

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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How long has it been exactly since we have seen Steve? I'm thinking several years? That said, how come he hasn't aged, at all???? He looked amazingly the same!!! Perhaps not drinking the Salem water has an added benefit? And it is so good to see him again. I'm also glad Kayla is not welcoming him with open arms!! Could it be possible that once again romance is coming back to Days? I, for one, certainly hope so!!!!!!!

In real life, Stephen Nichols brought Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) a dozen yellow roses to celebrate Patch's first airdate and return to Salem. (They are now filming February)

I definitely will say both Steve & Kayla look absolutely fantastic.
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The thing you are 16, boy 35 seems old. When you are 25, 50 is so old. But when you get to be 50.....65 is still young, and when your are 65, hey, you are moving, traveling, gardening, very active, and boy, not even 80 is all that old. LOLOL
I think "old" starts at 40. I'm always teasing my dad about being an old man now that he turned 40 in December :rotfl:

That said, I probably act the most like an old man out of everyone in my family:rotfl::rotfl:
I simply try to act younger. Not immature, mind you (although sometimes I suppose it comes off that way!)... I figure, I can't make time stand still, but I'm certainly not going to give time any more of my age than I have to! And to bring this back to topic, maybe that's what "Patch" would say, too. "Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." He sure is "growing old" gracefully.

Cheers to all of us who try to stay young at heart (and in body, if we're lucky!)!! :wink: