Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 9, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 9, 2015

The word to describe today.....intense! Wow. Justin talks with Rafe, admits he made a huge mistake which is how Chad got away. Tells of recognizing the fishing lure when at DiMansion, and should not have blurted it out. Stefano warned Chad, which is how he got away before Rafe's men got to that cabin. Justin further admits he has been overly eager, went to see Abe to offer resignation, Abe refused to accept it. Rafe says they both want the same thing, the killer off the streets, and an airtight case against him. Justin will back off, let Rafe do his job, they shake hands.

Abby is talking to JJ, to tells her his part in putting Clyde into police custody, how he threatened Paige, mom, and you Abby. Gabi has arrived, looking for Rafe, Lani says he isn't there. She joins Abby & JJ, but Abby texts Ben, with no answer, then leaves.

Adrienne sits in the square, toying with an envelope, Lucas arrives. These are her test results, she has not gotten the courage to open it. Lucas gives her a pep talk, she may not have the gene, if she does, doesn't mean cancer, and even so, tons of things, etc. Adrienne feels much better, decides to open it, starts, but slips it into her purse when she spies Justin coming. Lucas pretends they were talking of Sonny, thanks Adrienne & leaves. Justin joins her, is not going to start up, they go off together, he asks what she has been doing. Volunteer work. He is sorry he has not kept up with her life. It is all awkward. Adrienne asks him to look her in the eye, tell her he doesn't ever think of wanting, at times, to be free to go where he wants, be with whoever he wants. Justin just looks at her, says "sometimes". He cannot explain it, doesn't know what it is. So, that is it.
Later, Justin is in a bar, Lucas enters, Justin finishes his drink, warns Lucas "not to hurt her", and leaves. In her room, Adrienne opens the envelope, reads it, and just looks ahead.

In the park, Hope is on the phone with Roman, shocked at what he is telling her, Aiden comes up. Hope is upset, Aiden lied to her, and this all boils down to Roman telling Hope about the info from Aiden about Clyde, that enabled them to arrest him. Aiden is apologizing to her all over the place, tells of how Clyde made these threats against her & the kids, and he just wanted to protect them. He professes his love, & eventually, they kiss. Later, he meets up with some thug, gives him a key, and something to turn off the alarm system. Evidently the guy is to break into DiMansion, and find if Chad is there and where. Aiden will give him 10% of the $100,000 reward, but the guy says why not all, I can turn Chad in myself. Aiden warns him that he then would not live to spend a dime of it.

JJ & Gabi are walking in the square, making a lot of small talk, JJ stops in front of the place where Paige used to work. They go sit on a bench, Gabi talks of Ari, how upset Gabi was when she learned she was pregnant, but how Ari is her heart. She assures JJ that things will get better, look brighter. She has to go pick Ari up from the sitter, has to leave.

Rafe has been checking and thinks Chad is on the run, has gotten word the DiMera jet took off for somewhere in Europe. But...doesn't mean Chad is on it.

At Ben's apt., Will smiles, greets Ben as he closes the door, apologizing for
knocking over the trash basket, when Ben comments that Will found his tie. Will thinks it pretty snazzy, why throw it away. Ben laughs, says he had it in case he ever wanted to be an adult, but actually thinks it ugly. He is holding the tie now, but offers it to Will if he thinks it so nice. Nope, not since it was in the trash. They chat a bit, Abby, the cable guy who has not shown up, and then of Clyde. Ben begins defending Clyde, Will comments about Clyde's mistreatment of family when Ben was young, but Ben starts getting agitated, the tie in his hands. As he talks of Clyde changing him, not being guilty, he is wrapping the tie around both hands, Will noticing. Ben is blaming Chad for something, Will getting concerned, he says "Ben".
At that point, Ben unwraps the tie, putting it aside, and his phone is buzzing (a text??). Will asks if Ben is o.k. does he want to go somewhere and talk. Will is getting nervous over the phone buzzing, Ben ignoring it. Will has to leave, Ben says no, actually holding the door shut. The phone buzzes again, Ben is very angry, throws the phone against the wall, we hear glass breaking, as he exclaims why dont' they leave me alone". (The lighting is fantastic with that neon glow in the window going on and off). Will seizes his chance and tries to get out the door, but Ben slams it shut, starts talking of Will thinking he is so smart. Will denies this, Ben goes on, Will is protesting about them being friends, Ben asked him to be his best man, but Ben finally grabs Will, throws him against the frig, I think, knocking him out. He takes the tie, begins to strangle a protesting Will, who struggles, but then goes limp, eyes wide open. Ben seems upset, pounds against something, but closes Will's eyes. He then, gets a laundry bag, something large, slips it over Will's body, shoves Will's computer and files in it, pulls the rope to close the top, and knots it. This is all in the dark, more or less.
Next, he is in Will's apt., dragging his body to the side of the sofa, then wrapping the red tie around Will's neck. Ben starts knocking over things on table, trashing the place, to look like a struggle. He empties the big brown envelope on the floor near Will's head, smashes a few things. Goes out in the hall, locking the door, then breaking it open.
Abby comes back home, no Ben. She calls him.
He is back in the apartment when he gets the call from Abby, wondering where he is. He claims he went out for a run, will be home in a bit. He comes home, Abby has candles lit, wanted to surprise him. He is happy to see her, cannot imagine how he existed without her before, and doesn't ever want to do so again. Kissing, He picks her up.

