
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Along with others, it DOES seem to me that Aiden has been holding something back, that there is something he is doing, or has done that has not been told. And I don't mean his investigation of Clyde.

What is it? Is he an informant? Is he undercover something? Has he agreed to give up info he learns as an attorney in exchange for not going to jail for something or other?
i.e. Did HE really kill his wife? Or, did she commit suicide and he tried to cover it up? Or did Chase really do it accidentally?

And then, what did he connect in regard to Clyde? Hmmm. He had Clyde pretty worried and very angry, which makes me think it is more than just being the "product distributor". Also, Clyde talked about him and his family. And that makes me think it leads back to the death of his wife, Ben's mother. Was Clyde actually responsible for the whole thing, but managed to make others think it was Jordan? Was there a witness?
He admits being an alcoholic, anger prone, and to abusing his wife and children.

But then Aiden. He moves to Salem, in the supposed middle of no where, and is super protective of his son. Could Aiden have been a sort of Mafia attorney (grasping at straws here), a consultant? Nahhh, he'd get a hit put on clyde 1,2,3.
But I just remember that he told his cohort to send all the info to his office. And Aiden has not been there yet.
I have no idea where this is going, but I am enjoying it. Aiden started as the obvious pair to the eternally-ditched Hope, and their scenes consisted of non-stop bickering for 10 years. Then, instant attraction, romance, and yes, the backburner.

I like depth to Aiden. I am hoping it's something along the lines that he was a philanderer, a con, got involved with a rich girl (Meredith), married her for her money, she was crazy...they had Chase, perhaps unexpectedly, he turned his life around, but she was still hopelessly insane. (We speculated similar things back during the Doug/Aiden spoilers/scenes.) It's dark enough for it to cause issues with Hope, but not terrible enough to end things forever.
I'm liking the mystery to this storyline, and that Hope is actually doing her job (which is great). The acting is spot on. However, I hope that we don't have to see more potential red herrings regarding Aiden and his backstory. The months of that earlier this year was just a bit too much, and that wasted time could've been spent on something else in my opinion.