Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 16, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 16, 2010
Episode #11,376 Taped 5/12 Director – Albert Alarr

Definitely going to be a long, hot summer in Salem. Brady is asking Nicole to tell him what she has on EJ. She hems and haws, dances around the subject. She wants him to promise not to get mad at her, that there is some bad she has to tell, but something really good came, yada, yada, yada. Brady cannot promise until he knows what she has done, she skirts the issue, talking about being in love with him, knowing he loved her at one time, blowing it, realizing what a fool she was, and now he is with Arianna. No, he isn’t they are over. More yada, she kisses him, he responds, then pushes her away, reminding her he just broke up with Arianna. The upshot is she leaves without saying a word about her “news”….running into Marco outside, who tells her Mr. DiMera wants to see her. She is not surprised to find him lurking, tells him to take her to the big, bad wolf.

EJ is storming angrily around the room, having a fit because Marco cannot locate Nicole. In walks a rather timid Arianna, sorry she is late for their meeting, which EJ seems to have forgotten. Oh, yes, they have to discuss her case. She can see he is distracted, asks what it is that Nicole has on him, he admits it is about him, but just a bunch of lies Nicole made up to get revenge on him for getting Arianna out of jail. She figures she should leave, they can discuss her case and trial another time, and now he drops the big bomb…he may have to go out of the country on business, it is important, and if so, don’t worry, he will get her a terrific lawyer in his place. Arianna is a bit taken aback, but mentions that her brother is working 24/7 to prove her innocence.

Carly is stopped by night Hope, who is super friendly, telling her how much she admires her, etc. Carly asks if she is going to rake her over the coals as she did earlier, Hope apologizes for that, telling her that wasn’t really “me”. She claims that being around Bo gets her upset, so pay no mind, going on and on about how Carly is a hero to her, she stood up to her abusive husband, took matters into her own hands. Carly is quite taken aback at Hope’s attitude, needless to say. Hope wants to talk more, but is running late, and takes off.

Kate is talking with someone about her business, promising to be there right away, but gets another call which shocks her, and she takes off. Later she is at the hospital, rushing out of the elevator to find Lexie at the nurses station, asking her what happened. Lexie doesn’t know, only that the hospital called, Stefano was there, refusing treatment from anyone but Lexie. Both women rush into Stefano’s room, getting a bit alarmed as he lies with clasped hands, appearing dead. Nope, has a pulse. He opens his eyes, had taken a nap, claims he ran out of insulin while on his business trip, figured he could miss a couple days, but did come straight to the hospital, to have his favorite doctor take care of him. Lexie leaves the room, telling Kate not to let him move. He borrows Kate’s cell, notes that she called Madeline, demands to know why. She relates the story of Chad questioning her, and giving Madeline a heads up. Stefano is not happy, the tape is burned, and he doesn’t want Madeline causing them any more trouble.

And down on the pier, Chad is confronting his mother (very good scenes), telling her that whatever the word, whore, hooker, prostitute…she sold herself for money. He hopes it was big bucks, because he wouldn’t like to think his mother came cheap. She is pleading with him, he is insistent, she finally admits it is true. He wants to know the why, she claims it was just a short period of time, that she was deeply in debt, and when she was able to break even, that was the end. Chad is furious, Madeline tells him this is why she did not want him hanging with Will, and his grandmother, the DiMeras. Chad tells her that he & Will may not have always gotten along, but Will is an honest person. Madeline is going on about the DiMera household, and him associating with them, she knew all these secrets would come out….Chad retorts “you mean there is more than one?”. No, no just this. Chad talks about his dad, Madeline says he must never know, promise her he won’t say anything. Chad is totally disgusted, frustrated, tells her to leave him alone, and starts up the stairs. She goes after him, pleading with him, grabs his arm. He shakes it off, telling to leave him alone, don’t come near him again, but Madeline loses her footing and tumbles down the stairs. She lays at the bottom, unconscious, blood spreading from under her head. Chad calls her…..MOM???

Adrienne has come to see Bo, telling him how oddly Hope has been behaving. She & Justin were kissing, but then Hope acted as if nothing ever happened. Bo agrees Hope has not been herself, wonders what is going on. He admits to Adrienne that he gave up on his marriage too quickly, that he should of done more. Hope left, took their daughter, and along came Carly…..He did not deal well with it all. Later, Carly comes home, luckily on another break, tells Bo of her encounter with Hope in the park. How friendly and admiring Hope was of her, commenting on how she did not let a man control her, and seemingly even warning her not to let that happen with Bo. He is definitely puzzled, wants to know what the heck is going on with Hope.

Brady is at the beach, having a fantasy of Nicole arriving in her bikini, talking of how hot it is, rubbing his chest, asking if they should go for a swim to cool off, or perhaps just make it hotter. He jerks to the present, as a dripping wet Arianna appears. Small talk, he is there cuz Vivian is using the pool at the kmansion; Have a good life, be happy, tis all I ever wanted for you. She leaves.

