Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 6, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Episode #11,368 Taped 5/6 Director – Herb Stein

Kate sits with Madeline in the DiMera study, assuring her that as long as Stefano doesn’t bring anything up, she will not tell anyone what is in that document, but warns her that Stefano is not easily deceived, and can always tell when he is on to something. Madeline makes a reference to the fact she was once a whore, and Will, who is passing the open door, hears it, his jaw drops. Madeline is happy with what Kate has said, but then Kate hints she may have troubles, Maddie turns to find Stefano in the doorway. He wants to know what is going on, Madeline claims she just wanted to be sure that all was o.k. between them all, now that the tape is destroyed, etc. Stefano doesn’t quite believe her, but Kate backs that up, he gets a call and leaves. Kate tells Madeline it is best she go, too, and that it would be wise if she stays away from the DiMera house in the future.
Stefano returns, Kate fixes him a brandy, says he needs to relax a bit. He asks about Will, wants to talk to him about his internship. This puzzles Kate, but Stefano says Will wanted to get a summer job, he offered to have him work at DiMera Enterprises, perhaps on a small project or something. Kate figures Sami will not be happy with that at all, then comments on how fond Stefano seems to be getting of Will. Stefano replies that he is her grandson, she is his wife, therefore family, right?

Chad, Tad & Gabi sit on the beach eating ice cream cones, talking of how Chad is now going to Wake Forest. Seems his mother has managed to change his mind. He talks of them coming to see him next fall, they could have a lot of fun. Tad thinks a road trip would be a blast. He gets a call from his mom, leaves for a couple minutes, returns but gets a call from Kinsey, since he was to meet her at the Pub. He leaves. Chad & Gabi talk some more about him going to Wake Forest, Will returns sans the food he was supposed to be getting, says he forgot. Gabi has to leave, Chad reminds her of coming to see him in October, she leaves, Will gets ticked. Mia is gone 5 minutes, Chad is hitting on Gabi. Chad denies it, they argue just a bit, but Chad says something about Will’s mom being a few tacos short of a platter, which angers Will, who warns Chad never ever ever to talk about his mother. He has grabbed Chad’s shirt front, Chad pushes him away, Will falls, Chad makes another crack about Will’s mom, which causes Will to shout back at him, “at least she isn’t a whore like your mom was”.

Jennifer runs into Carly on the docks, informing her she is leaving tonight. She asks if Carly has talked to Daniel yet, no, and she wishes she did not know what she does. Jennifer understands that, but wants to talk to her about Bo & Hope. She lets her know that Hope & Bo have a very strong connection, but Carly claims she understands that Hope will always be a big part of Bo’s life, and she will just have to accept and live with that. She leaves, Jen is on the phone with Jack, says Mike is at the airport now, she is leaving soon and will see him tonight. She turns and along comes Vivian, who chooses now to express her condolences to Jen. She says something about them both having the loss of a loved one, starts to say, “poor Lawrence”, but an angry Jennifer interrupts, warning her there is no comparison between the two, and do not expect her to mourn the death of the man who raped her, and then treated Carly so horribly. Viv claims Jen is taking Carly’s side, that Lawrence paid for his actions towards Jen, but she says, not near enough as she turns and hurries off.

Earlier, Vivian is getting her martini from Henderson, wonders why Victor is missing cocktail hour, Henderson says Victor will not be home for dinner. Vivian covers and says oh, yes, business dinner, but is not happy camper. Over at Maggie’s a jovial Victor arrives, with a folder full of spreadsheets, grinning like a Cheshire cat, claiming he has scored some sort of coup in regard to the Mickey Horton scholarship fund, wants to take her out to dinner. Maggie declines, isn’t buying it all, thinks Victor just wants an excuse to go to dinner with her. Victor would not do that, what’s dinner between friends, he says as Maggie answers a knock at the door, and there stands Vivian, asking, yes, what is it? Victor wants her to leave, she is embarrassing herself. Maggie tells Victor he cannot do that in her house, tells him to leave, but wants Vivian to stay. After Victor is gone, Maggie asks Vivian if she is really stone stupid, thinking she can hold on to Vic by acting like a stereotypical fishwife. Vivian doesn’t like the idea of having to drag her husband out of a suburban kitchen and having a rival that makes Betty Crocker look like Lady GaGa. Maggie assures her she is not a romantic rival, and perhaps Victor doesn’t like talking to someone who tries to kill people, or to a neurotic shrew…..Vivian says maybe she is right, and leaves.

