Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 13, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Rafe & Hope have woken up in bed, very happy, lots of small talk chatter about how happy they are, how honest they will be with each other, how it is a shame they had to break up to get to this point, but thank goodness it did not last long. Never going to happen again. Hope talks of setting a wedding date. Eventually she talks of wanting Rafe to help her deal with her daughter, who is not answering her calls or texts, surprising Hope, who figured Ciara would try to talk her mom into giving her the keys back for the motorcycle.

Sami arrives at Marlena’s door with a bag of Christmas gifts. Marlena had been wrapping some herself, she thanks Sami, takes the bag, and shuts the door in Sami’s face. (Have to say I loved this!). Sami stands outside the door, rather shocked, almost starts to leave, but goes back, knocking on the door. When Marlena opens it, Sami starts rattling on about wanting to see Will, Marlena is beginning to say we have talked about this, not a good idea…but Sami rattles on about Will coming to see her on his own, and making up. Will walks in, confirms this, so Marlena lets her in, glad the two of them have made peace. Sami won’t be there for Christmas, would like Will to open his gift with her there, Marlena takes the bag of gifts to “the other room”, Will opens the box which Sami says is actually a regift. It is a journal she gave him when he was 13, she thought he might like to read what he wrote back then, plenty of room to write his thoughts from now, too. They do have a nice talk.

Will notices the ring on Sami’s finger, flashes back to finding a ring on the floor, mentions to her it is not the same one. Sami says oh, that EJ gave her several rings, this is a different one. Sami mentions having a whole bunch of Will’s things down in her car, Will volunteers to go get them. Sami thanks Marlena for all she has done, & in a heartfelt way, tells her she loves her, knows she doesn’t say it very often, but does so, very much. She is glad her mom will be keeping an eye on Will for her. Will returns, with some small box, followed by John with another. Sami goes to John hugging him, thanking him for all he did for her in Memphis. He whispers he always has her back. Sami has to leave, she has talked of needing to get back to the kids for Christmas, Will follows her to the door, surprises her with a big hug, and calls her mom. Sami is near tears, thanks him.

Earlier, John was with Paul, who tells him of Sonny breaking it off with him, wanting to be with Will, and how he doesn’t think Will wants to be with Sonny, as he came on to Paul, kissed him out of the blue. They talk a bit about it, but Paul brings up getting the dirt on Eve for Brady, John says then let’s see what we can find out.

Kate is visiting Lucas in rehab, who is having a bad time of it. She tells him to hang in there, Maggie arrives, and gives Lucas an even stronger pep talk. He has done this before, he can do it again, Lucas knows, harder at first, then gets easier. Maggie talks of those who love him, Lucas feels not any more, but she assures him they still do, are counting on him. He can’s let them down.

Gabi is in the square… know, where all the big companies have their offices, lol. Eve comes by, they talk of Deimos, of Eve losing her child, of Eduardo & missing him. Eve gets down to brass tacks, says her husband left her well off, she is majority stock holder in Basic Black, wants to expand, been keeping an eye on Gabi Chic, wants to buy it, fold it into Basic Black, and have Gabi in a prominent position there. Gabi mentions another offer, from Kate & Countess W. Eve doesn’t think Gabi would want her business associated with a company that has the police checking on it, talking of Theo being shot, and the police suspect it was because he was doing something for DiMera Enterprises. Eve tells her to think it all over, then scoots off.

Later, Kate bumps into Gabi, after leaving Lucas, tells Gabi he is having a bad time, but hopefully will go thru with it. Gabi says she has been thinking about it, wondering just what Theo was doing down on the docks. Kate doesn’t have the slightest idea, then changes the subject abruptly, telling Gab I she knows she told her she would meet her this afternoon for her answer, but how about right now. Gabi replies that actually, she was going to tell her she needs more time, she has another offer, from Eve Donovan Kiriakis.

Sonny has come in and Brady has put on his Victor persona, starts making all the same kind of snide or snarky comments to Sonny, about his relationships. He throws digs about breaking it off with Paul, figuring he is going to get Will back. Sonny figures he will be successful there. Brady comments maybe Will doesn’t want to be with him, otherwise why try to seduce Paul. Sonny isn’t really buying it, but Brady quietly goes on, insisting that Will is after Paul, and remember what a hot item they once were, etc.

Paul comes in, Sonny is a bit ticked, asks Paul if he kissed Will. Nope, he kissed me. Out of the blue, and it goes back and forth, with Brady enjoying it all. Sonny leaves, Paul is not happy with Brady for breaking his confidence, but has the information on Eve that Brady wanted.

Sami goes to see Lucas, who is throwing up, but is o.k. She sits with him, gives him a pep talk about doing this for Will & Allie, his kids are most important thing. Lucas agrees, he will stick to it, the first 48 hrs. are the worst, after that, he knows it gets easier. She tells him of Will’s visit, making peace, promising to keep in touch. She has to leave, doesn’t want Lucas to give up, he promises he won’t. He will stay with the program, thanks her for helping him do this.

Will sits in Marlena’s living room, one of the boxes is open, he is taking things out. A pair of baby shoes, he fingers them, turning them over. He takes legal papers, is reading it, but goes to answer a knock at the door.

It is Sonny. We have to talk, about us! I want my husband back.
Will notices the ring on Sami’s finger, flashes back to finding a ring on the floor, mentions to her it is not the same one. Sami says oh, that EJ gave her several rings, this is a different one.
I bet at some point, he sees Hope's ring and makes mention of seeing it on the floor of Sami's hotel room. Or keeps the info to himself until a better time to pull the pin on that grenade.

