Preview for an Upcoming Fan-Fic


André DiMera

(A train whistle sounds)
CONDUCTOR: All aboard!
NARRATOR: A murder on a train...
MAX: It would have happened eventually...
NARRATOR: Who could have done it?
STEPHANIE: Everyone in Salem hated him...
CAROLINE: Whoever did it has done a great favor to us all...
NARRATOR: And who is the mysterious girl on the train.
GIRL: I'm Skyler.
SILVER: Silver.
NARRATOR: Written by André DiMera
BARRABAS: You do realize that she is your cousin, yes?
SKYLER: Like I care!
NARRATOR: Inspired by Poirot
TONY: He's dead, and that's all that matters...
NARRATOR: And based on the novel "Murder on the Orient Express" by Agatha Christie
NICOLE: Well, at least he's out of the way, now...
NARRATOR: "Murder and Trains"! Coming soon to a forum near you...
:woo: I can't wait!!!! Barb and I both love Agatha Christie. She is partial obviously to Poirot and I am more of a Marple fan.
YEAH!!! I'm so glad we'll get to hear more from you Andre :clap:
Yay! I can not wait, I am curious to see who died and to get to know Silver a bit more.:smile:
Thanks for all of your kind comments, everyone. Glad you enjoyed that little teaser/trailer.

Well, DJM, I'm not too sure when opening day will be. I'm still working a few things out.

Just for fun, do any of you have any suspiciouns as to who may have been killed?