Tuesday, May 15th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

Rather a ho hum episode after the fireworks of last week, but to be expected. Hope puts Ciara down for a nap, begins folding laundry, as Chelsea brings out a tray of tea & muffins. She wants to talk to Hope about something really serious, and proceeds to ask when one knows if they are ready to lose their virginity. Hope is startled, wonders if she doesn’t want to talk to her mother - absolutely not. Chelsea tells her about the conversation with Nick last night, and of her feelings for him. And they proceed to have a very good conversation about being ready for sex, feelings for the person, and possible repercussions, and yes, including talk about resulting pregnancies, and using protection. Chelsea gets excited, as she has decided to take her relationship with Nick to the next level, and rushes out to tell him.

Over at Maggie’s house, Nick is waking up on the floor, hears snoring, and we see Willow in his bed. Apparently she broke into Maggie’s house last night, and decided to crash in his bed, even tho he gave her money for a motel. He orders her out, but Willow won’t go, she needs a hot bath. No. Well, then a shower. NO sez Nick. He is doing his best to throw her out, but she won’t go. She ignores him. Maggie knocks at the door, Nick panics, send her into the bathroom. (BTW, Nick is wearing only his boxers!) Maggie barges in, sees sleeping bag on floor, Nick claims bad back, she wants to give him aspirin, he won’t let her into bathroom. O.K. yes, all as stupid as it sounds. She leaves, returns with aspirin, he pretends to take it, & has to pretend a muscle spasm in shoulder/neck to prevent her from putting the rest of the aspirin in the bathroom. She finally leaves, he is is ordering Willow out, but she is now in his robe, ready for her shower. Knock, Knock, here is Chelsea. More of the same kind of antics. He tries to hustle Chelsea out, he is late for work, etc., puts his jeans on, and manages to get Chelsea out in the hall. Out comes Willow, who slides under the bed when they come back in. Now Chelsea is kissing Nick, putting the make on, but Nick has to rebuff her, causing Chelsea to get in a snit, figuring she overdid it, and leaving in a huff. Nick is angry at Willow, grabs the rest of his clothes, tells Willow to get lost, and leaves.

Steve comes striding into the bar area on Tinda Lao, looking for the Brady boys. He is all swagger, and actually is appearing to be our old Steve. Bo is extremely leery, but Shawn is all over him, happy for the sea plane (Patch claims to have rented it on Guam, and only has it for 24 hrs) Steve claims Kayla sent him there to help, that the deprogrammer did his job, he is his old self. Bo is surprised, since usually deprogramming can take months, and yet it worked on Steve in just a few hours. (maybe it is SORAS deprogramming, lol)Patch says he is back to being old boring Uncle Steve. Now Shawn is showing Steve how they are tracking Philip on the computer, so Bo calls Hope. He tells her about Steve being there, Hope tells him about Steve having been taken from the hotel room by two goons. He asks Hope to talk to Kayla about Steve’s condition, and call him back. Steve casually mentions to Shawn that he heard the cops want some statement from Shawn, who is puzzled by that. He cannot imagine for what, and his dad has not said a word to him about something like that. Now Bo gets Gabby to get Steve away from Shawn for a bit, so she offers him a room so he can take a nap after his long day. Bo tries to warn Shawn that Steve might still be under EJ’s control, but Shawn will not heed the warnings.
Adrienne arrives at Hope’s, and very reluctantly, tells her of buying the gun for Kayla, who has gone to Tinda Lao to stop Steve, if she has to. Hope learns that Kayla thinks Steve is out to kill Bo & Shawn. Hope calls Bo, and tells him she could not get hold of Kayla, and tells him what Adrienne said. Bo replies that it is as he suspected then. Steve wants to kill us. As Shawn listens to Bo’s end of the conversation, in the background, we see Steve eavesdropping.


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Willow needs to go!!! But first end the s/l of her pregnancy with Shawns baby so we're not left wondering for years and years!
I totally agree with you about Willow.
Why doesn't Nick just tell Maggie that she broke in instead of hiding her? Maggie wouldn't believe anything that Willow said to deny it.
Thanks for the post Poirot!!!! ITA WillHo has to go and I hope she does before anyone finds out that Nick is the one who got her out of jail!!!!!
I actually like the willow character. I think she has the potential of being the next evil sami.

I think they should keep her around for a while at least untill she has the baby.

I can't wait for belle to find out tha willow is carring shawns baby.

I like the new sami with lucas but will miss her drama and evil doings
Sami will always have high drama and plots about something or other. It is her nature, and being married to Lucas is not going to change that. LOL

Willow was just abominable today, and I have no idea why Nick ONCE AGAIN put himself out for her. For a guy who wants honesty and trust....he certainly sets a poor example.
I agree with Willow going - maybe out the window from the 5th floor!! She's got to leave soon. I'm also tired of Steve being the robot for EJ. Please end this SL soon.
luv2u wrote:
I totally agree with you about Willow.
Why doesn't Nick just tell Maggie that she broke in instead of hiding her? Maggie wouldn't believe anything that Willow said to deny it.
If it was just Maggie, he would've probably have told her. Maggie isn't who he's worried about. He already has two strikes on him as far as Chelsea is concerned,and he does not want to take any chances on her finding out about this. So I guess he figured the safest way is to hide her from everyone.
I don'r claim to be an authority on brainwashing or mind control, but I can't help but think that if Steve is completely under Dimera control, he couldn't turn it on and off like he is, one minute saying he's completely cured, the next minute acting like he's still under their control. But I dont think he's faking either. I think we've reached the split-personality stage. He needs one more thing to bring him all the way back. My guess is that when Kayla gets to the island, she will put herself in a position where Steve will have to kill her. Then in Steve's mind there will be a battle between the "Good" Steve and the "Bad" Steve. And I'm pretty sure I can guess which one wins.
I thought it was a bit implausible that Steve strolls into the island bar and Bo and Shawn just look up like he's just walking into the Brady Pub and not 1/2 way around the world.