Sami also mentions that Justin somehow worked out her legal problems and she's free to leave Salem.
Hope & Rafe are dressed & out & about....see Bo's motorcycle. Puzzled as to how/why it is parked wherever it is, out there is the open.

Also Eve returns to the Kmansion, Brady is reading whatever dirt Paul & John dug up. She thinks it is the profit statement on Basic Black, he tells her to sit down, she will find this all very interesting. LOL
Thank you, Poirot.

I can only hope that Eve and Deimos filed for a marriage license but never used it. Please, please be the case so Maggie can toss her sorry butt out of the K-Mansion. Yes, I want it to be Maggie because of the way Eve was snarky about Maggie's decorating and figurine collection.

I wonder if Ciara has an extra key for the bike ?
:angry:Sonny: The Big Boy was not at his best today, getting nasty with poor Paul and then blithely assuming that there was still an "us" when it came to himself and Will. Frankly, he needs a cooling off period. Perhaps, Victor could make him Henderson's under butler.

:eek: Sami & John: They actually shared an embrace today. The pigs will be soaring around the roof of City Hall tonight. (The best explanation for this remarkable event was that it was not really a Sami-John embrace, but one between the two actors who play the roles.)

:sick: Gabi: She now has the less-than-compelling choice between selling her faux company, Gabi Chic, to lying Kate and conniving Eve. This brings new meaning to the term "between a rock and a hard place."

:confused: Hope: She was really admiring her ring today. Would she be so enthusiastic if she knew that Sami's fingerprints are not only on the ring, but also all over her fiance?

:confused: Eve: She's been following Gabi's "career?" Who knew? Does that include the part where Rafe's little sister killed Nick Fallon and did time for murder.
Gabi and Eve: I wish they had established what "Gabi Chic" actually is so we as the audience could be as impressed by Gabi's success as Kate and Eve are. However, I actually enjoyed those scenes. Although I did find it a bit jarring that Eve was so familiar with Gabi, seeing the closest I remember them having a scene together was during the Salem Bicentennial party where you saw them chatting in the background.

But anyway, I found Eve trying to play the "we're kind of family" card to be a kind of interesting approach. I've long said that I would like Gabi to have another older woman mentor figure besides Kate. I'm not sure it should be Eve, but if Gabi does go with Basic Black (which I suspect she will), I think this could be interesting.

I think I may have mentioned this before. I'm not, generally speaking, a big fan of business oriented storylines, but since this a Gabi business oriented storyline, I'm all in. I know that's a big surprise. LOL

Lucas: The detox scenes were well done, I thought. I give the show kudos for showing just how unglamorous getting sober can be.

Sami and Marlena: When they were talking about Sami's "other kids" I half-expected Marlena to say: "Tell little whosits, what's-his-face, and whatchamacallit Merry Christmas from Grandma." LOL
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Sami also mentions that Justin somehow worked out her legal problems and she's free to leave Salem.
Oh, I thought yesterday (or was it Monday?) she had said she needed Justin's help if she wanted to stay in the country long-term? Colour me confused.

Brady is slime.

I'll have to watch later.

Oh, and Allie needs to return like yesterday!!
Actually, what she said was she needed Justin to help her with her legal problems so she could LEAVE Salem! And today, he evidently had worked his magic and she was free to go join her kids, wherever they are. (actually, I think CA, as she was saying Will could go back with her, his siblings would love it)
don't remember Sami ever mentioning where the kids were..????
Thanks, Poirot.

Troy, you and I must be on the same wavelength. I've been wondering
what Gabi Chic is
too. Is it the same business she started when she was picking out clothes for Chad?
She wanted to expand that.

Brady was nasty today telling Sonny about Will kissing Paul. Then he kept looking
at the Sonny/Paul when they were discussing it. I wondered if Brady added alcohol
to h
is orange juice with the way he was acting?

I got emotional when Sami was saying good bye to Marlena and Will. Will
saw a
different ring on Sami's finger and she lied about it. I think we all know

Will will see Hope's ring soon.

I laughed when Hope was talking to Rafe about being completely honest with
each other. Rafe has had a couple of chances now to tell her the truth before
someone else might.

And why was Hope looking at her ring like that? Was it sparking because of all
the Sami germs on it? :)
Gabi and Eve: I wish they had established what "Gabi Chic" actually is so we as the audience could be as impressed by Gabi's success as Kate and Eve are
That's what I was gonna say! What exactly is Gabi Chic?

So Rafe went right from Sami's bed back into Hope's. I do not see this ending well. I just hope it ends. I'm sure at some point Will will see the ring on Hope's finger and put 2 and 2 together. Of course, that might make him hate Sami again.

Speaking of that, their scenes were really touching. Will calling her mom and giving her a goodbye hug. And I can't believe she didn't say that to Lucas. She just said they talked, came to an understanding. I was so expecting her to tearfully say he called me mom and hugged me goodbye. That was big. At least I thought so. And Marlena called Allie, Johnny and Sydney Sami's little ones. Even in real time they wouldn't be little ones anymore.

I am really hating Sonny. He is just being so awful to Paul. I just don't understand this undying devotion to Will. His husband that was unfaithful to him, twice!! He and Paul were great together but he's acting like Paul meant nothing to him. Hating him.

And, my, oh my. What does Brady have on Eve now?