Thursday summary


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Have a dr. appt today, 7/26, and cannot do summary, unless it is very late. Can someone fill in...Lost my Thursday sub for a while........And Thursdays are my dr. day
Yes, dear readers - please help keep our record of summaries intact! I will also be very appreciative as I am unable to cover summaries for the summer due to a significant workload increase.
I'm sorry, Poirot, I am working and also do not have regular cable television to watch and provide a summary. I watch Days one day late on my tablet from a local television station streaming site.
Maybe KathyLu can help out today.
KathyLu, who has stepped in to help me often, may not be available. Heather is traveling for her job.
I guess it will just have to go up late this afternoon if I can. *(don't always get home in time to watch the show)
JS, I was wondering where you've been