Redemption Of Nick Fallon

Nurse Hamster

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2008
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Nick admits to killing Trent much to the dismay of Mickey and Maggie and gets charged with manslaughter since he felt justified in protecting Melanie. He gets taken away to prison. Mickey is fighting the charges due to the fact that Nick was under the influence of alcohol and painkillers. During Nicks prison time he see an apparition of his dead grandmother Marie dressed in her habit. Marie urges him to seek God's guidance in his life and to rely on him for hope and strength. Nick begins to seek diligently the face of God and then is overcome with peace. Father Jansen comes to visit him in prison. Nick tells the Father of his grandmother Marie's message to him. Nick tells of how he has been given peace through prayer and meditation and is feeling led to pursue holy orders. After much questioning, Father Jansen agrees to sponsor Nick in his priestly endeavors. Nick enrolls in an internet seminary course. Because of overcrowding in the prison, the fact that Nick has become a model prisoner and that Mickey has arranged for rehab and work release under the direction of Father Jansen at St Luke's rectory, Nick is back home in time for Christmas. It's a miracle!
That would be awesome if that were to happen! That should totally happen in the show! It would be amazing!
Thanks Andre!

I know they are getting rid of Nick but they could have him come back for weddings, funerals and christenings this way!
Someone in another thread, I think Redsquirrel, wants Nick to go on the lam instead of going to jail and then sneak back into Salem as another Salem Stalker and get rid of pesky characters we don't like. I like that idea too. Maybe what we could do is have Nick redeemed as I have suggested but then have him turn into a Jeykll/Hyde Priest/Stalker.