Sami, Nikki, and the babies!


Active Member
Sep 7, 2008
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This is how I think the baby storyline could go.

Sami, after seeing the mayor murdered and who did it, is shot by the murderer and goes into a coma, she does not lose the baby, she carries it to term.

By the time that Nikki goes into labor, low and behold, Sami is also going into labor, still unconcious. Nikki's baby does not cry because it is stillborn from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome but they don't tell her, they just rush the baby out of the room.

Once out of the room, Stefano has the babies switched, Nikki gets Sami's healthy baby to raise with EJ, and Sami, when she finally wakes up, finds out her child died during birth, Therefore she is free to go back to Lucas who has been by her bedside almost everyday since she was shot!!

They will both be having boys or both girls, or Sami will not find out which hers is before she is shot!
I could see Stefano doing the switch but I can't imagine why. I think he would want to increase his stranglehold on Sami with her raising two Dimera heirs, thus promoting his Brady vendetta. I guess it may depend on the sex of the babies because I could see Stefano giving less importance to female heirs. If Nicole was having a boy and Sami a girl I could see him fixating on the male heir, which may change his vendetta plans a bit. Stefano would most likely duplicate how Nicole was treated by her father and Trent to keep her in line. I could see Stefano promoting an EJ/Nicole wedding.
The more I think about it, I could see Stefano building a whole new wing onto the mansion to accommodate a daycare for all the heirs he is obsessed in having.
Oh I can see it now... Grandpapa Stef dressed in a black pinstripe skivvy and singing "Romp Bomp A Stomp (Your enemies)" to entertain his toddler proteges.
I definitly do not want either Sami or Nicole to lose their babies, but what if it was turned around a bit? What if Sami lost her baby and she turnes around and switches the babies instead? or maybe she does it out of spite of Nicole. I like responsible Sami, but I miss the coniving Sami sometimes.

Fact #1: Sami has a set of twins, one born from each father (Lucas, EJ)
Fact #2: EJ with have one child born from each mother, thus resulting in
a pair of children which can equal=twins! LOL just thought that was a fun fact to share. (Nicole, Sami) I know the arent going to be technically twins, but they will certainly be close to it!
Speaking pessimistically, I foresee one of them will not be carrying the baby to term. My money is on Nicole. With all the new man meat coming on canvas, and all the chem-testing they've done w/Nicole lately - I'm tentatively predicting a gut-wrenching, emmy worthy storyline for Ari.
I'm tentatively predicting a gut-wrenching, Emmy worthy storyline for Ari.


Nicole just CAN"T lose her miracle baby. She probably will not have another one.::):)(
I don't like the idea of a pregnant woman getting shot. I don't think Nicole and EJ are good together. I wonder when Brady Black is in Salem then Nicole and Chloe fight over him. Then you add Philip in the equation and that's going to last at least a year.