Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Sept. 9, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Episode #11414 Taped 7/15 Director – Noel Maxam

Salemites play the waiting game at Salem hospital, and so do the viewers, as not much movement in story today. Vivian sits with Carly & Chloe at Java, as they insist she take a hike. Viv, tho, is sure there is some hidden reason these two have become so close, is bound and determined to find out what it is, figuring it may just be a man. She finally decides to depart, but first takes a parting shot at Chloe, asking if she has told Carly yet what she did. Vivian departs, Carly asks what Vivian was talking about, and Chloe stumbles and bumbles all over the place, intending to explain, but taking forever to do so. They leave, going down to the docks, where they are alone, and Chloe continues to apologize, repeating a couple times how upset and insecure she felt when Vivian made her think Carly & Daniel were having an affair, and after a time, finally manages to tell about Vivian giving her the number of a man to call, who could cause a problem with the elevator at the hospital.

Vivian arrives home, to find Philip waiting, thinks he is there to see Victor, but no, Philip wants to see her. Vivian is touched, her son wants to see his mother. Phil gets right in her face, angrily telling her she is not his mother, ignoring her protests about carrying him for 9 mos. He warns her to stay away from his wife, no dropping in, no intentional bumping into her, etc. Viv realizes Melanie told him about her wanting to help with the shower, and with Philip so angry, agrees to back off from that. Now she tells him about concentrating on her plans for the tribute to his sister, to have her remains moved to this beautiful sarcophagus. Philip about has a fit, Victor arrives, what is all the noise. Philip tells of wanting Vivian to stay away from Melanie, Vivian leaves, Phil wants to know why she is still here. Everything is all over long ago, why hasn’t Victor sent her back where she came from. Vivian sits up in her room contemplating how Maggie is going to be missing with no one knowing.
Later, she is at the mauseuleum, the lid of the sarcophagus is open, all that white satin (and no pink satin pillow, lol). Gus can’t believe she is trying to kill Maggie, but Viv insists that is not true, she only intends to toy with her.
And back at the K mansion, Victor stands, sternly saying that when he gives an order he expects to be obeyed, he sits down facing little Ciara, saying…and I order you to have nothing but fun today, o.k. Ciara nods her head, he says o.k. let’s go. She hurries out, and it is almost as if Victor “skips” after her. LOL Cute scene.

Melanie sits with Maggie in the kitchen, talking a bit of the shower, but more about Maggie leaving on the trip and missing her. Later, she is at her dad’s place, babbling to him about the shower, and he is invited. He is happy she is getting along so well with Chloe, Carly, too. Maggie stops by with a gift for the baby, Melanie gets a call from the caterer, goes into another room, Daniel & Maggie talk about her trip. She explains how she and Mickey had planned to go, and she thought perhaps now, it would be comforting for her to go. Daniel advises that instead, it just might be upsetting. Maggie realizes that having lost his wife, he knows the grieving process, wonders if perhaps he is not right.

And then we have Stephanie, still pestering Ian to find out if Philip is the one who changed the results. Ooops, St. Mary’s put up another firewall, but Ian manages to get past it, and somehow is able to discern that no computer from Titan accessed St. Mary’s system. So, now Stephanie has another fit, cuz who could it be, maybe Chloe herself, but she is not that computer savvy, maybe had a friend. Decides no, cuz Chloe is a blabbermouth, and would not be able to keep a secret. She is really bugged as to who else could have changed it……and in walks Nathan, finding Ian once again visiting with Stephanie. Ian leaves, Stephanie claims she is just having a hard time with the new software at the hospital, and Ian is helping.

Today, the Emmy goes to Joe Mascola (Stefano) who is outstanding as Stefano alternates between his anger, worry, grief, sadness, love for his son. Stefano still thinks Sami is the one who did this, Rafe sticks up for her, reminding him she was with him last night. Yeah, he knows, sleeping. He reminds Sami whoever did this will die……in pain and alone. Stefano makes that threat a few times throughout the show. Daniel & Lexie are in EJ’s room, checking the machines, etc. Stefano comes in, wants to know how Elvis is doing. They cannot tell him, he is holding, but brain function is not so good. They leave him, and Stefano sits by EJ’s side, talking to him. Fathers are not supposed to have favorites, but I did, and that was you. Oh, yeah, we argued and fought, but that always got put aside. This should be me laying there, not you. He wants his son to fight, promising that he will find whoever did this to him, and they will pay. He kisses EJ’s forehead, then wearily sits on a chair across from the foot of the bed.
Outside, Sami goes thru the gamut of emotions. She doesn’t want to be responsible, she can’t do this, how would anyone know when. She finally goes to Daniel, has a horrible question, but doesn’t like being in this position, and beats around the bush a bit, before finally saying she wants a doctor’s opinion, how does one know when to pull the plug, which she thinks is a horrible expression. Daniel tells her one never knows, that when Chloe was in a coma, Lucas was told there was no hope for her, and to pull the plug, and yet she survived, came out of it and was fine. He says something about when there would no longer be any brain function..that could be the time. He leaves, Sami doesn’t like this one bit. Rafe suggests she go in to see Elvis for a while, maybe it would help her. She starts to go in, Stefano has just come out, tries to stop her. Lexie reminds him that Sami is EJ’s medical care guardian, and as such, can go in.

