Prayers for a friend's speedy recovery


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Central Arkansas
My friend Roger suffered a stroke on Wednesday, Jan 13th, so a little over a week ago. He's expected to make a full recovery, but will likely be in the hospital/rehab for 6-12 weeks. I'm just glad it happened during the week. He's 50, never been married, and lives alone. When Roger did not show up at work on Thursday, and did not call in, his boss tried calling him, and then his sister. His sister lives near him, so she went to check on him. He's still in the ICU, which has me a bit worried, but I've been told that they're not moving him to a regular room, they're going to send him from the ICU to rehab, so maybe that's the hold up.

Poor guy is bored sensless right now. Being in a hospital is boring enough, but he's a lot of swelling in his hands, so he can't really do anything to keep himself occupied. I'm guessing that even reading is out right now. So, this really smart guy is stuck, just watching TV.

Roger's a really nice guy. When I joined the D&D (Dungeons & Dragons - yes, people still play that) group, my husband was Dungeon Master (DM), so Roger helped me out quite a bit. My 13-yr-old daughter joined just a few games ago, just as my husband took over as DM again. So Roger's been helping her learn the ropes too. (I'm a newish player, she's running a fighter, which I've never run before....) A couple years ago, Roger found out that my daughter's a fellow rock hound, so he's been bringing her neat rocks to add to her collection.

We're hoping to get to visit with him this weekend, which will be nice so that I can see for myself how he's doing. All my info so far is 3rd or 4th hand; Roger's sister talks to our friend Mike, who then calls my husband, who updates our daughter and me. I'm sure a few things are getting lost in translation.

So prayers for a speedy recovery would be appreciated.
Thank goodness people at work were concerned and sent help. Am sure the sister was beside herself. and poor Roger, being unable to call for help himself. Glad he is doing better, saying prayers.

(P.S. Hope you had a lovely birthday, B2, and you do know the Big Bang Theory nerd gang all play D&D. LOL)

Am thinking that perhaps Roger is being kept in ICU until the hand swelling goes down.
Thank you everyone, for your prayers. I am way, way behind on giving an update. I apologize for that. On Sunday, Jan 24th, Roger was moved to a regular room. By Thursday the 28th, they had moved him to a rehab facility. On Sunday, Feb. 6th, Roger posted the following to Facebook: "Thanks for all the visits over the last few days. I'm doing well and my therapists are happy with progress."

In the discussion under that, a few days later, he said that he might be going home "next week," which would be this week. That would be awesome considering Thursday would be 5 weeks out and the docs had said 6-12 weeks. His sister commented that it was probably wishful thinking. But, overall, Roger is doing well.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad things are going well for Roger