Twitter week Nov 18

You know, I remember that quicksand episode, the fight, Andre going down, the last we see is his hand, before the quicksand enveloped that last bit of him. Tony was saved. And yet.....Andre did not die! Guess he found a tunnel down there and made his way out. LOL

Thanks, Kat.

It is mind boggling how a newspaper can skim some headline, write up a huge story, get the BASIC facts wrong, as they mix up 2 different pieces of news, & combine them or something. And yes, am talking of New York Times article, talking about Days being "back" in a 7 episode series, each one 7-8 min long. They took the hiatus story, and made it sound like Days was rescued with the Days app. Last Blast story. Sheesh!
Here's a bigger picture of Love Made Me Looney:
