The Big Bang Theory

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Queens, NY
Happy to report that The Big Bang Theory has been renewed for three more years, bringing it into the 2016-2017 season.

This is the little show that could. When it first premiered, I was the only one I knew who was watching it. I recommended it to to others, but no one liked the premise. Well, it slowly caught on, and now there are many fans of this group of lovable nerds, and I mean that in the nicest sense of the word.

To those who didn't think it would last one season, "BAZINGA!":clap:
I caught on late like many others trough repeats. It was interesting to watch the original pilot and see how different the show initially intended to be. I'm so glad that they reworked it before airing.
i bought all the seasons so far dvd and never tire of watching...this show is great..I call my husband Sheldon all the time! He loves to bug me in the bathroom..knock...knock..Stella..knock knock..Stella..knock..knock..Stella...then I throw a roll of toilet paper at his head
Those with HBO: Jim Parsons (Sheldon) will be in "The Normal Heart," airing on Sunday, May 25th. I saw this wonderful play and know that this filmed version, also starring Mark Ruffalo and Julia Roberts, will be amazing.
I know I have mentioned this before, but just in case someone missed it. The writers, when naming the characters, wanted to honor a comedian/actor/writer/director/producer who was inspiration & beloved to so many in the entertainment field, and thus named two characters for the late Sheldon Leonard

Some may not have known his name, but knew his face, and was good at playing those tough guys (minor henchmen maybe) in his early movies. But then he went to producing, and more successful series than you can count. And so Jim Parsons & Johnny Galecki were named Sheldon & Leonard in his honor.
I didn't Know that, Poirot. Thanks for the information on Sheldon and Leonard. I did love that man, he seemed to be able to play any part they gave him and make it believable!
I have watched since day 1 as well and we usually end up watching the repeats on TBS at night. Next to Seinfeld, this is my favorite sit-com of all time.