Stefano comments that Sami is a pain, and now repeats his threats about whoever did this will pay to Rafe. But Rafe tells him perhaps the wrong man was shot, and it is too bad that whoever did this didn’t wipe out the entire DiMera clan while they were at it.
Sami stands inside the room, near the door, looking at EJ, telling him he is Johnny’s father, he is Sydney’s father, how could he do what he did. Suddenly, EJ’s eyes flutter a bit, and then open. Sami begins yelling for Lexie, who rushes in, but EJ’s eyes are closed again. Sami goes out, telling everyone how his eyes opened. Stefano accuses her of wanting to have her kids all to herself. Finally, Lexie comes out of EJ’s room. Stefano anxiously asks if EJ will be all right. Yep, we get the silent, very solemn stare.

Thanks for the write up Barb!
Someone needs to smack the fire out of Stephanie. I mean all she wanted was to make sure that Philip wasnt the father of Chloes baby. Well if thats what the test results say, seitched or not...then let it go!! All this digging into this issue is going to bring it to Everyones attention!!

I cant wait to see Stefano. I bet he knocks it out of the park.

And I am still not thrilled with the Sami shot EJ story!!
Stefano is back. He has been too calm for so long. Sami holding the cards to EJ's future is a great sideline to the story. Why do they insist on writing Stephanie this way? She as once a smart, and secure woman. Now she is just desperate.

I love the scene with Victor and Ciara. Just like a grandfather should be.

Thanks for the write-up. I can't wait to watch Days everyday now.
Sami, the answer you are looking for is Right NOW! Go for it - pull that plug!!

Thanks for the summary Poirot!
Thank you, Barb.

Oh boy, the Victor scene with Ciara sounds adorable. I can't wait to see it.

Isn't it a little early to be giving Chloe a baby shower? We usually have them around the 7 1/2 or 8th month.

I'm sorry, but I can't stand the Stephanie / Ian scenes. They're just ridiculous. I hated Stephanie before, but now she's a babbling idiot on top of everything else. Ian acts like a love sick puppy dog. :sick: The thought of Titan giving their server info to Stephanie yesterday was just plain ludicrous, too. NO company would ever do that.
Thanks for the write up. I agree, the scene with Victor and Ciara sounds wonderful and just what she needs.

I love how Joe/Stefano is given material to make him shine.

Quote:But Rafe tells him perhaps the wrong man was shot, and it is too bad that whoever did this didn’t wipe out the entire DiMera clan while they were at it.

And, even though we agree with Rafe, he still should have had more tact than to egg on a grieving father like that. That's just low.
So true

Thanks for the write up. I agree, the scene with Victor and Ciara sounds wonderful and just what she needs.

I love how Joe/Stefano is given material to make him shine.

Quote:But Rafe tells him perhaps the wrong man was shot, and it is too bad that whoever did this didn’t wipe out the entire DiMera clan while they were at it.

And, even though we agree with Rafe, he still should have had more tact than to egg on a grieving father like that. That's just low.

You are right about the Rafe comment it was tactless and cruel. Sometimes you just have to keep it to yourself. I mean Stephano can have Rafe expunged without a second thought or remorse. I might think before I spoke to a grieving father no matter what one might think of his son or their family.
I personally think the show would be so dull without the Dimera and the Kiriakis families. I love how the show has FINALLY focused on the two most interesting clans in town. I used to always wonder why Days was so insistent on the Horton/Brady thing...too dull. Rafe's comment...just plain wrong...he is the one that needs to be wiped out...or at least be the recipient of a personality transplant. One of the most boring characters on the show.

So as a HUGE fan of Team Kiriakis - i cannot wait to see the Vivian/Philip scenes. Nothing is sexier than Philip losing his temper.

