Sami and Lucas's love story

Jul 23, 2010
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Boston, Ma
I was wondering something. Okay I keep reading on the internet about how Lucas is Sami's love of her life and vice versa.But I remember back in the late 1990's-2000's these two hated each other.They hated each other so much that when Kate accidently burned down the old Kiriakis mansion and Lucas was in the coma after Bryan Datillio had left the show in 2001, Sami was telling him while he was on his hospitial bed that she wished he would just die.And then there was all the stuff with Sami lying about Lucas being abusive to Will and refusing to let him see his son. So I ask when did Sami and Lucas get over their hatred of each other. Was it during the salem stalked storyline or was it after Austin dumped Sami at the allter and EJ had come to town?I am just curious.
It was both!
I believe it was after Roman was “killed” that Sami began to find some comfort with Lucas. They two forged a relationship and got engaged. Before the wedding, Kate drugged Sami and Brandon and the two were found in bed together (although nothing happened) prompting Lucas to call off the wedding. Sami was enraged at Kate and plotted revenge, hence the Stan debacle.

After that was over Carrie an Austin came back to Salem and Carrie ended up marrying Lucas, all the while she was pining for Austin. Sami and Lucas caught them on kissing on the roof and Lucas divorced Carrie and then he and Sami became close again. Even before his marriage to Carrie was over, there were a few scenes where the sexual tension between Sami and Lucas was palpable. They moved in together (because of Will) and started a relationship. That’s when EJ came to town and wreaked havoc on their relationship.

It was a great love story between them. They were a great rooting couple until the TPTB brought EJ to Salem!