Soap fan solves "mystery" of Betty White's 3rd character


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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As many "Days" fans know, Betty White appeared on "Days" as several roles (a teacher and nurse) for an NBC promotional contest back in 1988. I had posted many years ago about a mystery third character named Brenda that Betty is listed as playing on the "Days" parking clearance list.

Soap fan Albert just emailed me this week and solved the mystery! Betty actually played the role of Brenda on "Another World." Since she was based in California, NBC had her tape her AW scenes (which were a phone call to Mac Cory) at the "Days" studio. Trent Dolan is listed as Mac on the "Days" parking clearance, but Albert has surmised he was just standing-in as the character to read the lines to Betty for Mac's portion of the phone call. Douglass Watson, the actor who played Mac on AW, would have then taped his portion of the Brenda/Mac phone call in New York where "AW" taped.

Jason, you continue to amaze with the library of info you have gathered from all over. Thank you!