Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 10, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 10, 2017

Steve & Kayla are in the Pub, he is worrying that she is o.k. after the ordeal with Hal Michaels. She is fine, wants to know more about his son. Steve relates it all, what Raymond told him, how the kid was looking for his bio parents, etc. Steve is worried now about telling Joey. He tried, but Jade would not let him leave her hospital room. He wonders what he would say, talking to Kayla, saying, Hey, Joey, remember the baby I thought Ava and I had? Turns out he isn't dead after all. And Joey's voice is heard.."What"? And so Joey is filled in, he is quiet, wonders what his "brother" will say when he learns Joey killed his mom. Steve shuts him up about that, tells Joe he has to do more research before doing anything. But Joey just ups and leaves. Kayla stops Steve from following, saying he has to have time to work thru this news.

Deimos is still trying to have his men find Nicole, when Chloe walks in. She wants her baby, where is Nicole. They have a huge confrontation, as he tries to make her realize the baby is not hers, it is Nicole's, and she caused Nicole to take the baby by the restraining order, and not working something out with Nicole to let her visit. She threatens him, he threatens her, voices are raised, Maggie walks in, telling Deimos to knock it off, and leave her to talk to Chloe. Deimos does, Maggie tries her best to reason with Chloe, talking of her grandchild, and what if Nicole never returns. Chloe just keeps insisting Holly is her baby, she wants her back. She leaves,. and now Maggie lights into Deimos, he has made matters worse, what if Nicole doesn't want his help. She knows Deimos loves Nik, but he has to back off, he is hurting her, hurting others. and she promises he will answer to her. Deimos agrees to back off.

Nicole is with Holly in the motel room, Brady comes in with groceries, she begins whining about being taken in by Tiffany, who is now long gone, with all of her money. Brady listens to her berating her stupidity, how much she loves Holly, is all she has now of Daniel, yada, yada. No she had no plan, only wanted to get Holly away from Chloe, Before Chloe took her to New York. She is grateful to Brady, for always being her friend, for being there all the times she gets herself into a mess. He offers to go with her on the run, won't be for long. He will call Maggie & the nanny, make sure Tate is taken care of, and get Nicole to somewhere safe.

Kate goes to see Eduardo, to return a gift he sent her, not even opened. She wants nothing from him, no matter what. He tries to change her mind, no dice. He finally opens the little box, revealing a bracelet with little charms/disks, each with a letter engraved. A,B,C,R,L,P, initials of each of her children, and in smaller engravings, those of her grandchildren. (Austin, Billie, Cassie, Rex, Lucas, Philip). He manages to get it on her wrist, but she eventually gets it off, tells him to take it back, she does not want it, and don't send her any more gifts, she won't open, will refuse them. He claims he will still buy them, whenever he sees something that makes him think of her, will keep them. She leaves.

Chloe walks into Club TBD, and who is bartending, but Eddie. He thinks she looks as tho she needs a drink, she gets a glass of wine, he says on the house. They introduce themselves, he recognizes her as the woman whose baby was taken by Nicole Walker. He mentions his son Rafe is a cop, will find her, bring the baby back to Chloe, who now talks of Nicole's powerful friends who would hide her. When she mentions Deimos, Eddie's ears perk up, he figures they both want the same thing, to "get" Deimos Kiriakis. He even starts texting on his phone, as he figures he just might be able to locate Nicole with his own contacts.

Steve & Kayla get up to leave, she asks what now. He starts out saying I have to check....but no, no, no. There is no is WE. We are going to do this together, got that. Steve grins, "yes, ma'am". Kiss.

Deimos gets a phone call, are you sure? He dashes out.

Brady asks if Nicole is ready, they have to leave now. Yep, she did not have much to pack. She picks up the carrier, Brady opens the door, and there stands Deimos. He gives Brady a dirty look, says....Hello, Nicole. She turns..just stares.
Thank you, Poirot. I missed the part where Joey left (while doing my state taxes), and thought maybe he was zapped by an alien transporter.

Oh my goodness, Brady swallowed the Salem Stupid Pill. So he wants to go on the run with Nicole while leaving his own child without either parent around. He needs a major Gibbs' slap to the back of his head. :whack:

Kate had part of the Salem Brain, and used it by walking away from Eduardo.

I didn't think it was possible, but I hate Deimos more and more. In my opinion, this character needs to be taken out. I'll even help.
He finally opens the little box, revealing a bracelet with little charms/disks, each with a letter engraved. A,B,C,R,L,P, initials of each of her children, and in smaller engravings, those of her grandchildren. (Austin, Billie, Cassie, Rex, Lucas, Philip).
I'm surprised the bracelet had a C and an R for Cassie and Rex.
It would wrap around her wrist three times!

