The Island of Mystery

Sorry that it has been some time since I have updated my story but I have been having problems with my computer.There were a few times where I tried to post a chapter but my computer went blue during those times, so I just gave up.But anyways, I just got my computer repaired, but instead of writing the rest of the whole story.I am just going to type a brief summary of what I had wrote down.

Sami and Rafe were caught by Stefano , Chad and Kate breaking into the Dimera Mansion.Stefano called the police and Sami was arrested and sent back to jail and DA Woods reminded her that she was told not to go anywhere near the house and she was denied bail. Sami's court date was moved up a couple of weeks.

Patrick Lockhart made his return to Days as he was hired by Jan Spears to watch over EJ, who she had plans for. Patrick and EJ who is still wounded from Sami shooting got into a fight and Patrick was about to shoot EJ but, a associate of Patrick's reminded Patrick that Jan was paying him and if she found out that EJ was dead, she would not pay them.

Back on the Island, Victor broke into Rolf's laboratory and saw a file where called Operation Salem where Rolf was going to use the kidnapped Salemites to turn them all into Pawns and send them back to Salem to kill every member of the Horton, Brady, Dimera and Kiriakis families, expect for the kids. Jan caught Victor and the two of them made a deal that they would work together to bring Rolf down but they both admitted that they did not trust each other.

Bo, Hope, Lexie, Stefano, Nicole, Philip, Brady, Dr.Baker, Kate, Will, Melanie, and Roman all boarded a plan headed to the Island, on their way to the Island, the plane experienced some problems and they all had to jump out of the plane before it was too late. They landed somewhere on a island 200 miles east of the island of mystery and while they where stranded on the island things started to go bad, due to lack of food and the hot climate, they begin to turn on each other, even with brothers Bo and Philip getting into a fist fight and the two groups emerged. On one side was Bo, Hope, Roman, Lexie, Dr.Baker and Will, on the other side was Philip, Nicole, Brady, Kate, Stefano and Melanie. Luckily a plane soon flew by and they were all rescued from the island and took to the Island of mystery.

Jan and Victor , meanwhile told the other Salemites about Rolf's plans and they all agreed they needed to take him down once and for all. Rolf who had a secret camera watched the whole thing and vowed that he had not did all this for nothing and he was still going to turn all the Salemites and turn them all into his Pawns. He called Marvin into his secret room and told Marvin to kill Jan Spears as well as Victor. Marvin protested and Rolf told Marvin he did not, he would send one of his men to kill Marvin's brother who was in prison. With his brother's life on the line, Marvin decided he had to kill Jan and he invited her on a walk on the island, when they got to a certain place he told her what he had to do.Jan begged for her life but Marvin pointed the gun at her and was about to shoot her but he could not and he admitted he loved her. He then led her to the plane that they had traveled to the island on and he called Franklin and when Franklin arrived he had Franklin take Jan off the island and get her somewhere safe. Rolf who had put a small camera on a bag that Marvin had been carrying decided that when Marvin came back he was going to end his life.

Bo and the rest of the gang arrived on the island and they had not even breathed the fresh air when the islanders Stefano had left stranded earlier in the story captured them and when they saw Stefano they vowed to pay him back for what he had done. Stefano agreed that what he did was wrong and he told them he would pay them all back in some kind of way. The islanders let Bo and Company go and Bo thanked them and told them after he gets down rescuing his friends he and the rest of the Salemiites who come back for them.

For the rest of the story here goes. Bo, Philip, Hope, Lexie, etc, all arrived to Rolf's island compound but Rolf knew they where there and it was revealed that he had created along with his team of scientist a army of robots who mission was to kill anyone who got in his way. The gang fought off the robots with help from the islanders and after everything was over.Roman handcuffed Rolf as well as Marvin and the scientists and told them they where all in big trouble and would do some serious crimes. Bo called Rafe and Rafe talked to his bosses in the FBI and the FBI sent a few plans to the island and the planes all arrived and took the Salemites off the island.But Jan was still out there and Bo vowed to bring her in.

But somewhere in Las Vegas we see a woman with short dark brown hair at a drive thru wedding chapel. And we see EJ in the passenger's seat passed out like he had been drugged.The woman and EJ were married and then the woman who called herself Stacy Reynolds drove off into the night with EJ as her new husband the cameras then pan down and on the back of the car it says JanSpears1.

Well that is the end of this story, I wish I could of wrote more but things happen sometime. I am currently working on another story which will be a little more light-hearted then this one and will deal with the kids of Salem.