Will the real William please stand up


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2013
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I am so very upset with the way the old writers have completely destroyed a beloved character. The present Will is not real. In the past he was kind and considerate and always tried to protect the ones he loved. They have used and destroyed Will just to reveal who Paul's father is. I am hoping the new writers are correcting this mess.

On another site there is a long list that seemed to contradict the things Victor said of Will not considering Sonny.

Will the real Will please come back.
Will definitely was changed when he decided to leave his husband and go to CA for 6 mos. At the time, he kept claiming he was going to help mom with the kids' transition. But he would not answer Sonny's calls, or texts, never had even 1 minute for him. His HUSBAND!! Heck, he talked to Gramma, just not Sonny. And if Sonny DID happen to be lucky enough to have Will answer the phone, Will was always too busy to talk, no time, etc.
And when Will came home, tail between his legs, he just was not the caring man he had been. Took him a while to confess that he'd been fired from the screen writer's job, and then he takes on an article , actually removing his wedding ring. I could see, o.k. maybe his first visit....but not thereafter.
Yes, Will has changed big, big time. And I agree that Sonny made mistakes and errors in judgement in re: that new club, but Sonny owned up to what he had done right away.
And right now, Will is still trying to blame others for what he did. What makes Will think that Paul leaving town will make everything between him & Sonny o.k.? He blamed the mag, the editors, Sonny, Paul. But has yet to blame himself.

I hope they do get counseling........but I doubt it.
I am so very upset with the way the old writers have completely destroyed a beloved character. The present Will is not real. In the past he was kind and considerate and always tried to protect the ones he loved. They have used and destroyed Will just to reveal who Paul's father is. I am hoping the new writers are correcting this mess...

So little of who Will has become has to do with Paul. I think the intent of the writers has been to show that Will is more like his mom than he thought or will ever admit. Pretty much every single thing Will has ever harped on Sami about he is now guilty of himself. He put himself and his career above his family. He cheated on the one person he proclaimed to love more than life. He's even trying to guilt Marlena into doing things and telling her that he'll blame her if things don't work out for him. He's clearly shown that he is very much just like his mother.
I think Will changed long ago when he was around EJ and thought EJ was such a wonderful guy (after the blackmailing and other issues were resolved). I seem to remember he once unfavorably compared Lucas (who went to prison for Will) to EJ as a role model right to Lucas' face. Haven't much liked him since and even less now. It's like his mother never left - and I thought when she did was the best day ever; now the best one would be if Will goes to find her and neither one ever comes back.
I agree with crying4days. Will isn't being ruined for the sake of revealing Paul's father or even ruined for the sake of a overly-complicated love triangle. He's being ruined in an effort to make him truly Sami Brady's son. How many have said it on this board? How many have said it on the show?!

It's to perpetuate that type of character and to use his parentage to direct the storytelling. He has always had those qualities lying just underneath the surface. The examples he saw while growing up, the insecurity, the fear of being gay and of not being accepted, the struggle with coming out, the first intense relationship as a gay man leading to marriage so young, all the drama surrounding him shooting EJ and with Nick and everyone rushing to cover or protect him.

He hasn't truly had to stand on his own and take responsibility for his own actions. I wish we saw the more caring, connected-to-his-family Will, but with most of those endearing connections gone (Johnny, Allie, Sydney, even Sami), he seems lost in the shuffle of the other Bradys and Hortons. He has shown not one iota of concern for John and what having a potential son could mean to John. Will is just more concerned with protecting himself rather than seeing how that information could affect John, someone he supposedly should care about as his step-grandparent (that is their relationship, right?)

I also disagree with a lot of that list on the link Sway shared. Allowing Nick to claim paternity of Gabi's baby to protect his relationship with Sonny was just another example of Will not taking responsibility for his actions. It was more about taking the easy way out rather than standing by or choosing Sonny or being concerned for Sonny's welfare. It was so Sonny wouldn't leave him.

Will didn't berate Sonny for losing "our" money?! There was plenty of blame thrown at Sonny for that. Showed remorse and regret and worked hard to save his marriage? I'm still waiting to see evidence of that. He's said the words, but then blames Paul. Instead of focusing on Sonny or admitting to his own insecurities and seeking counseling, he's focused on seeing Paul as the enemy. Blaming Paul every chance he gets and blackmailing Tori is NOT saving his marriage.
Maybe Will and JJ can hook up.........they are both spoiled brats who don't want to take responsibility for their actions.