Tribute to Patricia Barry (Addie Horton)


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Dec 4, 2006
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In loving memory of Patricia Barry (Addie Horton)

November 16, 1922 - October 11, 2016

(Addie Horton Williams, 1971-1974)


Patricia Barry pictured alongside her Addie ornament, which is hung on the Horton Christmas tree each year. This original ornament, which Ms. Barry hung on the tree herself in the 1970's, was donated to the Smithsonian in 2015. A replica will be placed on the tree this year.

Here's Patricia Barry in the 1940 census. Then 17 and going to high school in Davenport, Iowa.

Here's the NBC press release annoucing Patricia Barry joining the cast of "Days of Our Lives" in 1971.

Here's the script cover and scenes of Addie giving birth to Hope in January 1974.

Episode # 2045...January 11, 1974
Act Four: Int. Surgery

(It is important in this scene that we stay in close on Addie’s face, do not see and only barely hear the voices and actions of the O.S. operating team. Addie is heavily sedated, but awake. This is like a surrealistic dream world in which her face floats in a misty darkness. From time to time, we will hear Tom’s voice reassuring her, but this will be the only audible voice other than Addie’s. Her eyes will be open at times, half-closed at others, as she fights an increasing drowsiness)

Addie is asking Tom why it is taking so long. Addie is sedated and Tom’s voice seems far away. She asks if he’s there and Tom reassures her that everything’s all right. She tells him that she can’t see him. He says he’s right there. She asks about the baby. As she’s talking to Tom, Bailey is asking for a clamp and sutures. Addie is now asking Tom not to lie to her about the baby. She says she promised Doug a perfect baby. She says she can’t fail him and says she’s failed him so often. During this time we see Doug’s face over Addie’s as she thinks of their wedding vows. She keeps talking, telling Tom that Doug didn’t love her at first. That he loved someone else. Then we see Julie’s face. Addie thinks of the conversation she had with Julie where Julie tells her that Doug will tire of her and come running back to her. Now Addie is talking out loud saying that Doug loves her and he wants their baby. Addie goes back to asking about the baby. Bailey tells the team to put Addie under because he’s going to take the baby now. Addie is asking where she is and not to leave her and that she's worried about the baby.

As the screen starts to go black, Addie’s eyes close and we hear Tom’s voice say, very gently, "It’s a girl, Addie. A perfect—baby girl."

(And on the…SOUND: CRY OF THE BABY, GROWING LOUDER AND LOUDER…as Addie’s face fades, we Fade to Black)

Episode # 2046...January 14, 1974

Prologue: Limbo Area of Surgery

(Few minutes after close of yesterday’s episode. Close on Addie. Her eyes blink, then close. After beat, Tom’s face comes in close to Addie’s)

TOM: Addie—it’s a girl. You have a perfect baby girl.

(He smiles tenderly as he sees that Addie is deep in sleep. His hand gently smooths back her hair)

TOM (vo): Perhaps it’s just as well she didn’t hear me. Doug’s the one who should give her the wonderful news...Just sleep, darling. And when you wake up, your husband is going to tell you that you have a beautiful, and perfect, little baby girl.

Int. Waiting Area Outside Surgery

(Doug, Alice, Laura. Establish their long and anxious wait, their moods. Then bring Tom out of surgery.)

ALICE: Tom--?

(Tom comes to them, deeply emotional. But the glow in his eyes tells them the news is good about the baby)

TOM: A baby girl—

(General soft reaction, but Doug has only one thing on his mind)

DOUG: Addie—Tom, is Addie all right--?

(Tom reassures him)

TOM: She’s sleeping, Doug—

LAURA: A little girl.

TOM: Five pounds, ten ounces—and perfect in every way.

ALICE: (going into his arms) Oh, Tom—

TOM: Yes, darling—perfect right down to her little toes.

ALICE: God was listening, Tom.

(Laura hugs Doug. Speaks wistfully)

LAURA: Did you hear that, Doug? You have a perfect baby girl.

(Doug barely nods. When he speaks, he means Addie)

DOUG: I want to see her.

TOM: You can see your baby when she’s taken to the nursery, Doug.

DOUG: I mean my wife.

TOM: Mel is still finishing up—

LAURA: It’ll be a while yet, Doug.

TOM: I’ll arrange for you to see Addie in the recovery room—

LAURA: They’ll let you know the minute she wakens.

TOM: And then you can tell her the good news yourself

(Camera moves in close on Laura)

LAURA (vo): A little girl. Perhaps—when Bill and I are married...Strange, how things work out. How we all protected Mickey. Kept him from knowing Michael was not his son. And he’s out there somewhere...not knowing he never can father a child...
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Patricia Barry pictured alongside her Addie ornament, which is hung on the Horton Christmas tree each year. This original ornament, which Ms. Barry hung on the tree herself in the 1970's, was donated to the Smithsonian in 2015. A replica will be placed on the tree this year.
That's not Addie's original ornament hung by Patricia Barry. This is. Addie's is one of the handful of ornaments that were replaced.

That's not Addie's original ornament hung by Patricia Barry. This is. Addie's is one of the handful of ornaments that were replaced.

Thanks for the correction. I hadn't checked on the history of the Addie ornament. Since I knew it was one of the 4 donated to the Smithsonian, would have figured it would have been one of the originals.
I agree, you'd think they'd have used originals. Whose ornament is the fourth one used? (Since I believe they gave them Tom and Alice's, right?)
Jason, you never cease to amaze me with the material you have collected and put together. Patricia Barry (Addie) was before I began watching, so I really appreciate this. Thank you!
Thanks Jason for a lovely tribute! She was a soft lovely actress and well remembered for her role. My Granny loved her performances.
Jason, you never cease to amaze me with the material you have collected and put together. Patricia Barry (Addie) was before I began watching, so I really appreciate this. Thank you!

You're welcome! My complete collection only goes back to November 1983, but they happened to air this flashback scene in 1986. Now, I just wish I had the rest of 1965-1983!!
I just read that she was also Miss Sally on The Guiding Light. That was before my time watching that show, but I'll have to check out if there are any clips available. I imagine she was a lot of fun in that role.