Wednesday, May 23rd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

Episode #10576 Taped 5/3/07

Hope & Chelsea are lunching at the Pub. Hope is worried as she has no news from Bo, but Chelsea has some news, some good news about her and Nick. She tells Hope that Nick is going to be getting his own place, so that all will be perfect for them and their “first time”. Maggie comes in, anxious to talk to Hope, so Chelsea takes Ciara for a walk. (she is in a buggy and we do not see her). With Chelsea out of earshot, Maggie proceeds to tell Hope of finding a pair of Chelsea’s panties under Nick’s bed, surprising her no end. Maggie soon leaves, Chelsea returns, and Hope is disappointed that Chelsea did not tell her the truth, that she & Nick are already sleeping together. Now Chelsea is shocked, nope not her, and she gets her knickers in a twist that Nick is perhaps sleeping around. She leaves to confront him.
Meanwhile Nick is contemplating the note and the black lace panties, when Willow knocks at his window. She came for something she left behind, happy that Nick found them. They go back and forth, and Willow moans about having to sleep on a park bench, and having no clothes, yada, yada. She spots the newspaper ads for apts., and now goes on how Nick will have 2 roofs and she has none. She wears Nick down finally, and he caves, telling her he will rent the apartment for her, giving her a check for lst month’s rent and security deposit. Chelsea comes pounding on the door, Nick tries to get Willow to leave, but she takes her time going out the window, finally telling him to meet her at the apt. in 2 hours. Out she goes, Nick shuts the window, lets Chelsea in, who begins to rant about the panties. Nick claims they were probably Abby’s, and had fallen out of Maggie’s laundry basket, swears he loves only her and that he never has cheated on her. They kiss.

On Tinda Lao, Kayla has put put dozens of family pictures up on the wall, to remind Steve, and to show him that love is in every one of them. She shows a picture of Steve himself, one of Jack, and one of sister Adrienne (it is present day Adrienne with the auburn hair, not the blond hair of years ago). She tells him they are not leaving that room until he is better. She has a syringe, telling him it is good medicine, a relaxant. Going to help him get better. He is reluctant, but she just grabs his arm, injecting him. Later he is saying how beautiful she is, and is kissing her, and they have a few tender moments. But, it does not last long. He goes up to the wall of pictures, tearing them all down. He does not want to look at them. She pulls out a picture of EJ, showing it to Steve and asking him if he would rather look at this one. She wants to know what he thinks and feels when he see THAT picture. Finally she tells him to get some rest, as she cradles his head in her arms, and strokes his hair.

Downstairs, Gabby is on the radio, learning that the rescue team has spotted the group in the water, and will be pulling them out soon. Bo is so nervous, and wants to go out there, too. Gabby gets another message, saying they have pulled them out, but learns they have not spotted Claire. They had to send a diver down for Shawn, as he refused to get out of the water without his daughter. They hear the chopper arriving, Gabby goes to make strong coffee, and get more blankets. The trio comes in, Bo hugging Shawn, who cries that he lost his daughter. The search team has gone back out, while a paramedic wants to take vitals. Belle is just staring, in shock, while Shawn is moaning about losing Claire. Philip speaks up, saying it was him, he was the last one holding Claire. He held her so tight, he was even afraid he was hurting her. The surge came and he held on to her, telling her not to be afraid, and he loved her. They were in the water, and then a big wave washed over them, pulling him down, and ripping her from his arms. He dove down, looking for her, and could not find her. He tells Shawn again it was not his fault, that he did it. The two friends embrace. Bo talks to Belle, who talks of how she would hold Claire, whenever she was afraid, and sing to her, which calmed her. But now she is not there to sing to her, and Claire must be so scared. And the water was so cold. Claire had a jacket on, but the wind was piercing and icy. She cries. The radio goes off and Gabby answers. She tells the group that the seas have gotten worse, and the mission has been changed from search and rescue, to recovery. :cry:


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:bored: Will someone please wake me up when the Belle Shawn and Philip s/l is over? :bored:
Is this really happening? Is it possible that Philip is ready to face this situation rationally?
Awww...hasn't that poor child had enough? I wish they would not put Claire in "danger" (I use that loosely, knowing it is tv) to resolve a story. A kidnapping, maybe, but lost at sea? It makes me sad. :cry:
welcome to the board, sf..
I think Philip is up to something, don't trust him.
sf4581 wrote:
Awww...hasn't that poor child had enough? I wish they would not put Claire in "danger" (I use that loosely, knowing it is tv) to resolve a story. A kidnapping, maybe, but lost at sea? It makes me sad. :cry:

I hear ya sf4581...I posted in another thread that even though I felt silly cause it is fiction, it upsets me to think of Claire being lost at sea, alone, cold, afraid in that immense, black, deep ocean....I don't like it at all....
Even in the laws of Soaps, they can't put one child character through so much darn crap! My sister and I mused today that she will be raised by another family just like Georgia/Chelsea (sans the morbid death and burial) and return to Salem with a big chip on her sholder.
I agree with you 1daysfan1. Something is wrong with this SL and it could be Philip's desire to have Claire.
Is anyone else wondering when Maggie become such a busy body and trouble maker...??? Good grief, I see shades of Kate in her now....
I saw shades of Kate in Maggie back when she interfered in Max and Abby's relationship. As for Nick, if she found anything in his room that wasn't supposed to be there, confront Nick about it. Don't go running off to tell Hope. She has now caused problems for Nick and Chelsea which neither of them deserved.
Poirot wrote: And the water was so cold. Claire had a jacket on, but the wind was piercing and icy.
The water is cold and the wind is icy in the South Pacific??? Not to mention a catergory 4 typoon would require warm water to maintain it's strength.
Oh what's a few more inaccuracies and inconsistancies among friends?
Poor Claire, maybe she'll be rescued by a friendly dolphin. Oh...there are no indiginous dolphins in that part of the matter, it's all Salem magic, isn't it.
Fudd wrote:
Poirot wrote: And the water was so cold. Claire had a jacket on, but the wind was piercing and icy.
The water is cold and the wind is icy in the South Pacific??? Not to mention a catergory 4 typoon would require warm water to maintain it's strength.

Oh Fudd....doesn't it suck sometimes having a working brain AND having to watch Days at the same time! I thought the same thing (well, minus the warm water thing) and I also wondered what good does a damn coat do when you are soaking wet in water????
Meghann wrote:
I also wondered what good does a damn coat do when you are soaking wet in water????

LOL, I wondered why she would have a warm coat if they are on a tropical island.
OMG todays epi was so sad. I am tired of poor little Claire and all the things that happen to her. I would put money on it that Victor has her. :roll:
Gotta say that sometimes, when you listen to the dialogue, it makes you wonder if they put 2 or 3 dialogue writers in seperate room, telling each to write 1 minute of dialogue. Then throw it all together, and pay no attention to how it comes out.

Want to laugh? Lucas has repeatedly said that he reported EJ's financial machinations to the SEC. That is the Security Exchange Commision. When I turn on my closed keeps reading FCC. I have rewound the tape to make sure I was hearing right.....Well, we are....but whoever is doing the captioning is not.
As far as being in the cold water....even in the tropics the water is not necessarily warm when you are in it for awhile. Consider, your body's core temp is 98.6 degrees, so even if the water is 70 degrees it will feel cold especially if you are in it for a long time. You can also have thermoclines that can be 50 to 60 degrees. The water in the oceans also are constantly churning over, bringing cooler water up to the top. But Cold and dangerous to a little 1 year old girl adrift...yes.