LOL, JS, I had to think a bit about the C & R, since no one ever mentions their names. Ha.

As Heather always says, the anvils are dropping all over the place for Deimos.

He just promised Maggie he would let Nicole be, and immediately goes chasing after her.

Chloe gets the stupidity award for today, what would possess her to go confront Deimos, demanding to see Nicole, she wants her baby back. ? The cops would have done that already. She knows he is dangerous, but yet, went anyway. Hmmm?

And then, she blabs away to this bartender, not knowing, I guess, he is former assassin, mixed up with Kate, etc. etc. She does know Rafe, and so here is his daddy. And of course, as she blabs, she doesn't mention the baby is actually Nicole's, does she? Or that she had promised to give the baby to Nik as soon as it was born.

And gee, Nicole has Brady find her, then Deimos, and soon it will be Eduardo. Can Andre be far behind? I have a feeling Deimos once again is going to put Nicole in a bad place in re: this whole situation.
Eddie must not know that Rafe has been removed from the kidnapping case. Although I wouldn't argue if we got a few Chloe and Rafe scenes. Anything is better than Hope and Rafe and Brady doesn't deserve Chloe at the moment.

I pretty much only watched the Steve/Kayla and Chloe stuff today. How dare Deimos grab Chloe and threaten her like that. I was surprised to see Maggie intervene.

Shocked that they remembered Rex and Cassie. That's on my list of storylines that need to be obliterated from history along with the Garden of Eden, Alex North and Summer Van Horne.
Thanks, Poirot.

I was surprised too the "Wonder Twins" names were included on the bracelet.

The whole time Kate was in the kitchen I kept remembering the time
she poisoned
the eggs. Before Lucas ate one, she put them down the sink.

I enjoyed Steve and Kayla. She's ok with finding his son and she will go
with him. I'm worried about Joey.

How did Deimos find out where Nicole was? Did his men figure it out like
Brady did or did he use his credit card? Deimos found them just in time.

How old will Tater Tot be before we see him again? We haven't seen him
much since Theresa left?
Thanks for the summary. Love the Steve/Kayla unity. That's just about the only thing that can make this terrible Ava baby storyline watchable.

I'm getting really sick of both Deimos and Chloe. They should both get married and move to NY together so we don't have to see either of them "grace" our screens with their presence ever again. And why would Eduardo care about Chloe and "her" baby? Does he not know that it's actually Nicole's child, or that Rafe is friends with Nicole? Stupid writing!
How old will Tater Tot be before we see him again?
Unless he's involved in a life-threatening illness or accident, or he is kidnapped, or his mother returns, we may not see him until he's a full grown spud who comes home one day and announces that his girlfriend is pregnant.
Wonder if Deimos is going to try to cause trouble for Nicole if she doesn't go back with him? Sounds like right up Deimos' alley.

The Deimos and Chloe scenes were intense. Chloe did step in a lion's den but Deimos had no right to manhandle Chloe like that, especially in front of Maggie. But Maggie proved a good point, because of all this, Chloe and Maggie may never see Holly again.
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Are Kayla/Steve actually going to leave Joey unattended? :eek: :eek: :eek: It looks like the lad is about to topple Brady from his current "Most Clueless Salemite" position.
I am still looking forward to Ava's return. :love: That would ease some of the strain on Joey's intellect, and she (and Blanca) could get in on any future TBD dancing competitions.
Deimos always seems to do the same thing. Oh, I am sorry, it was wrong of me, You are right, I will not do......"this, that or the other...whatever it is". and the minute the other person is gone, he goes back to being the nasty and underhanded liar he has always been.

Honestly, Victor seems to let him get away with it, so I truly am hoping that Victor is playing him, giving him enough rope to hang himself.
It would wrap around her wrist three times!
And if it were made of gold, it would be so heavy that Kate wouldn't be able to lift her arm.
I am still looking forward to Ava's return. :love: That would ease some of the strain on Joey's intellect ....
Ava returns from the dead? This might relieve him of his gullt feelings and save him from the revenge of the long-lost Tripp, but it almost guarantees that Kayla will be kidnapped yet again. Hasn't this poor woman suffered enough?

Here are a few comments on other subjects:

Eduardo thinks that Rafe could find Nicole and Baby Holly? He's a little out of the loop. The way Raines now has Detective Hernandez tethered to a desk, he'll barely be able to track down Hope in her bubble bath.

Deimos found Nicole awfully quickly. Raines should have ordered JJ and Lani to simply shadow Deimos, knowing that he'd lead them straight to Nicole.

Brady wants to help Nicole? Maybe he should try the old Shawn-Belle route -- get to Toronto and take a mid-winter cruise to Tinda Lau.