Days of Our Lives - Wed. Dec 2,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2009
Episode #11,220 Taped 10/12 Director – Herb Stein

Not too much going on today….Nicole is all dressed, ready to leave her motel room with Sydney, opens the door to find the motel owner, Marge, standing there, asking “where do you think you are going Mrs. DiMera”?, as she holds up a newspaper with huge headlines saying a child was kidnapped, and pictures of Nicole and Sydney. Nicole tries to deny, but Marge is ready to call 911, so Nikki finally admits that is who she is, yammers about her abusive husband and how she finally summoned up the courage to get away. Marge wants $$$$ to keep quiet, Nicole says she only has a little bit, if she gives it to her, she would not be able to feed her baby. Then tells Marge to go ahead, and when the cops come and start looking around, it might just be bad for business, and of course Nik will have to do her civic duty and tell what she has seen around there. Marge relents, Nikki starts to take off, but gives her a parting shot about getting bit up by the bedbugs which infest the room.

Here’s a yawner, Nathan is helping a limping Stephanie to a chair (at the hospital) insisting on checking her ankle/foot. She says she is fine, he unwraps the Ace bandage, and yep, before you know it, they are talking a nonsensical conversation about whether she has an interest in him, she admits she does, doesn’t think Melanie is right for him, but wishes him luck. Yes, she is flirting, Nathan seems a bit disconcerted, but not all that uninterested.

Over at the K mansion, Vivian is digging in her purse, looking for her phone, finds it, asks Philip how to work it cuz she wants to take a picture of her handsome son. He grabs the phone away from her, no picture, and he is NOT her son. Viv is crushed, her face shows it. Philip tells her his mother is Kate Roberts, Viv talks of carrying him in her womb for 9 months, Philip reminds her she stole the embryo, & now, when she heard he was on the outs with Kate, figured she would swoop in. Viv is adamant, saying that nevertheless, from the moment he first kicked, she has considered him her son, has loved him, been proud of him, bragged when he became CEO of Titan, yada, yada. Philip tells her she is nothing to him, not his mother, stay of his life, he doesn’t need her. She insists she would never abandon him, and thinks he needs her more than he thinks.

Roman & Arianna are finishing up their talk about her nailing the drug kingpin, as EJ walks in. He is pretty quiet, Arianna leaves, EJ tells Roman about hearing from Nicole.

Sami is looking for leads on her computer, Rafe talking to friends on the phone. No leads. Sami is confident they will eventually find Sydney. Rafe suggests grabbing something to eat, she doesn’t want to, he reminds her she has to eat. She gets a call from her dad to get down to the Pub, he has a lead. Later, she rushes in to hear about the call to EJ, and her dad is working on the trace. It doesn’t seem to pan out, Sami gets a bit emotional, Rafe calms her down, reminding her he promised to get Sydney back, and has never broken a promise to her. EJ sits at a table with them, tells Sami they WILL get their daughter back, she knows they will.

Brady is putting up flyers at the Cheatin’ Heart, Melanie spots him, they chat a bit, about Nicole…..then Arianna. Melanie knows Brady still has a thing for Nicole, then learns Brady & Arianna broke up over this. In comes Arianna, Melanie leaves for her table, Arianna has just a few words with Brady, learning Nicole has not returned any of his calls. She leaves. Melanie is lunching with her friend, talking of her involvement with Dr. Nathan, which is sort of on the Q.T., and in walks Mr. G.Q. (Philip) who sits at the bar, gets a drink. Melanie goes over, wondering why a drink in middle of the day, figures it is a problem with his mother. Which one, asks Philip, who fills her in on his bio and surrogate parentage, including stolen embryo status. She symptathizes, talks of her own lousy childhood, understands, grabs his hand, and they are thisclose to a kiss as naturally, Nathan walks in and spots them.

Nicole meets the guy with the fake passports, who wants the balance of the money. She says he was paid this morning, nope, just a downpayment. She brings out the envelope, saying she could give him another hundred, but he grabs it all, despite her protests, and takes off. She has the passports, but no money for bus tickets. She wheels Sydney over to a bench, sits down, another woman admires Sydney, wants to coo coo to her. Nicole eyes the woman’s purse, tells her to go ahead, and then takes out the woman’s cell phone, discarding her own in the very convenient and clean trash can right next to her.
Later, she is thinking about the folks back home, then gets worried that Brady might have gotten into trouble for bailing her out of jail. She calls him.

Brady is walking in the park, (and someone tell the folks at Days that no one in the Midwest walks around in light jackets that are open, since it is end of Nov. beginning of December, and is COLD out) his phone rings, he answers to hear Nicole at the other end. She wanted to be sure he was O.K., he tries to talk her into coming back. She talks of “her daughter”, Brady reminds her that is not her daughter. He wants her to do the right thing, not cause pain to anyone else. They get cut off, when her phone battery dies.

Brady rushes over to the Pub, to tell Roman that he heard from Nicole, and perhaps got thru to her.
Nicole sits in the bus station, looks as tho she is holding 2 bus tickets, talks to Sydney of how happy they are going to be in Canada, and no one will find them, but wonders if that is the right thing to do.

