Thursday, December 27th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Episode #10,728 Taped 11/28 Director – Phil Sogard

Looks like EJ got his Christmas miracle as there he is, upright, standing and walking, and at the front door of the DiMera house. Unfortunately, he is unable to open the door, so rings, Rolf answers, tells him yes, the locks have all been changed, Stefano is not at home, and EJ is not allowed to come in and wait for him. EJ is perplexed, and suspicious, so manages to go around a side door and get into the study. He remembers Stefano talking about raising Giovanni the DiMera way, and begins rifling thru Stefano’s desk. We see a figure in black come up behind him, just legs and a body, and conk EJ on the head. Down he goes, out like a light. Then, there is Stefano, giving him a helping hand to get up, telling him that his “houseguest” is the one who knocked him out, and wanting to know why Elvis was going thru his desk.
EJ talks about Johnny, and wanting to know what Stefano meant by that. They go back and forth a bit, and then EJ lays down the law. Johnny is his son, and will be raised as he and Samantha see fit, their way. Stefano is not too pleased. Rolf comes in, saying the houseguest got out in the yard, Stef has a fit, scolds Rolf and goes outside the study. EJ eavesdrops, hears Stefano telling someone they absolutely must not go outside, but stay within the house. He hightails away from the door (he DOES have a cane, tho, lol) as Stefano returns, telling him that it is o.k., he is satisfied for EJ to raise Johnny on his own, after all, he raised Elvis, and he turned out pretty well. EJ wants to know why he cannot meet the houseguest, but Stefano tells him all in due time. Now Rolf rushes in with the radio news that the police are searching for Lucas, and want to arrest him for shooting EJ. Aha, Stefano is surprised, but gleeful. So Lucas is the one who shot EJ. No Samantha is not on the run with him. She would not do that. EJ leaves. An agitated Rolf returns later, to tell Stefano that he has searched the house completely, and the houseguest is gone.

Sami is pacing in her apartment, Lucas’s note in hand, remembering when she first read it yesterday. Knock, knock, and her father has arrived. She thanks him for trying to help her find Lucas, he tells her he has an APB out on him AND Kate, as apparently they are together. Sami is puzzled as Kate is the one who gave her the note. Roman asks where Lucas might have gone, no idea sez Sami, he was talking of visiting Will in Switzerland, but that is impossible. Roman assures her they will find him, Sami begs her dad not to let Lucas be hurt. He promises, and leaves.
Another knock at the door, this time it is EJ. Sami notes no wheelchair, he says it is a miracle, she rolls her eyes, he agrees he did exaggerate for some time, but claims he WAS paralyzed for a while. He wants to help her find Lucas, she asks what he wants in return…… have sex with her again? Not a chance! No, says Elvis, he just wants her to let Johnny form his own opinion of him, not influence him with her own opinion. He claims that he never before had someone love him unconditionally like his son does (hey, this is a tiny newborn baby here) and he wants to be a good father. (yep, one can hear the violins, lol). But he does seem sincere, tho Sami isn’t buying all this completely. He begins making calls on his cell, talking again of helping her find Lucas, and promising he will not turn him over to the police, if they do find him.

At the sorority house, Chelsea wakes up on the sofa, to Nick bringing her some hot chocolate. She tells him yesterday was perfect, talks of being cold, and wanting him to warm her up, and she doesn’t mean by a fire in the fireplace. Someone pounds on the door, Nick opens to find an angry Crawford Decker, looking for his son. He gives Chelsea a hard time, because she is the one who spearheaded the drive to smear Ford’s good name. Chelsea protests that Ford was a rapist and other people on campus deserved to know. Flashback AGAIN, in case anyone missed it, of Ford chasing Chelsea up the stairs, falling, CPR, being pronounced dead as a doornail. Nick tries to make him leave, but he takes off his coat, intending to search the entire house. Nick calls Billie, as Decker goes upstairs. Chelsea calls Stephanie.
Max arrives at the Johnson home, but Stephanie is rather cool towards him. He wants to know why she won’t even let him touch her, and Stephanie remembers being raped by Ford. (lots of flashbacks today). She just talks of Cordy, and how she has been affected by what happened to her, how Stephanie can see how she is around guys, not even wanting them to touch her….. and Max is getting a glimmer of a clue. He asks Stephanie if Ford ever hurt her. Just then Chelsea calls, about Ford’s dad searching the place.
Back at the House, Billie arrives as Crawford Decker comes downstairs, all ready to tackle the basement. Nope, not another step. They go back and forth, have words. She shows him the video with Ford arriving…and then leaving, but he notes that one cannot see Ford’s face on the leaving video. Billie tells him he needs a search warrant, they argue, but he leaves, intending to be back. Billie suggests they go out for breakfast, good idea. She leaves. Now Chelsea talks of cooking Nick breakfast herself. When Nick leaves the room, she calls Stephanie again, telling her that Ford’s dad left to get a search warrant and will be back to search the basement, they have to move the body. WHERE???? She doesn’t know, but get over there fast, as they have to figure it all out NOW. Stephanie & Max hightail it out of the Johnson place.

Hmmm...,sounds good. I can't wait till we see the face of the "houseguest" lol. Thank-you for the write-up Poirot! You truly do a wonderful job with these things!
By the way....Roman DOES say that the bullet that hit EJ came from that gun Lucas purchased, and the gun had Lucas's prints all over it. Sami is adamant that it still doesn't mean Lucas is the one who shot EJ.
By the way....Roman DOES say that the bullet that hit EJ came from that gun Lucas purchased, and the gun had Lucas's prints all over it. Sami is adamant that it still doesn't mean Lucas is the one who shot EJ.

Thanks for the write up Barb!
Here is hoping that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for taking the time for putting out the new "Days Ahead" and right on schedule. You are the greatest!

The house guest is John I just have a gut feeling about this. Usually pretty good at trusting my gut,lol. John is his "old friend". I still haven't figured out what happened to Brady. Maybe he heard about his dad and disapeared and is working with Stephino's old nemisis to finally bring him down. One can only hope. jmo. Again thanks Poirot.
Just when was Stephanie supposed to be raped by Ford? She has beeb all over Max since she came on the scene, till after Cordy went thru her ordeal.