Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 22 , 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gloom, despair, & misery abound today, with pleas, excuses, plus....well, let's see. Chad & Gabi finally break away from their kiss, Chad saying this is what he was trying to avoid. She agrees, and bingo, they are at it again, then are on the sofa, but break it off when Gabi gets a text from the baby sitter with some pics of Ari in the park. Now they both babble, and I do mean babble, about the still mourning for Abby, just breaking up with JJ, kids being affected by rebound relationship between them. Blah, blah, blah.

At the Horton house, Jen is still trying to talk a reluctant Abby into letting Chad know she is alive. Abby continues to blame herself for everyone's problems, including JJ cheating on Gabi, but she is convinced there is something going on between Chad & Gabi. Jen denies it, knock, knock. Abby goes to hide in the kitchen, it is Andre, pretending to have a statement about Hope's sentencing (for the Spectator). Jen says not a good time, they can make an appt. for an interview at more appropriate time. He wonders why she is being so rude, then pretends to need a glass of water. She scurries off, he is about to steal a fork wrapped in a napking, but sees a figure outside the window, yells excuses to Jen, and hurries out. Yep, he catches up to the stupidly inept Abby (who should have just stayed in the kitchen), she says she has not squealed on him and his helping her, or Gramma Laura either. He is also now doing his best to talk her into revealing herself to Chad.

Adrienne has returned to her room at the Salem Inn with Sonny, is berating herself for how she has acted, how hurt Lucas must be, how she should be on her honeymoon in Hawaii, and all Justin's fault. How could he do that? Sonny confesses he encouraged his father, which upsets her more. He does admit he did not tell his dad to stop the wedding, just let her know his feelings before it is too late. He is contrite, too old to be trying to get his parents back together, what can he do to help now?

Kate comes to visit Chad, knows he has feelings for Gabi, Chad makes excuses. She notes she regards him like a son, and fair warning, she has been known to interfere in her children's lives too much, but they ALWAYS choose the wrong person. She advises that when he told her of Gabi's help with the Bush couple, he had a smile she had not seen since when he was with Abigail. But she is dead, you are in love with a ghost, and if you do not move on, you will become a ghost yourself. Not good for you, or for Thomas.

Lucas wanders into the Pub, stares at the bottles of liquor behind the bar, gets hailed by Anne, seated at a table, drowning her sorrows over her only friend, Theresa, leaving town without saying goodbye. Lucas tells of being left at the altar, Anne says he wins, buys an umbrella drink for him, he stares at it for a while, then pulls something out of his pocket, saying 7 years, 3 months, etc. She looks at are a drunk? Hey, I can help you with this, grabs his drink, and slurps it up with the straw in a few seconds. LOL

Justin is drowning his sorrows in the square, Victor comes along, hears how Justin made a jerk of himself, stopping the wedding. Victor admits he is not the best judge of character he thought he was, think Adrienne was a good person after all. Justin gets a text, is all happy, thinks he has won, takes off.

He arrives at Salem Inn with flowers, opens the door to empty room, Lucas arrives a minute later, same thing, both wonder what the other is doing there. Sonny comes in, Adrienne's voice is calling to Sonny, who is he talking service? She comes out, stops dead when she sees the two men. Sonny tells them to work it out, goes outside the door. So Justin makes this heartfelt (for him) plea, how he knows her so well, recites a few of her habits, quirks, how he has always loved her, they belong together. Good speech.

Lucas's turn, admits that is a hard act to follow, but reminds her that was the past, and she did share a big part of her life with Justin. But their life is the future, something they will create together, be happy. He does note that Justin has hurt her in the past, just may do so again, he doesn't know. She has to decide about that. He talks about addiction, tells how he resisted the booze a bit earlier, how he was addicted to Sami for so long, that it was exciting at first, but there were pitfalls, things no longer exciting, just hurtful.

Adrienne still cannot decide, rushes to leave the room, only to be stopped by Sonny, sitting outside the door, she is not going anywhere til she decides, and the 3 of you will stay in this room until that happens.