Nicole walks into DiMansion, asking what EJ wants. He asks if she told Brady what she has on EJ. Nope, she hasn’t. She decided she is gonna do something else. Nicole is casual and sarcastic, talking of how Sami acted so self righteous when Nicole came to tell her. No, she figures that Sami deserves the misery EJ will be causing her, that what they have going is gross, she is going to punish them both…he is making Sami look like a fool, Nicole loves every minute of it, so no, she won’t tell Sami……and as far as EJ goes, she has something else in mind. She will be in touch….and out she goes.

Hope arrives at Baker’s, checks the bag of stuff he bought from her list, getting angry something is missing. He claims he didn’t think it was needed, Hope is getting nasty, she has a plan, and everything is needed. He did not want her to be hurt, …she will be fine. He thinks they should blow this town together, she smiles, cannot do that. She claims that after her plan is executed, she is going to disappear. He asks how, she just smiles. Now he wonders again about her plan. Easy. She smiles…I am going to murder my husband.

Thanks Barb for the writeup! Looks as if the show is moving now...whoo hoo!
So Sami has to pay for being stupid. Great, now it will be drawn out even more. Man Brady, for a person who just broke up with the woman you supposedly loved you sure move on fast. Poor Chad, he has a right to be angry, but now he is going to have to deal with guilt about Madaline's accident.
Thank you, Barb.

AAARRGGHHH Now Nicole isn't going to tell for a while? Please, please end this.

Looks like people are sharing little teeny tiny slivers of the Salem brain.

So under -the-influence Hope says she'll disappear after killing Bo. I wonder if that plan includes Ciara.

Don't shoot me - I hope that Brady & Nicole get back together.
Boy sounds like a great show today. Looking forward to seeing it. I always loved scenes with EJ and Nicole. I just wish she would tell. Glad things are starting to move along.
@redsquirrel....I took it different. That Hope will no longer take the pills, so nighttime Hope WOULD disappear.
I also agree about the Brady & Nicole pairing but it will probably never happen as he will probably find out about her setting Arianna up.. Stupid Nikki!!
Thanks for the write up!

I love Brady and Nicole together.

And, Sami-I really can't say that I blame Nicole. Seriously, Sami was ranting like a lunatic at Nicole. Not once, but twice. Nicole is right, Sami needs to deal with her stupid decisions.
Just loved the show today. I am so hoping that when all this is over that Brady and Arianna will get back together. Loved the scenes with EJ and Nicole. Can't wait to see what she has planned for EJ. So sweet that she is just letting Sami get further and further into EJ's trap for acting the way she did yesterday.

I got the same feeling about Hope leaving. Nightime Hope will stop taking the pills and there fore will disappear Daytime Hope is staying. Boy she has played the part so well she is scary.
Thank you, Barb.

I hope that Brady & Nicole get back together.

Maybe it's because I'm male, but I can't understand why anyone would hope that Brady & Nicole get back together

I've liked Brady and Nicole together since he saw her through her miscarriage.

See my comment above.

I also agree about the Brady & Nicole pairing but it will probably never happen

I hope ypu're right!

Thanks for the write up!

I love Brady and Nicole together.

Not me!!!!!!!

Just loved the show today. I am so hoping that when all this is over that Brady and Arianna will get back together.

Good! Someone agrees with me!
I guess I just see Arianna differently. At least Nicole admits that she has character flaws. To me, Arianna comes off as if she's thinking she's "holier than thou" where Brady is concerned.

Besides I just don't see any chemistry between Arianna and Brady. Didn't see it on the other show, and don't see it here. I know I'll get slammed for that, but I don't see it.
I will not put it past the writers!!

I will not put it past the writers to forget the recent events and have folks paired up as they would never be... Oh who am I kidding this is just a soap and nowhere near mirrors real life. My attorney had to go out of town during my lawsuit and I did not jump down her throat. What is Arianna worried about she is out of jail.. If she really wanted to prove her innocence she would be going at it herself. The old adage if you want something done right you have to do it yourself should be added here. Really if I am going around saying I am so innocent I would be working myself to clear my name not just telling everyone that I am. Okay I am done.
Thanks for the preview, Barb. A few comments. I don't necessarily care one way or the other whether Brady and Arianna are together but I don't want him and Nicole together. Not wishing to be contrary toward Cbutton, but I have a very different reason for not wanting them together. I'd rather see Nicole with someone more interesting. Brady is a real nice guy and he's nice looking and likeable, but he just is dull to me. I honestly can't imagine him being interesting or exciting with anybody.

Barb and DJM, what great insight about nighttime Hope meaning she would quit taking the pills and disappear! I would never have thought of that.

I thought Kate's clothes were so pretty today, and I really liked Hope's pajamas.
Okay Carly you notice that Hope is acting a little weird and you are not working right now. Why don't you try following her to see where she is going and what she is up to? After all you are all up in the business of what is going on with Chloe and Daniel. Why not get all up in Hope's business also and maybe Hope and Baker will try knocking you out and put you in the hospital for awhile so that you will leave everyone alone in Salem. Dejavu