Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug., 3, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, Aug. 3, 2018

It is morning in Salem, and most Salemites waken after evidently having a “sexy” sleep the evening before. John is bringing a tray for Marlena..yep, strawberries, chocolate, a single rose. He says between her work and wedding planning, he has to make sure she eats. Kissss, and bingo, off goes her tablet, she checks off another RSVP, is all happy, everyone has responded, except, of course, Sami, who has not answered voice messages, texts, etc. They both want all their families there.

Will is in bed, having texted a reply to Sonny, no, has not received any more letters. Paul comes in with two lattes, and 2 amazing cranberry scones, both are Will’s favorites. They talk a bit, Paul lets Will know that although Will said he was going to hole up in his room to work on his story, Paul saw him at the Pub with Sonny. Will says with Ari not talking to Gabi, Sonny wanted to talk over that situation with Will. Paul is understanding. No, he wasn’t jealous…well maybe a bit. Will thinks he was upset, assures him that he loves Paul, is with him, only him, and more along that vein. A bit later, Will is dressed, John arrives, wants to talk to Paul about the wedding plans.

Will leaves, John says he & Marlena want all their family involved, so would Paul do a reading. He talks of the great job Paul did at his wedding to Sonny….this gets awkward, as Paul also thinks he did great, despite Sonny walking out. They talk that over a bit, Paul figures now he is in a much better place. John talks of the hurdles he & Marlena dealt with over the years, how this wedding is so important to them, and how he wants to find all the right words to let her know how much he loves her.

Brady wakes up, says Hi, Beautiful, only to see Eve is gone. She left a note, had to go put out a fire, will be back soon. But Eve is at Victor’s, yakking away about Jennifer, her determination to tell Brady that Eve was involved with Victor, and Eve’s threat to tell Eric why Nicole had to leave town. Vic scolds Eve for telling Jen Nicole killed Deimos, Eve was doing all she could to shut Jen up, they argue back and forth, Vic is not pleased. She lets him know Eric proposed, Jen had not said yes or no. There it stands.

Eric comes down into the Pub, looking for Jen, who is at her laptop office table. She claims she had a lot of work on a story. Eric wants details, Kayla & Steve come in. All sorts of happy congrats, Steve can see, Eric & Jen got engaged, happy, happy. Steve suggests they order flapjacks, bacon, eggs, the works to celebrate them all. In comes Brady, surprised Steve can actually see him, happy, happy. Then glad to hear his brother is engaged, more congrats. However, he needs to talk to Jen, she says o.k. right there, tells him yes, Victor arranged the drug planting, tells of Arturo, the child services guy. Brady angry, leaves to confront Grampa Vic. She is calling after, there is more. But Brady is gone. Eric asks what more is there, she feels more comfortable telling Brady first. Steve has to leave, got a call, has to do something for his sister. Eric leaves to see his mom, tell her the news.

This leaves Kayla & Jen alone. Kayla can tell something is bothering her, Jen only says she learned something, is not telling Eric but should, she hates not doing so, and he would be so hurt. Kayla is sympathetic, “the things we do for the men we love”. Kayla knows this is very serious, tells Jen if she wants to talk about it, Kayla promises it will stay between the two of them.

Sonny is with his mom, but busy with his phone. She scolds him, as she was trying to tell him about Steve getting his sight, and he is buried in the phone. She presses for what is bothering him, Sonny keeps mum, yaks about Ari still avoiding Gabi. Adrienne has seen this with her own eyes, they all will try to do what they can to get Ari back to her mom. Sonny wants to order food, she keeps pressing him for what is on his mind, he avoids. She finally stops, he is going to pay the check, she wants to, he insists.She goes to ladies’room. He opens the leather binder holding the bill, only to find another note…….You and Will did not really think this was over. He folds it up, shoves it back in the folder. Adrienne returns, sees him looking panicked, offers to take the bill, he shouts no, no! Will arrives, she leaves.

Victor & Eve are still arguing, though she thinks she has taken care of Jen, who won’t say anything to Brady, and right now she is going to have meet Vic’s hunk of a grandson for some breakfast. She picks up her purse, in bursts the very angry Brady, asks what Eve is doing there, she says she knows Brady was upset, so wanted to talk to Vic about the whole thing. Brady now slams Vic for planting the drugs, Jen told him everything. Vic asks what exactly did she say, then wants to know if she said anything else. Eve and Vic are sneaking furtive glances at each other.

Steve meets up with Adrienne, has some good news. Thinks he has a lead on Bonnie.

Sonny gives Will the bill holder, Will opens, reads the note. Both are confused, are they going to keep getting letters like this. Sonny wants to talk to the waitress, Ted comes up. He thinks they both look a bit upset, Sonny says none of your business. Maybe it is, replies Ted. He then says, You & Will did not really think this was over.
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Jennifer: Hmmm, once I marry Eric, my sister-in-law will now be my aunt.