Gabi comes home, the door is ajar, she cautiously pushes it, turning on the light, sees Will on the floor, and screams.
If I remember correctly Ben did not have any gloves on during this episode. I would imagine his fingerprints are all over Will, the tie and things he stuffed in the bag. Will Salem police figure that out. LOL

This was a sad day for me since I started watching Days because of Will.
If I remember correctly Ben did not have any gloves on during this episode. I would imagine his fingerprints are all over Will, the tie and things he stuffed in the bag. Will Salem police figure that out. LOL

I thought about that too. Ben touched everything, the enveloppe will had, the pictures, the tie, etc. And he threw all those things in Will's apartment later. If no prints are found, this is ridiculous.

Plus, how did Ben carry Will's body (even in a bag) without being noticed ? Did he have a car ? And even then, nobody saw anything ? Strange...

Lastly, I did not like the strangling scene. In my opinion, it's not necessary. We could have seen Ben preparing to attack, then Will dead on the floor with Ben lying beside him. Enough with the graphic violent scenes, please.
I am actually surprised Will was the one to die. I guess they killed a child of Bo and Hope too but Will is really part of the core family. Plus he has a small child that probably won't even remember him. Don't get me wrong. Will has been annoying as all get out but still . . . I didn't want him dead. The actors did great today. Ben cried after killing Will. Very powerful. I musta missed something - what are the red and blue flashing lights outside the window of Ben and Abby's apartment? If I had lights flashing like that I would close the curtains. Have to agree about all the fingerprints he left this time. We'll see. Is Salem PD. :rotfl:I really couldn't believe that he killed Will right there in his apartment! Abby could have come home anytime! I thought we'd see him go after Will later. Maybe Will would say something to someone, maybe Abby, that Ben was acting weird then Ben would kill. It is interesting development. Didn't expect it to be Will .
The Writer....I guess this is a time when the writers figure that they're in trouble if they show the scene and also if they don't. There will always be someone who would have like it to run a different two people will have the same choice. It was definitely the scene of someone who is deranged...and you could see that Will was getting frightened as soon as Ben started talking. He had no chance. Good acting!! And then, poor Gabi, walking into that apartment...I"m just glad she didn't have Ari with her.
Ben took a lot of chances, as in his apartment, Abby could have come home any minute, while at Will's place, Gabi could have walked in any moment. Or the sitter with Ari. Heck, how did Ben know Abby was not in the apartment already?
Yes, it was all scary and creepy. The lights flashing in the window (neon lights from across the street) made it all the more so, as Ben never turned a light on in either his place or in Will's apt.

So...Abby learns her fiancee''s father was arrested, is a drug lord, and wanted for murder in Florida, and she goes home, making a romantic setting for Ben to come home to. Not something I would do, but.....soapland!!! Then again, she knew he was upset, so perhaps wanted to get him not dwelling on his father.
what are the red and blue flashing lights outside the window of Ben and Abby's apartment?

The lights have been there for several weeks now so I'm guessing they are some type of sign since they change color. Though it's funny how they are always red when the camera pans to Ben.

The Ben/Will scenes were incredible and I thought Hitchcock-like in a way. From the music cues to the camera shots to the acting, just fantastic all around. And the crying after murdering Will wow. It's like Ben is possessed somehow when he is killing the person and then he snaps out of it. I was on the edge of my seat even though I knew what was going to happen. Guy Wilson(Will) in particular was fantastic with the non-verbal cues. You knew he had figured out without him saying anything. I'm glad Gabi didn't have Arianna with her at the end.

Loving the chemistry between Gabi and JJ. Both could use a mature friend right now and the Abby connection makes sense. I'm glad Abby supported her brother. Now where is Uncle Steve???

I already am sad for Lucas. Oh my.

Justin took his smug attitude from Rafe to Adrienne. I'm glad she put the brakes though I suspect whatever the letter says combined with Will's death will draw them together again.