Thanks for the write-up

Oh and with Stephanie, I hope they let Nathan ultimately see how he had a hand in her crazy behavior with his jerking her around early in their relationship. I figure a young woman that was raped, watched her boyfriend get shot up, later kidnapped, and dated Jeremy Horton (yuck) needs some serious therapy. And she never had I can see her becoming like this pretty easily actually.
That grieving father is constantly threatening everyone in sight, especially Sami, who is obviously upset, too. No matter what WE know, Stefano knows nothing, except that he helped cover up Sydney's kidnapping when he found out, and now EJ has been shot. Stefano is in Sami's face, Rafe's face, Daniel's face, so I don't think it too untoward that he got a taste of what he is dishing out. Lexie even had to threaten to call security on him.
And that said.....Joe Mascola really shines in this episode, as I mentioned.
Many people threaten when they are grieving. His son was shot in cold blood. What parent wouldn't be thinking of revenge or retribution?

I'd expect Stefano to be lashing out. Its his nature. But, Rafe is supposed to be both a hero and a lawman, and he's expected to be a little more tactful.
Not when his own loved one is being attacked.......even if it is verbally.
When I read Rafe's words to Stefano, I reacted as Trey did....I thought, that's not Rafe, he wouldn't act that way, he wouldn't say those things in that situation....but maybe I'll see it different when I actually watch the scene....

Oh, and by the way kpatch....what did you think of Stephanie's wardrobe today...?? I thought it was cute and she looked really nice in it.... :D She certainly has become a full time resident in LaLa Land hasn't she....what a whack job....!!
Oh and with Stephanie, I hope they let Nathan ultimately see how he had a hand in her crazy behavior with his jerking her around early in their relationship. I figure a young woman that was raped, watched her boyfriend get shot up, later kidnapped, and dated Jeremy Horton (yuck) needs some serious therapy. And she never had I can see her becoming like this pretty easily actually.

Good points. Though it would have been nice if Stephanie had slowly changed into a needy person, but it was kind of an overnight thing. As if she was fine one day and a neurotic mess the next. But I do understand that sometimes someone who has been through multiple traumas can seem to be holding up just fine, while they are slowly falling apart. One day, a seemingly minor event can be the last straw and they become a mess.

Not when his own loved one is being attacked.......even if it is verbally.

Exactly. Rafe was acting as Sami's lover, protecting her from Stefano. It was still a tactless thing to say, but understandable under the circumstances.
Thanks for the writeup, Barb!!!

I have two things to say...and if you have time, Barb, although by the time I get back on a computer I'll probably not be able to find the answers...HAHAHA

First, wanted to let you know I am currently at the local library on their computer as I believe mine was fried by a recent lightning strike! Don't know when I'll get the computer-repair/buy-new-computer dilemma resolved. :(

Second, I've missed episodes and not sure where to look, we know who shot EJ??? I think I saw one thing where it said Sami was pointing a gun at him...but did she do it?

Hugs To You All,
Sami fired the gun, EJ got a wound in his head. I am betting on a twist.

Want to laugh? My monitor very suddenly went completely black today, no idea why. I could not even shut it down, so I pulled the plug, put it back in and amazingly, everything came back, no idea why, am still going HUH? Sorry about your computer getting fried. I have used my library in desperation, too.

Want to get a laptop.....but know nothing about them.
Sami fired the gun, EJ got a wound in his head. I am betting on a twist.

I think someone else shot EJ (Will, perhaps?) and Sami's shot just grazed him, causing the sudden eruption of blood we saw. And eventually Rafe will find Sami's bullet lodged in a door frame or dresser.
Want to laugh? My monitor very suddenly went completely black today, no idea why. I could not even shut it down, so I pulled the plug, put it back in and amazingly, everything came back, no idea why, am still going HUH?

I got one even weirder than that. Several years ago, somewhere between 2000 and 2004, my office computer suddenly shut down. I checked the circuit breaker, the surge protector, everything, but the computer just remained shut down. I had a co-worker put in a help desk ticket and spent half the day reading and answering stray phone calls. Finally the IT guy called and while I was explaining what had happened and what all I had checked, my computer powered back up like nothing had ever happened. I joked that my computer just missed the IT guy and wanted to hear his voice. I used to refer to that IT guy as The Magic Computer Guy.

Several years later, a co-worker was having problems with a computer and one of the IT guys was in the building. So she called him over and said, "just put your hand on my monitor." She then told him what she was having problems with and showed him what she had done and the program worked perfectly. She told him that all she needed was for him to "lay hands" on the computer.