6-4-2017 - Donuts & Prayers


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Tonight insomnia and London's tragedy kept me praying all night. May God comfort the injured and healing. May He comfort the grieving.

Please be safe today. There is never a warning to these atrocious attacks.
Good morning everyone. It has been a wicked few days here with a migraine, sinus infection, pneumonia, and pollen allergies off the charts. On top of all that, I had to work. Skipped going to Mass this morning, but watched Mass for shut ins on tv at 6:00 AM. Doing laundry then going home and back to bed.

Prayers have been going up for the people of London.

We're seeing so much evil in the world. The innocent are paying the ultimate price while the darkness continues to spread.
Good morning.....beautiful day here, already 72°. Will be off to church in a bit. Chance of rain today??? If so, will be later on.

Squirrelly, am so sorry you are under the weather again. As Daysdg said the other day, this up and down weather everywhere seems to be wreaking havoc all over the country. Plus you are constantly at risk with the testing you do. (yes, been there, done that) Yep, Bed is the best place, girl. Got chicken soup? :)
Good morning. Echoing all the above sentiments concerning terrorist attack victims and those under the weather.

Squirrel and A. Guy, hoping speeding healing for each of you.

Sweetie, I sure hope your migraine has gone away by now!

I doubt I'll do anything today. Didn't get to sleep until between 3 and 4 this morning, and then only by taking some Benadryl. I went to bed at 1:00 and had just gone to sleep when I was awakened. Any time that happens, it makes me unable to go back to sleep. We're going to have pot pies for our noon meal dinner today.
Morning all.

Not many plans today other than maybe talking Hunny Bunny into the movie. Yesterday just didn't work out timing wise. My sister finally made it home. She landed in LA at 2 and then waited 30 minutes for a gate. Saturday night was her mother-in-law's birthday party that was moved from her house due to airline issues. I'm sure that didn't disappoint her much.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
Good afternoon everyone,

RS, what an ordeal you're going through, and to still be doing laundry! Wow. Feel better soon.

Started off sunny today but now it's cloudy. Luckily we've got a high of 80F again. A few days in this week we're supposed to have rain and in the 60sF again, which never happens in June! Frustrating, really, as I want the heat so I can enjoy the pool. I worked early this morning and

The tragedy in London was shocking. It's not even been two weeks since the Manchester attack, I think. There are just no words.

Have a nice day, all.
Prayers for the world to stop the violence everywhere.

Goldie and I walked before church this morning because early service starts
15 min later. I'll have to leave earlier next week, I lost my regular seat.
Goldie chased two rabbits this morning. She always looks at me "see what I did"

Getting a pop up storm now. Rain wasn't as bad this weekend as original forecast.

I'm going through more pictures today and I found a big box full of slides. Not sure
when I can start looking through them.

rs, sorry to hear your under the weather again. I hope you get enough rest
today before work this week.

OC, I hope you get rest today too.

robin, I hope you get to the movie today.

DaysD, did you go to the movie yesterday?

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
OC: so sorry about your sleepless situation. Insomnia is a mystery at times. Hope you nap today.

Robin: to go through all that airline hassle you know your sister loves you (wink). Enjoy the movie.

Day s: hope it warms up enough that you get that wished for dip in the pool.

Kat: glad your Sunday is restful and peaceful. Do you give Goldie a treat for her efforts?
Good afternoon. I had a rather exiting day, if that's what you want to call it. Remmy was honing in on something behind my computer desk yesterday, then again in the bathroom today. I couldn't see anything. So later, I took Remmy outside, came back in the house and walked up on a snake. Yes, another snake in my house! This one was probably a youngster (maybe 14 inches long) and not very smart, lol. I managed to catch it, though I had to pry it away from the legs of my computer desk. It bit me when I did that, but let me handle it before I let it go, lol. By that time, Remmy wasn't even interested.

Take care everyone.
Many snakes will bite when disturbed, lol. They think they are so bad and may draw some blood (like the one today), but it doesn't really hurt. I made the mistake of trying to catch this one by the tail, but it was getting away. It bit me and then I grabbed it behind the neck. It wrapped around the leg of my computer desk and didn't want to let go, so it bit me again, lol. Wounded by a corn snake, lol.