Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 24, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Storyline is really dragging.. Replay of Tuesday ending scenes. John spikes Steve’s drink, brings the two shots to the table, down the hatch. Chit chat, John cannot take it, is about to tell Steve what he has been doing when Marlena arrives with the news of Andre’s murder, and Anna being taken in. Chatter from all about it, with Marlena telling of Roman involvement, her own attempt to help Anna deal with this vengeance over Tony’s death, and Anna being so defensive. Steve gets up, dizzy again, sits back down. Marlena clued in as to his episodes with this. Kayla is fussing over Steve, while John now seems about to tell Marlena (Steve has teased about him looking guilty), but he doesn’t, and everything remains status quo. John & Marlena leave, Kayla wants Steve checked over now, but he protests that he is seeing the eye doc tomorrow, no need.

Roman wants Anna to tell him exactly what happened, why she went over to Andre’s office. She brings out the letter found, he reads it, understands, Rafe & Hope come in, Roman claims Anna has been with him since yesterday afternoon, so could not be guilty. Rafe takes Roman out of the room, Hope tells Anna if she cares about Roman, she won’t let him do this.

Sonny is confronting Brady & Eve about killing Andre, admitting he overheard Brady confess to doing it. Brady at first agrees he did it, tells Sonny to call the cops. Sonny is going on and on about defending family, Titan, etc. He starts to call, Brady stops him, tells him he should have stayed, listened to it all, he was joking & told Eve so. Lots of yada, yada, about the company, Sonny being CEO, Brady drinking, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Brady brings up Sonny losing Paul, bad decision, just because he wanted another chance with Will, big mistake, blah, blah. Sonny leaves, Brady & Eve chat about it all…Eve figures she & Brady will oust Vic & Sonny, and have it all for themselves. , kiss, kiss.

Paul is on the defensive about Will moving across the hall, he doesn’t like it one bit. Will explains he needed a place, Eli offered. He cannot stay any longer with his gramma, tho she is just great, needs his own space. They talk, Paul finally decides Will is no danger, and that he doesn’t want to be 2nd choice to Sonny. He helps carry some boxes into Will’s place, one tips over, spilling the contents. Will explains Sami saving all this stuff, which he can’t remember, including that wedding album from his & Sonny’s wedding. They chat, part as friends. Will goes thru the album again, tosses it into the box, takes out the blank journal, writes something about “today I made a new friend. His name is Paul.

Marlena tells John they have to talk about Paul, and tells him how Will wants to move into Martin house, hoping to get close to Paul, who they both know is still in love with Sonny.

Roman has managed to get Anna freed, (Hope & Rafe are looking over the statement Roman signed, hoping they can keep him out of trouble for lying), asks Anna to read the letter to him out loud, so he can try and figure who wrote it. She reads, Dear Anna, thought you should know Andre is responsible for Tony’s death. He was at University hospital the night Tony died.

Anna has no idea who could possibly have written it, or how it got into her purse. Camera pulls back, someone is watching from behind the bushes/trees.
Glad I am not the only one, Moira. I Tony died on the docks, was impaled.

However..........from Wikipedia....
On March 31, 2009, Count Antony "Tony" DiMera was pronounced dead in Salem University Hospital after falling and becoming impaled, following a fight with Philip Kiriakis over a fuels project that Tony acquired from Titan Industries. The fight was witnessed by Tony's then sister-in-law Nicole Walker.
All I have to say is today, well, a summary is a good enough read, snooze. I was actually disappointed a little bit about Anna's letter. I thought it would be something much more broad and revealing. So we can speculate the real murderer likely placed the letter in her purse while Anna was talking with Roman and Marlena.

I feel like John and Steve are already working together. All the innuendos they bark back at each other is just to obvious for me.

I don't even remember the timeline Tony DiMera died, to be honest. Hope was claiming it has been 10 years, so 2008. I do remember the docks. And yes Philip got into a physical altercation with Tony DiMera over Melanie/Nick's prototype, and Tony slipped, being impaled. Then Philip got shot while in bed with Stephanie.
Not meaning to belabor the point, I get that the end result was a heart attack. But the impaled part was pretty graphic and even Dr. Dan couldn't save him. It may have punctured his heart. But saying a heart attack implies, to me, that he collapsed and ta-da, no more Tony.

I am thinking the Andre's death is final considering all the blood loss from blunt force trauma, no pulse, body bag plus the fact Dr. Rolf is a goner. Who did it and the whole John putting something in Steve's drink is not making for a good mystery. We just had Deimos' murder. Why another so soon? This isn't the "Edge of Night", you know.
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It seems like only last year Brady was playing Christopher Maltasanti to Sonny's Tony Soprano or maybe it was Sonny playing Chrostopher to Brady's Tony. Either way, my point is one day they were on the same side playing junior grade mobsters, then the next they are arch-enemies. It just feels like they woke up one morning and decided to loathe each other. I can get how vying for CEO of Titan would cause tension, but the level of animosity between them still just feels forced to me, even though it's been going on for a while now.

Plus, it doesn't help that I don't believe either one of these knuckleheads are qualified to organize a Girl Scout bake sale let alone run a major corporation. It's just been going on way too long now and I don't care anymore, not that I ever really did.

I remember Sonny telling Gabi to go with DiMera because he didn't trust Eve. He should give her a call. I'm sure she would love to thank him for that "sound" bit of business advice. :sarcasm:
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Thanks Poirot and thanks JS for the video.

A slow day in Salem.

So Roman knows what Anna did in Andre's office. He even told her

not to talk about it outside the pub later in case someone heard her.

Why did Steve think John looked guilty if he couldn't see him?

Nice surprise to see picture of the current Will in the wedding album.
Not meaning to belabor the point, I get that the end result was a heart attack. But the impaled part was pretty graphic and even Dr. Dan couldn't save him. It may have punctured his heart. But saying a heart attack implies, to me, that he collapsed and ta-da, no more Tony.

I'll always remember that scene! Tony reminded me of Count Dracula getting impaled by a stake was well shot! But I think it's safe to say that Tony's death is being rewritten to make it seem like Andre was responsible.
Well, how was Sonny supposed to know Andre would screw over Gabi?

I wasn't really being serious, of course it's not Sonny's fault. It's just that he should know it's not a good idea to trust the DiMeras when it comes to business. Remember, he got screwed over in a business deal by Chad.

Because that's pretty much "Rule Number One" when doing business with a DiMera, you will get screwed over.