Twitter week Apr 12

I am not fond of the way they state Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) and Kristian Alfonso (Hope) leaving of the show. If I was living in another state with a new grandbaby to come in the early days of returning to work COVID I wouldn't want to return. And as for Kristian Alfonso's (Hope) reason, I'm not sure we got the real one. Stay away for 3-4 months and when you return we will have a story for you.

But I do like the thumbs up for those two strong women of Days.
Also think there was more to the story of Kristian Alfonso's (Hope) departure than was given to the media & fans. And yes, Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) had a very valid reason for opting not to return. Did not think too much of the article, just guess the mag is now grasping at straws for something to write about, even if it means twisting around a few things.