JJ is at the cop shop, Rafe has just talked the 15 min. with Hope, no visitors allowed yet. He is working tripple shifts, JJ says he is working more hours, too, Rafe wants him to knock off, go spend time with Gabi, and JJ tells how they are no longer together. He spills about his transgression, Rafe isn't going to punch him, if Gabi forgives him ever, he will, too. He also lost a sister, so knows how JJ was feeling. JJ starts talking of Gabi, how much she meant to him, helped him when he was down, despite being down herself. yada, yada, Gabi has arrived, eavesdrops a bit, reveals herself, Rafe takes off, the two talk. Gabi is not mad, just devastated by what he did. He again is sorry, asks for another chance, would never ever do anything like this again, is devastated himself that he hurt her, and would not do so again. He wants another chance.

Chad is in the square with Thomas in the buggy. He is bending over it, telling Thomas to stay the age he is, that being older only makes life more complicated. Andre is walking with Abby (yes, in her witch outfit - sorry, but that is all I can think of when I see her in the hat and coat), they spot Chad, Andre urges Abby to reveal herself. She finally agrees, saying yes, it is time. She begins to walk towards him, very slowly, very, very slowly.
So, Abigail won't listen to Jennifer but she listens to Andre?! Come on! Let's move this along please. Something tells me Chad will get interrupted tomorrow and we'll be seeing more of this for a while.

Also, how dumb is Jennifer to leave Andre alone to go get him water?

The Justin/Lucas/Adrienne stuff was funny and the speeches were great. I love Lucas using an addiction to Sami as an analogy to Justin and Adrienne. I'm surprised they picked this up again today. Imagine how much better this would have been if we'd actually seen more build up to all of this.

I liked what Rafe said to JJ but why didn't Gabi tell him all this herself? Instead we get 2 days of Dario overload.:rolleyes:

Kate, Chad only "lost" his wife in July. Perfectly reasonable that he'd still be in mourning.
So, Abigail won't listen to Jennifer but she listens to Andre?! Come on! Let's move this along please. Something tells me Chad will get interrupted tomorrow and we'll be seeing more of this for a while.
Our luck, she'll be lurking around until Christmas so that Chad will get a "Christmas miracle". :rolleyes:
That walking so slowly towards Chad can only mean one thing. She definitely will NOT show herself to him tomorrow. More sturm & drang, of course. We are ending Sweeps period, so all this stuff has to be left hanging. Who does Adrienne choose? When will Chad learn Abby is alive? Will JJ & Gabi really reunite? Will Hope get retried, or out of prison some way?
Lucas needs to get out of this mess while he still has a little pride left. If he had any sense at all, he would have bugged out after seeing Adrienne have one second of doubt. Lucas and Nicole seem to be the favorite whipping boys for any writers who tackle the trials and tribulations of Salem, USA.
Thanks Poirot. Honestly who writes this stuff?! This kind of writing got soaps cancelled! Where are the "new" stories and classic romances? And these writers can do better than this. Sheesh.

It's not simply the writing though. It's a big part of it but it's also all these mismatched couples that have no chemistry and spark: Rafe/Hope, Brady/Jeannie T, now Chad/Gabi, Lucas/Adrienne, Kate/Fill in the blank, etc. Some interloping is expected on a soap but not so many couples at once. This show has had very few rootable couples for a few years now and the ones that are rootable are either backburnered or written out inexplicably.
Yes I agree about the couples. They bring in a former beloved couple and then play monopoly with the couple. To me, that is the writers steering in the wrong direction. Why break up a couple - or if one actor leaves - and force a new romance without chemistry on fans? That is not a smart move.
Lucas needs to get out of this mess while he still has a little pride left. If he had any sense at all, he would have bugged out after seeing Adrienne have one second of doubt.
Does he ever. Salem's latest version of the Pick-a-Husband is, if anything, even more absurd than Jenny's dating contest between Jack and Dr. McScruffy. Lucas should run for his life. Otherwise, here are a few comments.

Jenny said that it was not a good time for Andre to stop by. Is there ever a good time for a visit by Andre?

NuAbigail's wanderings. She'd better stop doing this before the news starts reporting that a phantom in black is haunting Salem or some bystander says, "Hey lady, you do know that Halloween is over."

Justin's plea to Adrienne. He didn't do a bad job, but befuddled Adrienne should keep in mind that he probably made an equally good pitch when wooing Elsa.

Cheatin' JJ's apology to Gabi. Like Justin, he said all the right things. However, he shouldn't think that apologies for cheating always go this well in Salem.
Writers seem to feel (especially soap writers) that once the happy star crossed lovers are married, they are boring. That there is no story for them any more.

