Speculation about Bo's last wishes (regarding Rafe)

I sure hope that Hope is not pregnant. That would be another "who's the daddy?" story. Hope would go nuts not knowing who's baby it is.

And boy, would that send Ciara over the edge. She'd have to share mommy with a baby which could be her Dad's or Chase's dad's baby.

That would be a mess of a storyline.
Since when? Kristian Alfonso is 52, and Hope Brady has a son in his 30s, a teen granddaughter.
No matter how much we might want to de-age Hope, tis rather hard. Heck, Jason47's tribute mentions Bo being on the show over 30 years.

O.K. I see the wink......but trust me, someone will read your post, JasonD, and it wil be spread as gospel elsewhere that Hope is just 41. LOLOL
I'm with Jason. I think the show expects us to believe Hope is in her 40s and Shawn is in his early-mid 30s. All logic is out the window in terms of how unrealistic this is.

What other reason is there for Hope to have sex with Bo and Aiden in a 24 hour period other than for her to end up with a miracle baby? It will either be a final gift from Bo OR a child that forever connects Chase to her. In either case, it's soapy angst and Rafe will probably raise the child as his own assuming that Bo actually dies. Though even if he does die, I fully expect Peter Reckell (Bo) to return in the future.
Salem is the town where no one ages, works, does wash, watch their children, etc. The children age faster than the adults. Soon the children will be old and grey and the adults will be young and beautiful, still getting into trouble. Alice and Tom must be looking down from above and saying "what the heck happened here?". :rotfl:ShaSha
LOL, if ShawnD was born in 86...makes him 29. Gets interesting as Claire gets aged to 15......somehow, do not think Shawn was 14 when she was born. LOLOL.

eweiner is right....dang new math! LOL
Even when Shawn was aged, we were in high school at the same time, and I was born in 87. So he shouldn't be much older than his actual age (even though he was around 21 when Ciara was born?).

I think I've figured it out- every time a character has another child, they get a little younger. So, sure, Hope should be about 50, but she's had a couple kids in the last decade, so 40ish it is.
Goes to show we all do not see things the same way. :)

We presently have headwriters who know show history, who know the characters, who understand the viewing public. That was not the case prior, in my opinion. And even the actors, in interviews, have praised what is being written now, how the exec. producer (Alarr) is down on the floor during filming, how the writers and producer actually TALK to the cast, ask questions, offer suggestions, etc.