The Man in the High Castle - Amazon Prime

guilty pleasure

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
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Has anybody watched this? My husband and I watched the two available episodes this past weekend, and man! This seems to be a good show so far! Apparently the episodes for the rest of the season will all be released through Amazon Prime on Friday. I will be excited to see what happens!

The show is based on a book. I haven't read it (and don't think I will, given what I've read about it online - it apparently gets a little wacky!). It's a Post-WWII alternate history story, depicting life in America if the Axis Powers had won. In just two episodes, they get into the meat of the story quickly, and give you enough uncertainty about motives of certain characters to not be sure of exactly what's going on and where loyalties lie.

Frank Spotnitz (a writer and producer for The X-Files) writes and produces The Man in the High Castle. Ridley Scott is also a producer on the show.

If you are looking for a new show to watch, I'd highly suggest that you give this one a spin! I know the show is free for Amazon Prime members. I'm not sure about this, but it looks like the first episode is free for anybody... which makes me think that eventually, all episodes will be free for everybody. Anyway, give it a whirl... I hope you enjoy it as much as I have (and I hope the rest of the episodes are as good as the first two!)!