a broken rib and his elbow is chipped. I am asking for prayer that he will listen to the doctor and give himself time to heal (he doesn't like to take it easy and rest) Carl is a very active person, and I need patience so I don't SIT on him
I am so sorry to hear about Carls accident. I said a prayer for the both of you. Sometimes an ailing husband is harder than children. God bless the both of you
my goodness that had to hurt like heck....don't sit on him just tie him down with a big plate of his favorite foods, a good book, good movies, lots of liquids and maybe a footrub.....anything to keep him down....God bless you both and i hope for a speedy recovery.
Prayers are on their way for Large Burley doctors that he will listen to, and medication to ease the pain, and also some for you, you need some rest also.... May God Bless...
I hope Carl feels better soon. I'm not sure what you need to do to make
him get well. I hope you won't overdo helping him. God Bless both of you
I'm glad his injuries weren't too serious, but yeah, do what you have to do to keep him from overdoing. We have some creative minds here, we will come up with something! Thanks for letting us know.
Remind him that if he listens to the doctors and gives himself time to heal, he'll be able to get back to doing stuff that much faster. are there any sall projects he can do in his current shape? Maybe helping you with things you don't really need help with, just so that he feels like he's doing something. Maybe a hobby he's been even remotely interested in, but hasn't done yet, or hasn't done in a while....

Threatening me with liver wouldn't work - I like liver.