Days of Our Lives - Tues. Nov. 13, 2012


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Replay of Hope entering Nicole's hospital room, figuring she was to be arrested, but instead, Hope reluctantly informs her that Jen told the DA she was not interested in pressing charges. Hope lets Nicole know she is disappointed in her lack of grateful reaction, that she is now free. Nicole acknowledges she is happy, that she thought Jen hated her. Hope makes some crack about Nicole getting this news, but not the message, which brings Nicole to tears as she talking of losing her baby, losing Daniel, losing everything she ever wanted...again. Hope apologizes.
Later, Daniel comes in, Nicole is dressed, zipping up her purse and little bag. She is going home, he asks where that is. She doesn't know, somewhere. Maybe she'll get hold of Taylor and go there. Perhaps word of big bad Nicole has not reached there, but she doubts it. She asks if Daniel hates her, he says no. She notes he is wearing his necklace, and remembers how she told him the day before they were to leave, and he had to wind things up at the hospital, to look for it. Flashback. She realizes he found it there, & he notes that he found baby clothes. Nicole continues, you knew I had been there when I told you I hadn't. She is crying, she put him in the middle of all this, is sorry, and she did this all to herself. She says she has to go, leaves the room, hesitates on which direction to go, but then takes off.
She is walking in the square, spots the staircase, turns and hurries the other way, bumps into a couple who make some crack at her. She yells after them, then to those around her to stop staring at her, she is not a freak. She sits down on a bench, and putting her head in her hands, begins to sob. She cries and cries, finally stopping, taking out her compact mirron, wiping her eyes and face. A man jogs past, stops to wipe his face. She stares, and to herself says, I don't believe it. Eric????

Replay of Jen & Daniel talking outside the Horton house, with her telling him she told the DA she doesn't want to press charges, is not looking for revenge. These two do a lot of staring at each other, and long pauses, plus a flashback of her yelling at him about Nicole, and him yelling he loves her. And then...So, it is over, yes it is. Daniel leaves.

Lucas arrives at Sami's office with Allie's workbook. They chat a bit, he notices Will's jacket, Sami explains he is coming by to pick it up. Lucas has to go, she urges him to stay and say hi to their son. Nope, he is out the door, she calls him back. What is going on. Lucas finally admits that it is Sonny, he thinks Will is going to be hurt, Sonny is too experienced, yada, yada. Will comes in, sees his dad, grabs his jacket, but Sami won't let him leave. Lucas is still insisting Sonny will hurt Will, it is a mistake. Will says then it is my mistake, and leaves. Sami & Lucas argue, with Sami calling Lucas a bigot, which he vehemantly denies. He chides her for not standing together with him on this, and that he would be telling Will the same if it was a girl. Sami says if this all gets screwed up, it will be Lucas's fault. Yes she knows Lucas well, and wants him to go back to being the good guy she knows he is. And stop trying to interfere in their son's life.

At the Pub, replay of Gabi fainting, Nick catching her, telling Eddie to get some water. Gabi is only out for a few seconds, insists she was only lightheaded because she skipped breakfast. Nick insists on taking her to the hospital to get checked out. She protests, he insists and off they go. Sami breezes in to see Nick, learns of them going to the hospital, calls Rafe leaving a message, and dashes out. At the hospital a concerned Nick is hovering over Gabi in the exam room, she is complaining about them taking blood. Cameron comes in, says he has to do an exam and sends Nick out in the hall to wait. Gabi is sure there is nothing wrong, figures this is all a waste of time, she is fine.

Hope is back at Jen's, talking of telling Nicole the news, and how Nicole took it. She thinks they should call Dan, but Jen explains having seen Daniel, informing him of her decision. Hope is still negative about Nicole, but Jennifer begins talking of how she lost this miracle baby who meant everything to her, was her world, even before it was to be born. And then she lost Daniel, and how much she has to be hurting. As they talk, Jen realizes she has to go take care of something and leaves.
She shows up at the hospital to see Daniel, not liking the way they left things, is not willing to end things between them. Before all this they were friends, she wants them to be friends again, putting her hand out. Daniel puts out his and they shake hands.

