Tuesday, May 1st


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Much slower show today, but still a cannot miss show. Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way first. Nick comes to visit Willow, who proceeds to give him the biggest snow job since the great blizzard of ’93. Poor me, poor baby I am carrying. Hope said she would help me if I signed my baby over to her. No way. Sigghhh, I am accused of theft, arson, and do not even have the hairbrush for evidence. No money, cannot raise bail. Boo Hoo, yada yada. Nick claims he has no money, makes very little, cannot help her, but she pours it on about being man enough to help her. He almost leaves a couple of times, but caves, saying he will check his money. Ohhh, isn’t Willow happy he is not going to walk out on her like everyone else, her parents, Jed, Shawn. Yep, she can see that great big S-U-C-K-E-R blazoned across his forehead. He will contact her public defender, Tim Norris, and see what he can do.

Kayla is waiting in Bo’s house for Stephanie, who finally arrives. They have more or less the same conversation as before about helping Steve, loving him, him loving them, Steve being tortured, brainwashed, etc. Stephanie plays the brat, wanting to listen to music (she has a personal CD player) but Kayla takes it all away. Roman arrives with bad news, the judge is adamant, Steve cannot be moved. Kayla talks of busting him out of there, with someone going in disguise. Roman nixes the idea of her, Stephanie volunteers, but she also is known there. She gets man and walks out. Roman & Kayla talk about who would Steve trust, that is not known at the hospital. What about his brother. No, says Kayla, he could not get here in time. Ahhh, what about Adrienne, Steve’s sister? He took the rap for her once when she killed their rapist father. Kayla calls, & evidently, not only did Adrienne agree, she was either down at the end of the block, or hopped lthat supersonic jet that gets Salemites anywhere within 10 minutes, cuz, knock, knock and there she is at the door! (Judi Evans is reprising her role as Adrienne Johnson Kiriakis, Steve’s sister, and wife of Justin Kiriakis, nephew of Victor’s) Adrienne is no longer a blond, and no one comments on it. LOLOL. (long, dark auburn locks). She quickly gets filled in, and understands the risks. Roman says she will wear a wire, he will have people in place for when she is ready, and the P.D. will see to it she gets admitted as a patient.

Sami wakes up in the hospital to find Lucas at her side. She wonders about the IV in her arm, but Lucas says it is just to keep her hydrated. They banter a bit, she is hungry, he goes to the cafeteria for some snacks. Cue the arrival of the dastardly EJ, all disguised in doctor’s green, including cap & mask, (do doctors honestly walk around the hospital with the mask on?) & holding a hyperdermic. When Sami opens her eyes, he clamps his hand over her mouth, telling her not to cry out. Now comes EJ usual tormenting. Sami, talking of the fire, of his skin burning, blah, blah. Sami frantically says how sorry she is, over & over, says she could not do it (the fire) it was all Celeste’s idea, she is crazy. As Sami babbles she cares for EJ, will do anything for him, is so bored with Lucas, out comes the hypo. EJ injects it into her IV, telling her she will now know how it feels to await death…..which will be in about 2 minutes. She is begging him to think of the baby, and tries to use the call button, but he pulls the cable from the wall. (and that does not signal the desk?) He kisses her and leaves, as Sami screams for help. Lucas rushes in, along with a nurse, as Sami yammers about EJ injecting her IV, and to take it out, take it out. The nurse does so, but Sami thinks she is dying, tells Lucas how much she loves him, and to tell Will how much she loves him, & after she is gone, whatever he hears, just know she loved him so much, and just wanted to protect him. Lucas calms her down, telling her it must have been a nightmare. No, she insists. O.K. they will search. No use, says Sami, he is in doctor’s clothing. Now Lucas begins to question her, something is not right. And now Sami proclaims it probably was a dream/nightmare. Lucas knows there is something with EJ (glad the lightbulb finally went off for him) but Sami is evasive. And now the door opens, and in walks EJ with a bouquet of flowers. Lucas orders him out, but EJ says this room belongs to Samantha, and it will be her decision as to whether he should leave. Freeze frame on Sami staring up at him.


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First comment....the Salem PD are participating in breaking someone deemed a criminal out of a mental hospital...?????

Second comment....I can't do EJ torturing Sami any more....enough is enough...I'm not watching anymore EJ/Sami scenes......just reading it literally turns my stomach.....
Adrienne is going to get admitted to the mental ward wearing a wire? Don't they examine the patients/inmates? Too silly.
I wonder why Sami didn't admit to what happened with EJ when she thought she was dying?
I believe that Steve is a material witness, and the Salem PD knows that people have been paid off to keep him silent and away from his family & the police. So, if rules were bent to keep his tongue tied, then they can also bend rules. LOL

And I agree......the torture of Sami is just wayyyyyyy too over the top, and definitely too much.
I also am sick of the EJ/Sami scenes. Sami needs to fess up. You would think after so many failed weddings this girl would have learned her lesson! Especially with the same results every time she tries to hide something.
good show/ poor Sami/ she is going to have a stoke before this is over/ Also Celeste is right that EJ is not like his father, Stefano at least loved his family and I believe he would not hurt Sami either if he knew that the baby she was carrying could be his grandchild.

I liked Stefano even though he was sooooo mean.

This has nothing to do with DOOL but where do you guys get your cute pictures by your name???
google avatars, gifs, make sure the sites are free. save them to your computer, and then edit your profile - click on avatar, and browse your computer. then submit. the size can't be any larger than 100x100 pixels.
When Sami starts spouting off to EJ that she loves him, is bored with Lucas, etc... is she sincere? I would assume not, but god knows what the writers are thinking here. Sometimes it does help to watch DoOL. >_<
No, no, she is trying to have him not harm her. She is saying whatever comes to mind to try and deter him. She keeps saying she will do whatever he wants. He mentions Lucas, which is why she says he is boring. She is, as always,trying to protect Lucas from EJ. I confess Sami had me tearing up. Her fear was so real. Kudos to Alison for these scenes.
I totally agree P Allison. I really don't want to see any more torture for Sami. I know it is just a soap, but I am like a sponge, I can feel her pain and after while it is not entertainment. I don't think anyone can hold a candle to Kate or EJ as for as being Mean.

Everyone have a good Week.
I agree with you! I would like to see Sami catch a break for once. I hope Lucas really supports her. I have to say I feel the same for Belle. I wish Philip would just chill. I can't imagine not being able to sleep for fear that the man across the hall is going to disappear with my child.
You are most welcome, Claire Brady. and thank you......am happy to see you here and posting. Tis one big party here, just jump in wherever.
Alison Sweeny is terrific..she can make you feel the fear that she has when facing EJ...i think James Scott is good in the role of EJ but just a little too evil..