Tuesday, January 15th

Tuesdays show

Ok I just watched the show. Great show - I got chills when Crystal said you are with family. I had not thought about the organ thing but it was about the same time frame.

Here is my problem with Shawn - he didn't seem at all concerned about Belle - he was only worried about Claire. Philip was worried about both of them. I know he is mad at her but it seems like if he really loved her he would be very upset. When he went to the police officer all he said was "What about my little girl" Not even a question about Belle.
I was just telling someone today about the best time I had at Disneyland several years ago, cuz it was this time of year, and the park did not have long, long lines, being off season. Have fun with your mom.

Ahhhh, thanks, Barb. It was an awesome day and you're right, it's a great time of the year to go. Crowds at a minimum and the 70 degree weather was perfect. Met some wonderful people, too, including some Canadian travelers. Since we go quite often, some of our fave moments have been meeting people from all over the world. :D

Days just has got to do something about their lighting. For crying out loud, do they ever look at what they shot and realize how difficult it is for the viewer to see what is going on? LOL

Oh no kidding! Especially for those of us needing more than one pair of glasses to accomplish various tasks (bifocals is a 4-letter word in my book!) But, I gotta use 'em. :mad: