The Real Kristen, revealed!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin

I love this clip. I especially love how Kristen was geeky and a bit awkward when she first came to Salem. This is the Kristen I see being played currently - even without my blinders. :) Enjoy!
You know, it's funny that you posted this clip this week. I'm just now watching Wednesday's episode, and to me, we got a little of this back with the book club. Just not with Kristen! But I don't remember seeing any scenes like this in a long while...
I love this clip. I especially love how Kristen was geeky and a bit awkward when she first came to Salem. This is the Kristen I see being played currently - even without my blinders. :) Enjoy!

Is it just me or does anyone else think its odd that Kristen if Stefanos daughter is sleeping with Brady who is Stefanos cousin since John is Stefanos half brother

edited to fix quote...JS
Stefano adopted Kristen (and her brother, Peter), so she's not blood related to Brady.

Also, Brady would be Stefano's nephew (not cousin), since Stefano and John are half-brothers.
Sorry Barb!! Until the writers change that ridiculous storyline, we're stuck with Stefano and John being half-brothers! :sick:
LOL, to each their own. Not me. I just refuse to take a 2 month story from a writer who did not last at all, against the all previous years long history.
John's DNA matched with Tony's, and the Alamains......for years.
I agree with you!! But since John mentioned being half DiMera fairly recently, guess the writers are still sticking with it.
It was after Stefano "died" and everyone found out that EJ supposedly wasn't Stefano's son; John told Marlena that since he was half DiMera, he should run DiMera Enterprises.