Nicole is down on the docks with Baker (gotta love this guy, I just adore him) trying to get him to help her find out what EJ has on her. Baker will not tell her anything about his partner, that is off limits. Nicole figures if they can both off EJ, then he can’t talk at Arianna’s trial, and both of them will be off the hook. No dice, Dick refuses. He talks of one more poker game, get enough money to leave town. She reminds him he always loses, but he says time for his luck to change. She offers him money to leave now, but he declines. She comments about him now having grown a backbone, and since he is no longer spineless, of no use to her….see ya around. She leaves.

Bo is trying to talk Ciara into using different color crayons for her picture, but she wants a certain one. He looks in a drawer, comes across the divorce papers. Hope arrives to pick up Ciara, hugs, then tells her she has to talk to Daddy, to go make a picture for Gramma Julie. Ciara leaves, Bo & Hope talk about the mugger case. She is not happy Arianna is out on bail, Bo thinks Ari innocent, Hope does not, and then goes into all these reasons that Ari must have bottled up inside to pick wealthy & powerful men for her victims. Bo reminds her EJ was a victim and thinks her innocent, but Hope goes on how the attacks have gotten more violent, branding and all, claiming she is just trying to get inside the perp’s head, as they are trained to do. She goes further, thinking perhaps the next victim might be Bo….or someone like him. Bo thinks she looks tired, wants her to take a couple days off……no, work keeps her focused, something to do. She spots the divorce papers, brings that up, Bo says it can wait, Hope replies they said til after Gran’s funeral, and it is now after Gran’s funeral. She tells Bo he has moved on, she wants to get on with her life, too. Carly walks in, realizes she is interrupting, apologizes, tries to leave. Not necessary, Hope is getting Ciara and is leaving herself. Bo & Carly talk, with Carly noting that Hope has been acting strangely, telling him how Hope ran into her, was all nice and sweet, and then now acts as if that conversation never existed.

Ciara runs into the K mansion, seeing Uncle Justin, who calls her Miss Nana Banana, then Rita Margarita, and finally Molly b’golly. Ciara laughs, her name is Ciara. He sends her to kitchen for cookies, notes how exhausted Hope looks, offers to look after Ciara, read her a story, get her to bed. A grateful Hope says good-night and goes up. In her P.J.s, she contemplates her sleeping pills, decides she needs a good night’s sleep, takes one.

Downstairs, Justin is admiring a picture Ciara drew, commenting he would like to frame it and hang it up. Ciara smiles, says o.k. that will be a dollar. Justin laughs, says it is worth it, he will get his wallet. He reaches into his back pocket as Ciara innocently says, you can’t, you lost your wallet. Justin asks…how do you know that? Ciara replies “Cuz Mommy has it.

And upstairs, Hope wakes up, looks around, gets out of bed, goes to her closet, sorting thru a few outfits, til she grabs one, saying, Time to get back to work.

Thanks. Wow. An actual Bo and Carly scene. I wonder if I blink, will I miss it....

A spoiler said that Bo would tell Carly he's having second thoughts. Did he?
Actually, this was the spoiler: "Carly wonders if Bo has had a change of heart;" it wasn't that Bo told her he had. It doesn't seem like a very accurate spoiler, but maybe something got cut when Carly walked in on Bo and Hope? Or maybe it's just the expression on her face when she sees them, who knows. I'm curious now though.

Thanks for the writeup!
It is an awkward moment for Carly, as she walks in saying "I'm home", and then sees Hope, did not know she was there. (Hope must have walked over, no car??) But when Bo is talking to her, she flashes back to Jennifer telling her how Hope & Bo have this huge connection, and it is not just Ciara....and how she admitted she knows that Hope will always be a big part of Bo's life, and she will have to deal with it. That is the only way I can connect that spoiler line to this scene.
Thank you, Barb.

I actually get to see cute little Tad today. :) He's still my favorite teen.