Something is off about Lani but I can't figure out what it is yet.
The attack scenes were hard to watch but I just couldn't look away! LOL. Ben is so deranged. When all is said and done, he better end up in prison for life or dead. I don't care if it comes to pass that he's mentally ill or split personality or whatever. Doesn't change the fact that he brutally took the lives of 3 people and tried to kill Marlena also, all in the name of setting up Chad to take the fall. Which leads me to that question....he was obviously caught off guard with Will finding the tie and still worked up over his father's arrest....did he have time to plant any evidence to frame Chad once again or is he just hoping the cops will assume it was Chad since he's missing currently? It will be interesting to see how the cops go about their investigation. Wow, Roman, Hope, and Rafe all have ties to Will as does Justin, even Abe. The whole town is going to be in mourning. Sad day for sure.

So how many times can Aiden lie to Hope before she figures out he's bad news? Both Hope and Abby are delusional for sure. And speaking of Abby, she's worried about Chad, worried about what she learned about Clyde, worried about how Ben is handling that, worried about her baby....oh, oops, apparently not....who plans a romantic evening for their psycho killer fiance with all this going on? And that ending kiss with those two made me want to hurl. If that leads to sex I call foul. You don't go from having preterm labor earlier in the day to having sex later (not to mention running all over town and through the tunnels, don't even get me started). Gross.
The thing that is interesting to me is that Will's murder seemed to happen because he had figured out the truth whereas the others were because Ben was trying to frame Chad. I guess you could also argue that Marlena was because she is a credible witness who doubted Chad. Lots of characters have mentioned that someone who goes for help wouldn't actually be the killer. Then today the gloves issue. Seems to me Ben is getting sloppy.
I'm glad Gabi didn't have Arianna with her at the end..

I was glad too! I went back to rewatch and she did say she was getting a few things from the apartment before she went to get her. I had thought she said she was going to get Arianna then. That would have been horrifying to have poor Arianna see her daddy dead. She's gonna miss him so much.
I definitely had my stomach in knots watching the Ben-Will scenes. Intense may even be a bit of an understatement.

Before I get into that I just want to touch on the Gabi and JJ scenes. I already wrote a long analysis so I won't repeat myself other then to say if this is going where I now think it will go I am going to officially declare these two are going to be the BOMB-DIGGETY!! :wink:

I'm going to play devil's advocate regarding of the matter of killing Will in the first place. In some ways I think this was a bold move. A lot of times when soaps do these kind of stories the victims are either going to be characters the producers have decided don't work like Serena and Paige or day players simply brought on to be killed off. While those stories can be good they end up being forgettable because nobody of consequence was in real jeopardy. What happened today changes that this shows the writers aren't afraid of shaking things up that beloved characters REALLY are at risk this time. Even though the audiences don't like it when things are shaking up too much and I do sympathize with that point of view sometimes it is necessary. Now I'm not a big fan of shaking things up just for the sake of shaking things up, I want a darn good payoff for this.

On the other hand, I don't like that they killed Will because in a lot of ways he seems like the easy choice. He was the character that I think of a lot of viewers felt had been the most damaged by the past writing regime so they felt he was expendable. But a lot of the damage would have been SO EASY to fix. Indeed I think the phone call to Sonny yesterday went a long way in the direction of doing just that. Because all a lot of us viewers wanted (myself included) was for Will to simply put his big boy pants on and fess up to his mistakes. So to not continue on that road and just kill him off feels lazy at least to me.
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Seems to me Ben is getting sloppy.
Is he ever. He's left his DNA all over Will's clothing, and his fingerprints on Will's papers, especially, the photo. In addition, there could be minute material on Will's clothing from the Gabi-Ben apartment, and it's hardly uncommon for the police to figure out that a person was killed in one location and then moved. That said, pity poor Will. During the Paul affair, he may have devolved into a whiny, conniving brat, but he certainly didn't deserve this. Over in the park, Aiden continues to play the fool, with another one of his incomplete confessions. How about him saying: "Hope, I'm Stefano's newest pawn. Any advice?" Also his plot to invade the DiMansion is nonsensical and his death threat to his hired help was laughable. The rent-a-thug might have been able to gain entry to the DiMansion with only Stefano, Chad, and the clueless Harold in residence, but things are different now with the always-alert Andre on the premises. And imagine if the dopey thug had entered the DiMansion secret passages and then gotten lost. Perhaps, he could tweet: "Help, I'm lost in the DiMera mansion and can't get out." Finally, kudos to Lucas for the way he consoled Adrienne (unfortunately, he's now going to need consoling himself) and Justin for climbing off his high horse and making peace with Rafe.
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WOW what a different twist. Wills demise occurred in the middle of the airing and not as a cliffhanger ending! An uh-oh for Gabby finding Will. With her record I fear she's in for a bit of questioning poor girl. I'm betting J.J. will be Her knight in shining armor.
I was amazed with the directing for this episode. What a difference talented writers make. Again I'm anxious for Mondays show. DAYS is finally getting back on track and a thrill to watch
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