Patch: Once Jennifer marries Eric, my late brother's wife will now be my niece. Cool.

Kayla: Well, it's not every day when the second wife of your first husband becomes your niece.

Eric: I remember when Jennifer was my babysitter. Score!

Sami: You inbred weirdos make me sick!
What I still find interesting is NO ONE mentions Eric's beard is gone......even joking around about it. Nada. So, the guys can tell the gals they look wonderful, beautiful, etc., but the gals are not allowed to do the same?
Same goes for Chad. He has been gone 24 hrs., returns clean shaven....nothing from anyone.
Here are a few questions posed by today's episode.

Why do Marlena and John think that Sami would want to come to their wedding? After all, she's been going on for years about how John "ruined" her life and how her mother should dump him ASAP and go back to Roman.

Why was angry Brady so eager to confront Victor? After all, any harsh words he'd direct toward the old grouch would just roll off his back. As Victor himself said today, he has no conscience.

Why is Big Boy Sonny so worried about coming clean about hiding Leo's body? Max Brady once hid the very-deceased corpse of Ford Decker and only got community service. (Many viewers might enjoy the sight of the self-important Big Boy wearing an orange vest and pushing a broom in the Town Square.)

Does Marlena realized how remarkable it was that she could say to her son, "You look happy," when up until recently he had the long-running role of Salem's professional sourpuss?
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Jennifer: Hmmm, once I marry Eric, my sister-in-law will now be my aunt.

Patch: Once Jennifer marries Eric, my late brother's wife will now be my niece. Cool.

Kayla: Well, it's not every day when the second wife of your first husband becomes your niece.

Eric: I remember when Jennifer was my babysitter. Score!

Sami: You inbred weirdos make me sick!

JS :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Maybe these things have already been mentioned, if so I apologize. Why does most every scene that Patch is in (when he isn't in the hospital) have to center around downing shot after shot of booze with John or whomever?? Eric's prososal had to be one of the most lame proposals in soap history,, "you have been a good friend to me Jen Jen, let's get hitched".
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm surprised John hasn't talked to his son being with Marlena's grandson.

Did Eve find a rainbow and make a dress out it?

Didn't Adrienne tell Steve this week the police couldn't find Bonnie? Today
Steve tells her he has a lead.

Does Eric have an apartment at the pub? Is Jennifer keeping a change of clothes there?

Will Dopey I mean Brady ever figure out Eve was working with Victor?

Nice surprise at the end seeing Ted walk up to Sonny and Will and quote the
note they got. We didn't see Ted during the whole show.
So much Sami talk!!
I hope that's not a hint of things to come.

Didn't Adrienne tell Steve this week the police couldn't find Bonnie?
Stefano once said something to the effect that Bo Brady, and the Salem PD, couldn't find their butts with a roadmap. It seems that's still the case.
Does Eric live at Brady's Pub now? Sure seems like it.

I'm tired of watching people without jobs walking around dressed like they're going to work. Why is Sonny wearing a suit?

That scene with Brady, Steve, Kayla, Eric and Jen had to be one of the most awkward and random character interactions I've seen all year. Steve probably could have babysat every single one of them at one time. Has Brady even met Steve before? :rolleyes:
John and Marlena :love::love::love:

So many Sami anvils dropping. Why is she so afraid to come to Salem?
I’ll post here because I don’t know where this belongs.
I saw Harvey Weinstein on the news and he immediately
reminded me of Stefan. They could be father and son
I'm tired of watching people without jobs walking around dressed like they're going to work. Why is Sonny wearing a suit?
I've actually seen people wear suits at places/events other than work. I haven't worked at a job outside my home for twenty years, and I still wear suits on occasion.
I don't disagree KL but Sonny was having breakfast at a casual cafe followed by hanging out at someone's house. A more casual look would have been appropriate in this case.

Same goes for Abby who is sitting home with a toddler but is in a silk dress with heels.
A more casual look would have been appropriate in this case.

Most of the females on Days are overdressed for whatever they are doing.

Who's to say what's appropriate, or what "overdressed" is? As far as I know, there isn't a fashion police force. People should be able to wear what they want as long as they aren't flashing anyone.

Goodness knows, I have enough to be concerned about without trying to tell someone else how to dress. :)
While I disagree as to what may be "appropriate", I do agree that there are no fashion police roaming around. But it is a shame that some folks just don't understand that you do not wear short shorts and a tank top to a funeral, or to church....but, tis done all the time. Female cops do not wear high heels, which are useless in chasing down the bad guy, but evidently in Salem, tis o.k. (Perhaps the writers and wardrobe people should take a gander at some of the Police lip sync challenge videos...they might know how cops really dress for the job. )
As to Sonny wearing the suit and tie....gonna be charitable and say he was going to a job interview after breakfast. Or maybe a wake. Or perhaps he just wanted to look really nice for his mother. She was quite dressed up for breakfast herself. :)