Was that supposed to be Jennifer "confronting" Carly? If it was, what a let down.

Justin, please have possession of part of the Salem brain, and listen to what Ciara is telling you. This storyline is repetitive and boring. I need you to move it along to the next chapter.
Ut Oh Hope!

I knew little Ciara would open her mouth sooner or later! Justin now knows or should anyway that Hope is the mugger. He loves Hope though so will he rat her out that's the question.
Chad, Tad & Gabi sit on the beach eating ice cream cones ...

"Chad, Tad, and Gabi" sounds like a nursery rhyme. Are you sure they weren't sitting on a tuffet eating their curds and whey?

I love how hard TPTB worked at having all these interactions with returning vets. Jen got to exact her pound of flesh against Lawrence during the conversation with Vivian. I wish Jen weren't leaving.

Thanks for a stupendous and thorough summary, Barb!
O.K. I am going to tell you ...I was facinated watching the kids eating those ice cream cones. One had chocolate. I mean they all did a good job, even tho none melted down the sides (waffle cones) as usually happens when you sit in the sun. See, I learned once, that because the hot lights melt real ice cream....they use mashed potatoes. LOL. So....I just enjoyed watching them.....LOLOL, twas funny.

Here is a funny Baker line.....(sorry, but he cracks me up). Nicole is out to do away with EJ, convinced he is going to expose her, and Baker too. Baker tells her....Let's take a wait and see attitude. You wait......and I'll see you later. LOL

John Callahan has had all these very serious roles on soaps.......and he just has this comic delivery business down pat.
Don't apologize, Poirot. I have loved Dr. Baker from Day 1. He's a great character and a terrific, multi-faceted actor.

Did Will stay too long at the tanning salon? He looked a little orange in Monday's show. Will's facial expression when he heard Maddie call herself a whore was priceless. I love this Will. He's a believable character with some nice range.
"Chad, Tad, and Gabi" sounds like a nursery rhyme. Are you sure they weren't sitting on a tuffet eating their curds and whey?

This was funny. When I first read it, what registered in my mind was, "Chad, Gad, and Tabby."

Thanks for the writeup. Entertaining, as always. Chocolate mashed potatoes? Gotta give those teens credit for getting through that!
I love Dr. Baker too. Very entertaining.

So, have all the returning vets [who came back for Alice's memorial] now left? I'm still wondering what Corday meant when he said some would be staying. ???????
<Did Will stay too long at the tanning salon? He looked a little orange in Monday's show. Will's facial expression when he heard Maddie call herself a whore was priceless. I love this Will. He's a believable character with some nice range. >

I thought the same thing about Will...maybe he's auditioning for the Jersey Shore, :rotfl:
<Did Will stay too long at the tanning salon? He looked a little orange in Monday's show. >

I thought the same thing about Will...maybe he's auditioning for the Jersey Shore, :rotfl:

Nah, he'd have to be Italian for that :D

I too love Dick Baker... he does have the best lines!!
I liked how Jen told Carly that Bo and Hope will always be connected because of Ciara.

What about Shawn-D and Clair? Out of sight, out of mind I guess.
Well the secrets are starting to come out. I just knew Ciara would be the one to let the wallet secret out first, Justin's deer in the head light look was priceless.

Then a big hint from Stephano when talking to Kate about Madeline and how there were fringe benefits when Maddie was a prostitute, maybe this will lead us to what's in the envelope.

What I didn't like was when Stephano first came into the room and made the comment to Kate & Maddie about them being working girls. I thought he had more respect for Kate!

And, Will and Chad's fight, I loved the fact Will stuck up for his mom, but the writers could have been a little more tactful in how Will told Chad his mom was a ho. Just wait until he finds out so was his grandmother. And last , Will going to work at DiMera Industries as an Intern. Then Stephano thinks of Will as a grandson and the look on Kate's face when he mentioned this. The whole Brady family & Luke will go balistic when they hear this.
and truthfully why would Stefano care about a Brady?....seriously....I do not get this? it for Kate's sake? He sure doesn't extend an olive branch to Philip? Methinks he wants to truly corrupt the boy and then throw him back at his family.
Luke? Who's Luke? Or, do you mean Lucas?

Yes, Will working for Stefano sounds nefarious at best.