SPOILER !! week of May 9th

Has there ever been a virus storyline on any soaps? If so, which soaps and when?

Back in the day (late 70's/early 80's) General Hospital had a nurse named Anne Logan. She had an adopted son, Jeremy, who wanderers all around the hospital carrying Lassa Fever from Africa. He infected countless people including the main character in the show who was head of the hospital. Don't remember much more because I have slept since then.
No surprise there. Unless THIS Aiden is the imposter. LOL
If it was indeed an imposter with Hope, then she is not married to Aiden because they were together from the wedding to the house when he left. What a load of garbage. Keep Aiden dead and stop this nonsense. Sorry, but I just never liked Aiden from his first day in Salem.
thanks, Nikki fan, I feel the same way. Aiden could be telling him he is glad he is in jail, where he belongs. Or being furious for the grief caused Hope, for his own gambling debt, and how dare he then try to use Chase to further whatever plot his evil mind concocts.
If it were to be Ari about being the surprise death then I wonder if the "Emmy award winning actress" returning might be Sami. I could not imagine Sami not being present if her granddaughter died. Though I hope not. I'd rather see Paul go as I feel he has no story left to be portrayed. I don't think Paul even had one line with his niece Claire. Sonny is returning too.

I am thrilled about Aiden returning and having a reason why what has happened transpired to Hope on their wedding night. I am curious. I am more interested in what Aiden has to say about his son Chase being Salem's new known rapist.

Wonder if Abby pushing Chad away will effect their relationship later on. Hmmmm. Ciara.
I read that Jen Jen has a problem with Chad and she sues him for custody of Thomas.

As for Aiden, I hope he gets help for Chase. Chase is still his son regardless of what he did, but I doubt they mention it at all.
Joey took Steve's jacket that was hanging over the chair in his Dad's hotel room. I am thinking he wanted something of his dad's to remember him closely and since Joey was not going home he did need a coat. It gets chilly riding on a bike.

Also, Joey let it slip about needing to keep moving and that made Steve stop and question him.. It won't take too much for Steve to figure it out that they ran when Kayla calls to tell him Joey is not at home and the bike is missing.

Now I am wondering if Steve put the "parent tracking app" on Joey's phone? (you'd be surprised how many parents use that one. It runs in the background and the kids don't know it is there)
Oooh, maybe it's Sami:sarcasm: She comes back and dies. Lucas gets Allie, and Sydney wants to live with Mommy Nicole. Johnny is really Lucas' child LOL (that would be a good story actually, raised as a Dimera but find out you're a Horton.)