And I always say they have no imagination, so take a look at McMillan & wife, Hart to Hart, Nick & Nora Charles, (The Thin Man series) ....The Waltons, Lucy & Desi, Tom & Alice, & the list goes on. Heck, even the Honeymooners, lolol.

Right now, though, Salem has entirely too many characters who are related, thus unable to date. And while there ARE characters who are not blood related, off screen, (yes I am looking at you Sarah & Melissa, ) there is huge resentment by viewers at any attempts to establish another "outside" family in order to bring in some "unrelated by blood" characters. It was a blessing when the Johnson family was able to stick around all these years, thus providing characters that became dear to the hearts of the viewers (Jack, Steve, Adrienne). Justin & Adrienne have sons they adopted, so while having the Kiriakis name, they are not blood related, screen always.
I do hope that it turns out there was NO sex for JJ that night.

And yes, enough already of Abby wandering all over the square. With as many Salemites who frequent that area constantly, what makes her think that outfit is a good disguise?
Blah, blah, blah.
Days is off of my DVR until it improves. I appreciate your summary and I'll keep in touch. Sounds like a good first episode for my fast. LOL
She looks at are a drunk? Hey, I can help you with this, grabs his drink, and slurps it up with the straw in a few seconds. LOL
Um, okay - I will have to check this out on NBC's website. I'm all for Lucas rebounding with Anne, whether as friends or lovers.
I love Lucas using an addiction to Sami as an analogy to Justin and Adrienne. I'm surprised they picked this up again today. Imagine how much better this would have been if we'd actually seen more build up to all of this.
And if they were all on contract so we had a guarantee they might have some story after this is resolved.
Why would Lucas have to convince Adrienne of anything? If I was Adrienne, there wouldn't even be a choice, just saying. Have the writers humbled Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) enough yet? This is not fun to watch. Is it bad that I don't feel sorry for Adrienne at all?

The Chad and Gabi scenes, I'm not mad at it. I kind of like it. I like Chad and Abby too mind you so I'm a bit torn on this one.
Um, okay - I will have to check this out on NBC's website. I'm all for Lucas rebounding with Anne, whether as friends or lovers.
Agree. Tippling Anne and teetotaler Lucas as a couple would make for some comic relief. As Anne gulps down martinis while Lucas nurses his Diet Coke, she could entertain him with tales of past incompetence at University Hospital or dish dirt on the Love Doctor's romantic adventures and brushes with medical malpractice. E.g., "Lucas, let me tell out about the time that Daniel came out of the room of an attractive patient with his scrubs covered in drool." Or "Lucas, once in the ER, Jonas was so hung over from a broom closet encounter with a nurse that he almost mistook a gall bladder for an appendix." And if Kate decided to unleash her claws, Anne could match her snarky remark for snarky remark. E.g., "Give it a rest snookums, isn't there some seedy professional criminal waiting to enjoy your professional skills." In contrast Sami's main weapon against Kate was various levels of screeching and poor brownie victim Chloe was essentially defenseless.
I enjoyed Anne with Lucas. We needed the comedy on today's show.

Today he told Justin "he wasn't the best judge of character
and people change". Victor has :)

Sonny admitted it was his idea for Justin to speak to Adrienne. Then he said he was
"too old to get his parents back together" So why did he tell his dad to talk Adrienne?
I wonder if his idea is going to work with the three of locked in the room?

The Salem elf went to the DiMera mansion and changed a picture with Abby.
Hey everybody, I'm back! I've been incommunicado for a couple of days because of technical difficulties that have happily been fixed.

I'm not sure if I entirely agree with my good friend Poirot's assessment that doom and gloom abounded today. But that could because my Gabi and JJ got back together and I just saw bluebirds and rainbows after that. LOL I know there are cynics that might say "Troy after what we saw with Chad and Gabi today do you really think that's going to stick?" My response to that is going to be to stick my fingers in fingers in my ears and say "I can't hear your. La-la-la-la!"

Seriously, I can no longer deny there is something between Chad and Gabi. But I'm still of the belief this is just going to the cause of uncomfortable looks between Chad and Gabi until Abigail stops the skulking around Salem silliness. Really talk about beating a dead horse. Not that anybody was actually talking about that. But I'm sure you get my meaning.:)

I have to say I agree 100% with Poirot's statement about there being no sex for JJ that night in Miami. But I couldn't help hearing the voice of the Soup Nazi from "Seinfeld." But it instead of saying "No soup for you" it was well, you know. LOL