Will comes into Common Grounds, sits down with a nervous Sonny, and they talk. Will is sorry for everything, he let his father get to him, missed Sonny, etc. etc. Sonny missed him, too, admits he arranged to send the boxes to his apartment, wanting them to just hang together, and see how they felt. Will laughs, saying his father was right about that. Sonny also notes that while he and Brian are just friends, that he has not been a monk since he came to town, but no one created a spark until he met Will, who now moves over to sit next to him, with his arm around Sonny, telling him that one doesn't get "lured" somewhere unless they want to, kisses Sonny, and tells him he doesn't want to stay there another minute. They leave, holding hands, are in Sonny's apartment, and kissing....a lot.

These latter scenes get interspersed with Sami arriving at the hospital, learning from Nick where Gabi is, and how the doc told him to wait out here. Well, doc didn't tell her, so she breezes into the exam room, all concern. Doc Cameron is going to check her blood test results, and will be back. Gabi & Sami talk a bit, with Gabi gushing about Nick, what a nice guy, etc. etc. Sami is smiling, not to worry about Gabi's past with Will, Sami is just happy they both are so happy right now. Cameron returns, wants to speak to Gabi alone, but she insists Sami can stay, asking what is up. Cameron, of course, hesitates a bit, before the pronouncement. Gabi, you're pregnant.
Hasn't she been pregnant for awhile though? I would think they would have had her not fitting in her pants anymore instead of fainting. :wink:
I know WE can't keep track of the days with this show but do the women of this show have the same problem that she wouldn't have noticed being late???? or do all women in Salem have irregular cycles? That has to be it.... along with the water that makes any single unprotected encounter result in a positive test....
I know it is horrible that Nicole lost her baby (and her man), but just as I figured, she is never down and out for very long. Along comes another man she thinks is the answer to all her problems.

Oops, I guess Sami didn't think about keeping Gabi and Nick's relationship a secret when she left Rafe a message that Gabi was being taken to the hospital (by her new boyfriend Nick). Poor Nick, hope Rafe doesn't punch him when he gets the news Gabi is pregnant.

So how long has Eric been gone from Salem? And instead of contacting any family about his return, he goes for a jog? I guess he wanted to check out the new Town Square first.
LOL, dark horse. Too true about Eric, who doesn't even let his mom know??? He can go out jogging but not call his TWIN???

To be fair, Sami only left the message to Rafe to call her right back, it was important. She did not tell him any specifics....even why she wanted the call back.
Will & Gabi - first had sex on August 9/10 2011
Will & Gabi - second time to have sex August 23, 2012
Nick & Gabi - first time November 2, 2012

Maybe for once we can use the dates to tell the story since Gabi's sexual encounters that matter were only 3 months it Will; is it Nick; or is it Memorex? Not ever being pregnant I had to look it up, apparently a pregnancy test can show results 2 weeks after in which case it could be Nick's baby. If she is further along that 2 weeks Will is the father.
So how long has Eric been gone from Salem? And instead of contacting any family about his return, he goes for a jog? I guess he wanted to check out the new Town Square first.
LOL - my thoughts exactly

apparently a pregnancy test can show results 2 weeks after in which case it could be Nick's baby. If she is further along that 2 weeks Will is the father.
Very logically laid out. HOWEVER it's been barely four days in Salem since Nov 2.

Done with Dan/Jen. I wished Nicole had slapped Hope.
I watched the whole show today for some reason and I looked at my friend Julie and we just shook our heads at the end of the show and didn't have much else to say...neither one of us can believe how bad this show is being written right now.
EJ had sex with Sami in May and with Nicole in July but we were to believe that both were due at the same time. Yes, I know one was really Mia's but I'm talking about the warped timeline in Salem. I wouldn't put too much stock in when Gabi had sex with anyone. This is Salem, after all. :)
Gabi can have a litter of babies, all by different men, that neither she or the men remember, after being brainwashed!
I know WE can't keep track of the days with this show but do the women of this show have the same problem that she wouldn't have noticed being late????

Not necessarily. While not exactly common, it is not considered out of the ordinary for some women to not miss a period in early pregnancy. It's more common in women taking birth control pills, but it happens with other women as well. Some women go through an entire pregnancy without missing a period, and so long as it's not heavier than a "normal" period, then doctors are not concerned. Normal is subjective and varies from woman to woman. Mind you, I would not expect Days to mention that at all, but it can happen that a woman with a normal cycle could be several months pregnant without being late.
Very true. My mother had one for 7 months while pregnant with me, and for 5 months when pregnant with my sister. She was very surprised both times when told she was pregnant.