

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I'm feeling sorry for Maggie. Victor has been over attentive to Caroline lately and Maggie has not only noticed but been hurt by it. A few times in the last few weeks Maggie has had a hurt look on her face when Victor's attention was on Caroline.

Victor holding Caroline on Friday's episode was just disrespectful to Maggie and you could see the hurt on her face. It's about time Maggie tells Victor to keep his hands and his mind off of Caroline and remember who he is married to. I'm tired of seeing Maggie take a back seat to Caroline in Victor's eyes.
Definitely. Caroline is the mother of Victor's son, and he has always had a soft spot for her. Maggie herself has doted on egg baby Daniel, who she did not even raise, and then Melanie, who was grown before Maggie ever learned of her existence. Victor has never given her a hard time about them.

Maggie knows that at one time Victor & Caroline WERE in love, and the best thing she can do is to be supportive of him. She can try and get him to calm down about Theresa, but when it comes to Bo and his mother, she does need to be at Victor's side. He already appreciates the kind of person she is, so she should not turn into a jealous shrew at this point. After all, Caroline was a widow and free, but Victor chose to wed Maggie, also a widow and free.
And I didn't see any disrespect on the part of Victor, when he hugged Caroline. These were two parents who had found their long lost son. So I agree that Maggie needs to accept this, not get in the middle. Be supportive of Caroline and Victor is the best way to go. Victor will only love her more. If she gets angry, she will only lose out in the end, I think.
The thing is, Maggie has been supportive of Victor. More importantly, she's been there for Caroline with whom she's friends with. The fact that Victor and Caroline were once together and have a child is exactly why he should show his concern and care without holding onto her the way he did.

This is after Maggie finds out that he's been spending what could be millions of dollars to finance medical research. After she overhears him saying he'll move heaven and earth to find a cure. After he goes off to the hospital to see Caroline without saying something to Maggie first.

Maggie has been by his side and when they found Caroline and Victor left her side to hold Caroline. Victor has shown more attention and concern for Caroline than he has for his own wife making her look like the third wheel.
So let's see now. Caroline was getting worse and worse, but the research Victor funded, AT THE REQUEST OF HIS SON, worked. However, his son has been gone for years, abandoned his family, etc. And Steve came home, convinced Victor that perhaps something else was going on, and he was going to go on the hunt for his friend.

No one hears from Steve, Caroline gets the drug, but seems to have hallucinations. She saw her husband, then she talked later of seeing Bo, that he was in danger. Again, it was Steve who trusted her visions, no one else. Everyone was thinking that the next place for Caroline was going to be a nursing home. Even Victor.

But, despite it all, Steve brought Bo home, he is alive, Caroline was right. She was vindicated. But then everyone just left her at the Martin house, She was still upset by it all, happy her son was back, unhappy that she could not do what he asked (stop the wedding. Frankly, I was glad Victor & Maggie arrived, as Caroline desperately needed someone.
Maggie and Victor could have been there with Caroline, holding her hands, hugging each other and crying together. There was no reason Victor had to let his wife, who is Caroline's friend, stand aside while he held her. Maggie is very much emotionally invested in this and was ready to be supportive but was set aside at the moment of pain.

If it were me, I would be there to be my husband's rock and let him and my friend break down in my arms and share their grief. But there's no way in hell I'd be ok with my husband leaving my side and hugging, crying and apologizing to an ex while leaving me aside. Nope. No way in hell.
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Since Steve was going to the hospital to find Kayla, he should have taken her with him so she would not have been left alone at the mansion and returned her to Kayla's care. She would not have been left alone then.
Good word, perfect, in fact. Overdone.

I confess I am not liking the "for no reason" aspect of all this. WHY would Caroline go to the Martin house after walking out of the hospital, still in the hospital gown?

WHY would Bo go there? How did he know about it, where it was, etc. Caroline never told him where the wedding was taking place. (O.K. I suppose maybe Steve knew)

As to Caroline, if she showed up at the house, with everyone still there (she did not know they would not be there) would they not all be calling Kayla, the hospital, etc. And taking her back there?

And after Bo left his distraught mother all alone, just out of the hospital, he goes chasing over to the house to do what? Interrupt the wedding night? Boot Aiden out of the house? Hey, a phone call would have worked, wouldn't it?
lol. Now who would answer a phone call on their wedding night?? (She also mentioned a one point in the festivities she mislaid her phone) and Hope was a little busy now, trying to stay alive. lol

Oh my, the way she is a pretty bad shot with her gun, it missed him by a mile. Thought that was pretty funny watching the gunshot go off the wall, they don't do that.
Now Barb, there you go using logic again.:tsk:

Days has its own logic as well as its own time. Some things take a very long time and others, like Bo getting home from Kansas, are done by wriggling your nose!!!