Salemites in the kitchen


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Over the years, many years, it has been mentioned many times, even joked about, how some of the Salem women just cannot cook.

By now, this is a problem for me. Marlena raised several children, (Sami, Eric, Carrie, Brady, Belle) and while I know she was not around for for several years, it just seems impossible to me that by now, at her age, she still cannot cook. Now she may not be a good cook, but the show is trying to tell us she is unable to cut up anything to make a salad, she cannot boil or fry and egg, cannot make a burger?? How hard is it to put a roast into a pan, put on a few seasonings and let it cook? Marlena is not stupid. She may not be a superb cook, but I think she should have been able to feed her children, thru the years.

The same goes for Hope. It is not funny any more. I hated she had to take Ciara to the Pub to have breakfast. Ridiculous. (Ciara was little then, but Shawn was already a grown man).

Is it really so hard to pour cereal in a bowl and add milk, or put bread into a toaster, butter it, and spread a bit of jam?

Whenever there is to be a big meal with a lot of people......Caroline to the rescue. The only thing that comes out of the home kitchens is tea. Guess boiling water and plopping a tea bag is the extent of their abilities.

Sorry, I just get exasperated with the smirking over "she can't cook".
See, I can totally understand it, because I can't cook. I have never made an actual meal. I can heat or microwave already prepared things, but anything else? Forget it. I've never bought meat, never peeled a potato, never fried anything (tried eggs once, had a disaster).

I've had many people offer to teach me, but I have absolutely no interest in learning. At my old house, the stove was broken for 3 years and I never knew until I moved.
Apparently Rafe can cook a bit. Good thing the pub is there or most would starve. I guess some are too good to spend a little time in the kitchen, lol.

No offense to the non-cookers. I happen to love to cook. We all have our talents or lack thereof, lol.
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I'm a one-trick pony when it comes to cooking --- I can whip up some chili following the New York Times cookbook recipe. Otherwise it's just tossing things in the microwave and toaster ovens. Sometimes, I read recipes in the daily paper and think that they sound really good, but all the steps required just make me feel tired.

I know people who can't cook. It's amazing to me, but they literally can't boil water without help. So I don't find it too outrageous, especially since Marlena is a professional who had nannies/sitters help with the kids.
Agree. The woman from whom I rented a room while going to Northwestern University years ago was a professional whose own mother was a fine cook, but she wasn't all that good at it.
Love cooking mostly, it's the dirty dishes that are my enemy :whack:
This reminds me of my mother who was a very good cook. Each Thanksgiving and Christmas she would prepare a wonderful meal, but once it was finished, there was a big stack of dirty dishes.
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Oh, heck, lots of folks are not good cooks.....but they can do cooking of some kind. Yep..hate doing the
Some people are just good at and some are not, it's just not their thing. Cooking comes pretty easy for me, like second nature. But other stuff, like sewing, that is another story. Collars sewed on the wrong direction, etc. It always came SO easy for my mom and grandmother, but not me. My mind just gets puzzled. lol. I'm guessing maybe it's the same for those who can't cook.

Meanwhile I guess they can't even fix this, except for Caroline. I guess the panda will have to cook for them. Hope they like Chinese food.

I'm a one-trick pony when it comes to cooking --- I can whip up some chili following the New York Times cookbook recipe. Otherwise it's just tossing things in the microwave and toaster ovens. Sometimes, I read recipes in the daily paper and think that they sound really good, but all the steps required just make me feel tired.

I share a similar sentiment. If I cook, it's one thing and I'll steam the sides in the microwave or something like that. Semi-homemade just like Sandra Lee's show on Food Network. I also get turned off by all the steps in recipes. I guess that's why services now exist where they send you all the ingredients for a meal along with exact instructions for how to cook the meal.

Marlena and Hope not being able to cook doesn't bother me. I think it's realistic as both women have always been more focused on their careers. We used to have scenes in the Brady kitchen where Bo, Hope and Ciara would be eating breakfast. I also like that at least Marlena makes an effort. Her food may not be good but at least it seems they are eating it.
Well, to me, if you have raised a family, you just have to have done some stuff in the kitchen, no matter how minor, or easy. warm a bottle, peanut butter & jelly sandwich, heck, sandwiches of any kind. Pour milk on cereal Instant oatmeal & cream of wheat come in packets.....just a bowl, some water, and a microwave. Who cannot pour a glass of juice, or milk?

Whether Marlena had a nanny or not, there ARE times, plenty of them, when you are alone with your children. And Hope did not have nannies, just a great mother-in-law with a restaurant. At least Bo did some cooking. LOL
Unless it's in a box, frozen, etc, or I am making something special, I don't even use a recipe. I just "wing it." lol

I agree, some things sound so easy to me. I mean to make a tuna sandwich you open a can, drain it, add mayo, and put it on bread.
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When has it been ever said they DID? Always eating out, or ordering in.
Thought it was funny when John had told Marlena "I'll be home for dinner, keep my food warm." That line had me thinking WOW Marlena is actually going to cook. I can't imagine that. But no next scene Marlena is picking up the food from the pub LOL!

I think the only women that can cook are Caroline, Kayla, Mama Hernandez, Gabi, Kate, and Jennifer. I think Sami could cook but there were episodes where she burnt things.
Salemites that can cook:

Abby inherited Alice's Doughnut recipe and I think almost perfected it, if I remember correctly
Alice, of course
Caroline, from fish market to pub, her chowder is always a hit.
Bo used to barbecue successfully
Maybe Kate if she wouldn't poison it :wink: