Days of Our Lives - Mon., Aug. 27, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, August 27, 2018

Replay of Friday ending. Kristen urging Sami to shoot John, claiming EJ still alive, she knows where he is, blah, blah. Sami torn, hesitating, Brady & Eric holding Kristen, who continues to push Sami to fire, she ignoring Eric’s plea to give him the gun. He tries to take it, a shot rings out as Sami falls to the floor, and bedlam. People jumping up, dropping down because of shots fired, everyone making sure everyone o.k. Of course Brady & Eric have let go of Kristen, Eric is picking Sami up off the floor, John looking around, everyone o.k. Then he spots Marlena on floor, bullet hole in chest. Kayla rushes over, as does Val, stopping the bleeding, no exit wound for bullet, means still inside, which they say is good. John offering encouraging words.

Kristen now has the gun, waves it around, brags, threatens, says Sami kept her end of bargain, want to know about EJ. Sami is silent, Kristen didn’t think so. She picks Claire up off floor, taking her as hostage, warns everyone off, and out the door. Belle & Shawn having fit, Shawn & Brady chase after, so does Belle, who finds Claire. The gal has turned her ankle, Kristen did not need the dead weight, discarded her. Hugs. Shawn comes up, & Brady, could not find Kristen, looked all over. Ambulance arrived, & Marlena to hospital.

Meanwhile, Sonny in 7th heaven that Will has remembered. A bit of replay for that, Sonny is excited and eager, so happy, they do kiss, Sonny figuring they can now resume their life together again. Will frowns, no, there is Paul. Oh, Sonny did not think about him. As they begin to discuss, out comes Susan, in underclothes, thanking heavens she was able to get free. She carries on a lot, but the explanation finally comes, Kristen, that vampire, who is still mean, mean, mean, came, took her beautiful dress, locked her in the freezer. Luckily a cook came to get a rib eye, or she would be frozen popsicle in there. She explains, in her own Susan way, how she found the Marlena doll gift, was musing over it, Kristen arrived, etc. Will is insisting Susan imagined this, as she sat right behind him. No, not me, twas her. Uh, oh. Will has to get over there, Sonny will stay with Susan.

Meanwhile, Steve is telling Paul his dad needs him, but Paul is worried about Sonny, has to go look. He returns, everyone is gone, cannot find Will. Eventually, Will comes in, what the heck happened, gets filled in. Eve had found the basket of phones in some bushes, so some folks take theirs. Steve goes to hospital.

At the cop shop, Hope is talking of Eli making some arrest, a drug bust, is so happy. Hope is particularly happy, as now she can get back to finding evidence to put Ben Weston away. Rafe cannot understand how Ciara could have invited him to stay there, and Claire agree. They talk of wedding, Rafe notes that tho Sami said she wasn’t coming, knowing her, who knows? Hope agrees, has not talked to Sami since she was last in town. Rafe figures well, she has not been around, both agreeing that John & Marlena’s wedding more important than anything else, so if Sami there, save it. In rush Brady & Eve, with the whole story of what happened at wedding, & Kristen on the loose. (Boy, Hope has no comment about her granddaughter being taken hostage). Where is Sami……at the hospital. Rafe will handle this.

Shawn & Belle are with Claire, Belle holding on to her. Shawn tells Belle to go be with her mother, he will stay with Claire. Kisses and off Belle goes. At the hospital, Sami is beside herself, she was never going to shoot John, this is all her fault. Eric stays at her side, assuring her not so, she was drugged, etc. Sami won’t see a doc, is fine now, ties up her hair. Belle arrives, all your fault. Sami says it was an accident, but Belle goes on at her, Sami is always just all about Sami Brady, no one else matters. Sami protests, Eric tries to call a halt, but Belle is tired of it all, slaps Sami. She talks of the mention of EJ, which had Sami halted there. How he is dead, but just the mention had her put another life on the line. The sisters come to blows, Eric stops it all, they have to stick together, tells Sami to go take a breather.

Sonny has brought Susan home with him, a blanket, she is still cold. She begins going on and on about the wonderful guy Paul is, how she tried to keep Will from expressing his sexuality in Memphis, that was wrong, but now he has this great love. She just babbles on and on……Sonny staring straight ahead, not saying a word.

John has been constantly murmuring encouragement to Marlena. At the square, Marlena came to for a bit, asked about everyone, told John she loved him. Now Kayla & Val are trying to get her stabilized so they can do surgery. Steve comes in, support for John. Abe leaves to check at the station.

Sami sits in hall, Rafe arrives, she is so happy to see him, a friend, gives a hug. Sorry Sami, but I have to take you down to the station.

John stands in the ER, worried about Marlena, Steve at his side. Well, Marlena is stabilized now, we can take her into surgery. John is saying to hang in there…. Alarm bells go off.
So Eric goes after Sami with the gun, it accidentally goes off and shoots Marlena and no one gets a hold a gun!! Well someone did. Kristen!! Guess there would be any good story if she got caught right away but that is ridiculous. I am glad that Kristen didn't really take Claire.

Then Brady and Eve tell Hope and Rafe that Sami shot Marlena. Hope says of course she's trying to shoot John misses and hits Marlena. And no one corrects the all knowing Hope!! All Brady says is she was drugged? Not that Eric was going after her and it was accident? With that little bit of knowledge Rafe goes to arrest Sami? But I thought haha I hope Hope realizes what is the first thing Rafe did? Ran to Sami!!

I'm glad Will finally got Sonny to shut up!! And put a stop to the kissing and celebrating. Poor Paul.
I swear Brady pulled an old flip-phone from the basket (and opened it) before heading off with Paul.

Sami knew John meant business; he snapped and called her Samantha Gene.

When Susan was at the K-Mansion with Sonny and reached over to keep him from leaving her, you can see the actress was still wearing the black bra that Kristen had on under her red dress.
Thanks Poirot.

I have some questions.

Why did Brady let Kristen go after Eric did? How did Kristen get the gun?

Was Eric holding the gun too when it off?

Is Rafe letting his hair go grey because John did?

I thought everything on the square was closed, but Jennifer was able
to use the phone in the store.
Enjoyed watching the show today. I still love watching Sami and Rafe in scenes together. The lady playing Kristen/Susan is doing a good job. I hope the mention of EJ being alive is just Kristen playing with Sami, don’t want him back from the dead. I feel so bad for Paul, not a fan of Sonny and Will. Also like having Shawn and Belle back on the show
Low grades abounded today.

The Wedding Guests: How did Kristen break free and regain possession of the gun? Only in Salem.

Hope: When is this monomaniac going to get past her Ben obsession? Hopefully, the wedding debacle might send her one-track mind in another direction.

Belle & Rafe: I'm no Sami fan, but the third-rate lawyer and Hope's boy toy were way out of line today. Where does (dumb) Belle get off ripping into her sister. It was clear to any wedding guest that Sami was still under the influence of drugs and that the gun only went off because inept Eric tried to grab it from behind. This also applies to Rafe. A few questions would have rendered taking a distraught Sami into custody unnecessary.

Kristen: It was bad enough that this amoral monster invaded the wedding and helped cause the shooting of Marlena, but did she have to give the viewers indigestion by suggesting that EJ might still be around?
Shawn comes up, & Brady, could not find Kristen, looked all over. Ambulance arrived, & Marlena to hospital.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! The town has only 2 outdoor sets. She had to be in one of them.
At the cop shop, Hope
So, she is in Chicago? PLEASE!
I hope the mention of EJ being alive is just Kristen playing with Sami, don’t want him back from the dead.
Hear, hear!

I know Sami was drugged, but she is the one who lifted the gun and it appeared she was going to shoot John. And she is in no state to say she definitely wasn't going to shoot. So while there's probably (deferring here to DBF) no crime, it was still a bad, bad thing for her to do. I place 97% of the blame on her and 3% on Eric.
I place 97% of the blame on her and 3% on Eric.

Same. Sami was definitely tempted to shoot John. Who knows what would have happened? The annoying part was all the bystanders like Detective Shawn Brady and such who could have gotten the gun from the other side of her. I still want to know why Shawn just didn't pull his own gun out. Every cop I know is always carrying.

I was kind of annoyed that the Claire kidnapping wrapped up so quickly but there were some great family scenes around it.

Sonny and Sami are both way too desperate. It's not a good look.

Where did Susan get the glasses from but no new outfit?

Nice to see Belle/Eric/Sami in a scene together. I don't think we've had these 3 actors together before. So much unwritten story here and that slap would make Carrie proud.

Interesting that Hope seemed to be in flats.

What on Earth is happening to Rafe's hair???? He was not completely grey a week and a half ago. He looks much better with the black hair.

Nice to get the brief Sami/Rafe scene at the end.

I need Shawn and Belle on contract and on the show permanently.
Yes, the gun could have been taken from Sami, and why didn't anyone think to grab Kristen before she got the gun? It would be understandable if the wedding party had consisted of only people who had never been in dangerous or crisis situations but look how many of them are either in law enforcement or secret service. Someone should have had the presence of mind to take control of the situation, but yeah, the plot.

As already mentioned, Hope is becoming intolerable over her obsession with getting Ben.

I wonder if the Rafe actor is actually gray and wants to go natural or whether his hair is being grayed to fit the story.

I also wondered where Sonny got the glasses he gave Susan. Maybe she had an extra pair in her purse or something?
I wonder if the Rafe actor is actually gray and wants to go natural or whether his hair is being grayed to fit the story.

I'm thinking they've been doing it to make him look older. The transition has been very unnatural when you compare it with how long it took Drake Hogestyn(John) to go fully grey. At the same time, I've also noticed Hope's hair seems to be a darker shade of brown so this show will never get away from writing her as the 32 year old ingenue.

On another note, I'd just like to reiterate how nice it is to have Greg Vaughan(Eric) handling meatier material that doesn't involve him dealing with a love interest all the time. It's been really nice to see him in hero mode with Brady more in the background so far. He has really good sibling chemistry with both Ali Sweeney(Sami) and Martha Madison(Belle) and I want to see more of this family dynamic. Bring back Carrie periodically too.
Finally an action packed episode however. What a lame gathering of loved ones selected
to have a roll in the nuptials, and the guests supposedly close enough to be invited.
They all just sat there whispering amongst themselves doing absolutely nothing to help.
As far as Father Duffes, in my opinion that title covers the whole bunch of them.
What a great episode! Stacy Haiduk (Kristen) is doing a fabulous job. In the flashback scene with Kristen and Susan, I almost thought Stacy was Eileen Davidson since she looked so much like her with the hair and those hoop earrings, the way she was taunting Susan. The spoilers so exaggerated about Claire. She was grabbed not even kidnapped, LOL!

It is Sami's fault since she still held the gun up holding everyone hostage.
I'm thinking they've been doing it to make him look older. The transition has been very unnatural when you compare it with how long it took Drake Hogestyn(John) to go fully grey. At the same time, I've also noticed Hope's hair seems to be a darker shade of brown so this show will never get away from writing her as the 32 year old ingenue.

I've been thinking along these same lines in both cases. I'm reluctant to say anything because I've always thought Hope is a beautiful lady, and still do, but I feel they are not doing her any favors with her hair and style choices these days.