Thanks for the write up Barb!!
Sounds a little slow moving today, but always up for seeing Rafe and Brady!!
Thanks Poirot - i love the write ups. Although I have to tell you this past weekend in Kansas was a record high. I was outdoors in a tshirt and could have worn shorts while I did yard work. Weird weather we have here in the midwest :)
Days of Our Lives

Nicole sits in the bus station, looks as tho she is holding 2 bus tickets, talks to Sydney of how happy they are going to be in Canada, and no one will find them, but wonders if that is the right thing to do.


Now she is wondering if she is doing the right thing? LOL! Is it because she is going to Canada or is she actually going through a moral quandary? Sheesh!

Thanks for the write up Barb!
I'm looking forward to Philip and Vivian. If I were Philip I'd be interested in shopping around to see if I could get a better mother than Kate, lol--isn't he still mad at her for marrying the man whose family tried to kill him twice so she could get her own butt out of the grease she created when she tried to kill Philip's first love? Frankly Vivian would look pretty good to me right now if I were Philip.

I want somebody to ask Brady two, no, three questions: (1) Are you in love with Nicole right now? (2) If you are, when did this happen? (3) Why are you in love with her?

I mean, I like Brady, Nicole's my favorite, I do think they have chemistry and would be hot together and I'm not opposed to some exploration of them but I feel like I need a lot more explanation than I've gotten. I don't want Nicole to be the interloper to Brady and Arianna and if Arianna is supposed to be the interloper to Brady and Nicole why would I care about that? I barely know Arianna. I still suspect a Brady/Nicole/EJ/Arianna quad after Arianne Zucker gets back from maternity leave at some point, which I'm ok with, but as I always say with this show, whatever direction they want to take, pick ONE and stick with it. Don't throw every fanbase a bone. Hey, I've lost more than one couple I've liked and I survived and moved on--so can other fanbases.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot!
Melanie does mention Brady being in love with Nicole, and he admits it, but says he would not "be with her". He also says something to Nicole on the phone at the end about having fallen in love with her.
I still need the "when" and "why," though, lol. Maybe eventually the writers will fill me in.
Good golly, why are all the motel owners/managers/clerks sleeze balls....??? Isn't there just a normal motel with a normal owner/manager/clerk in the area...??? Next time try a chain Motel 6 or and regular folk behind the desk....or get you one of those booklets at the quick stop and use a coupon at a decent place......(geeeez, didn't anyone in Salem watch "Psycho"...????)
Ok, can I hire a hitman to take out Stephanie? I mean can she be more annoying? I hope that Nathan will tell her to shut up. But TPTB seem to be heading towards a Nathan/Steph & Phil/Mel pairing after all..

Yep, 2 dumb women.. How am I not surprised!
thanks folr all your hard work Pirot. Can't wait for the show.
:OT: I was going to say I used to live in Kansas, and very often it was nice this time of year. Sometimes you can get away with just a light jacket. @Jeaniebean...what part of Kansas...I lived in Wichita...born there...:back:
Is always a good day on Day's when Rafe is on screen....:hot:
I have watched Days forever and seem to recall there was a thing between Brady and Nic back when she first came to Salem. Anyone else remember anything here???
I know it is not that warm around the Chicagoland area.....and THAT is where our Salem is located. Whether it be north, east, south or west of is usually pretty chilly in those areas now. Lived there enough years of my lives.
They don't have to be in scarves and woolen mittens.......just a bit more realistic about where they are supposed to be at this time of year. LOL
I know it is not that warm around the Chicagoland area.....and THAT is where our Salem is located. Whether it be north, east, south or west of is usually pretty chilly in those areas now. Lived there enough years of my lives.
They don't have to be in scarves and woolen mittens.......just a bit more realistic about where they are supposed to be at this time of year. LOL

What do expect in Salem (remember they are in a weather bubble). These are the same folks that wore leather jackets in June and July. LoL!!!!!
What do expect in Salem (remember they are in a weather bubble). These are the same folks that wore leather jackets in June and July. LoL!!!!!

In the land of 10,000 lakes we are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow- and I can definitly say my donw jacket is zipped up! Days, get a clue. :mad:
Thanks for the write ups Poirot. Been very busy and am behind on watching. Love how when people on Days have to leave to hide they mostly come to Canada. Well if I see Nicole and Sydney I will send them back. LOL. Love that Philip is not close to Vivian and is explaing what happened years ago. I did not want him pulled into her schemes.
I still need the "when" and "why," though, lol. Maybe eventually the writers will fill me in.

I don't think they even know yet, Paxton.

I have watched Days forever and seem to recall there was a thing between Brady and Nic back when she first came to Salem. Anyone else remember anything here???

When Brady and Nicole thought Chloe and Victor were dead, they had a fling. Nicole came to care about Brady so much that she showed up at his wedding to Chloe wearing a wedding dress and carrying a bouquet. Brady always let her know it was lust, not love, between them. When Brady came back to Salem after divorcing the love of his life, he suddenly had loved Nicole all along. It's rewritten history and I'm not buying it.

The only thing between them, other than friendship, after they both came back to Salem is this "great love" that Brady suddenly has for Nicole.