Use the Follow Feature?



Ok, color me ignorant, but someone recently "followed" me and while I'm honored, I don't really know what that does. I don't do twitter, facebook, etc. so I'm going to need to catch up on how that works here. I looked around, but couldn't find anything about it. This old fogey could use some help. Thanks!
Sorry, cannot help you. I have no idea what happens. It might mean you get alerted to the person you follow...their posts. But I don't think so, as I follow only one, and that is Wayne, and I never get anything about when he posts.
I did use to get alerts from Twitter when those I follow post, but not any more. All I ever get are general alerts about various items, and most having nothing to do with Days. (the only reason I am on Twitter at all, lol)
Go to your profile (here's yours:

You can see that you have the option to post things, kind of like Facebook or Twitter. You can see in the light brown box, off to the right-hand side, the options of "warn ignore follow". That's where someone can click "follow" to follow the posts you may make in that section. You can also follow others in the same manner.

When you post things in that section, those posts show up at the bottom of the page ( in the brown box that says "recent status updates".
Yes, they are the status updates that you can see at the bottom of the front page.
I think that was me, kt. I follow some people because I've liked many of their comments and opinions on here or that comments they have made on here have genrated good discussions. That is why I have done this with some users on here. Having said that though, I never use it. In the past I have sent the person I was wishing to follow an email asking what the ettiquette is for following and let them know that I was doing so, but by all means if someone didn't want to be "followed", they could let me know and I would "unfollow", with no offense taken. I actually never really use this feature. :)
Yeah, I was going to make a joke about that, too, leigh. LOL Someone has been watching too much Stalker Jen! Now I'm being followed, should I be looking over my shoulder?? :rotfl:

Seriously, though, I certainly don't mind here, I just honestly didn't know how it worked. I am flattered.
The mind truly can be a scary place, leigh114. I try not to stay very long in the places that my mind visits. :)