Thursdays help needed!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Due to a work commitment, JasonD is unable to do the summaries on Thursdays for the next several weeks

We really need help, and definite dates beginning Thurs., March 14 to, and including April 25th. Please, if you can help and fill in, let us know, and dates.

Thank you.
Just know that I would if I could! I got rid of cable and can't watch it online until the next day. Fingers crossed someone can step up and help. A big thank you to you and Jason for continually doing a bang up job!
thank you Roses...but that is a bit too appreciate the offer.

Guess if no one is able........there won't be any summaries on Thursdays for the next several weeks....
@Poirot, I am not sure about every week, but I can do it tomorrow. I live in AZ, so we are 3 hours later than the east coast and it is on at 1:00. I will be happy to do it tomorrow and then see how the next weeks go. If I am home, I can do it.
I wish I could but with a 2 year old it's a little hard. His nap time is all over the place since day light savings and I haven't yet gotten back in schedule. Right now he's too unpredictable to bed able to commit. If that changes I may be able to help out.

Hopefully he's not transitioning out of naps all together or Mama's gonna have nervous break down.