Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug., 28, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Paul is filling in Will on every single detail of what happened at the wedding. Will asks questions, finds it all hard to believe (while I found it hard to believe Will did not rush off to the hospital!) . He does not tell Paul of regaining his memories, makes some excuses for his mom’s behavior, and finally, says he is going to the hospital.

Rafe is trying to take Sami down to the P.D. for questioning, she refuses to go. Makes all her usual excuses, not my fault. He says there are hundreds of witnesses to her shooting her mom, which she denies, although she does talk of being drugged, of not remembering much, Eric bumped into her, but she knows she did not pull the trigger. She figures Kristen rigged the gun to go off by itself. Belle tells Sami off again, listing how she stole a baby, tried to get her own son strangled again, goes on how it is always about Sami. She will never forgive Sami if their mother dies.

Kristen has called Brady, she has Eve all tied up with a gag, wants Brady to do something. He insists on talking to Eve, Kristen agrees, puts phone on mute as she removes gag, telling Eve to read every word Kristen wrote, or she dies (gun waving again). Eve does, Kristen gags her again, tells Brady whatever it is she wants, he agrees. (we don’t hear.) At the cop shop, Brady tells no one what she said, Paul comes in, Brady claims no one knows where Kristen is, says he is going to hospital, Paul should stay at cop shop in case word on Kristen. With Brady gone, Paul paces, then spots the file on Kristen. He opens, looks at her mug shot, ponders.

At the hospital, Marlena flatlines, Val & Kayla (and no other staff….ridiculous) do all their best to bring her back. John is talking words of encouragement constantly, despite Kayla telling him to leave the room. He won’t. Paddles, shots of meds, oxygen…….the works for Marlena. Out in the hall, Belle has brought coffee to Eric & Jen, wants to slap Sami again. Over in a corner, Rafe is trying to get Sami to go to the station, if she doesn’t, he will have to arrest her. She is still insisting this was not her fault, but Kristen’s. John & Steve come out, John looking so downtrodden, they all fear the worst, but Steve says Marlena flatlined for just a bit, Kayla & Val brought her back.

And now, despite the urgency, all these various family members have to take their turn, telling Marlena how much they love her, why they do, some good things she did for them…..Belle, then Eric, then Will, (who tells only her he got his memory back) and of course Sami gets her turn, finally John. (He is heartbreaking today, her blood on his face, fingers, shirt). He tells her they have a wedding to finish. Marlena says not a word during all this, just reacts slightly at times. Kayla says it is time…..Marlena is wheeled off.

Brady arrives at a hotel room, is about to use his key to open the door, when it opens, there stands the smiling Kristen.

John goes to Marlena’s hospital room, stands looking around, and on the bed, is the bloody wedding dress. He picks it up, buries his face in it for a second, then, just holds it next to him, as he cries.
JS, I kept looking at her makeup, too.....not even the lipstick was smudged. LOL. Eye makeup, perfect. All that blood on John's clothes, and skin.......but not a smidgeon on Marlena. So......o.k. the staff cleaned it off. So then, who came and reapplied makeup. LOLOL
Belle needs to chill!! She is being so hateful to Sami. And she says I saw you (shoot marlena). Really? Belle did you see Sami standing there taking aim and just shooting Marlena? No, the gun accidentally went off. Which I don't understand how Rafe was saying that doesn't make sense. I think when two people are involved in trying to get control of a gun it makes perfect sense! I hope they don't keep Marlena teetering on the edge for too long. I know they did it for dramatic effect when John and Steve came out and they looked like she had died but we all know they aren't going to kill Marlena.
It wasn't exactly a stellar day for a lot of Salemites.

Belle: Can't somebody shut her up. (Now we know where Claire got her big mouth.) If anyone's to blame for Marlena getting shot, it's Kristen who set the whole series of events in motion and sourpuss Eric whose inept effort to get the gun away from Sami caused it to discharge.

Brady: Why didn't this dolt tell the cops that Kristen was calling his cell phone. Even Hope's inept police force might have been able to trace the call.

Rafe: Why is he badgering Sami instead of searching for Kristen? In fact, after the excitement dies down, he should sign up for Salem University School of Law's quickie course on criminal law. He'd learn that If a drugged Sami didn't deliberately pull the trigger with the intent to kill or harm anyone, chances are she can't be charged with anything. (If only Ted had waltzed into the hospital, announced that Sami was his client, and then put a quick end to Rafe's nonsense.)

Paul: Somebody should tell him about the notorious unreliability of eyewitness testimony, particularly in chaotic situations like the wedding. He also should learn that it's not really a good idea to criticize somebody's mother to their face even if that mother is Sami Brady. Finally, he needed a news update. At the time he said that Marlena was being prepped for surgery, she was holding a family meet-and-greet by a nurses' station. Only in Salem.

Finally, I don't really believe that Hope put an APB out on Kristen. She was probably sitting in her office stewing over new ways to try to frame Ben.
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Don't you wonder why Kristen called Brady on his cell? I mean she hid all those phones in the bushes, right? How did she know they had been found, mostly returned? Oh, wait, she had Eve, the one who found the phones. Ahhh, did she blab? Of course she had to, she doesn't know how to keep her mouth from flapping away.
I just shook my head through most of this show.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was amazed at all of the perfect makeup and still red blood.

Belle needed a knock out drug or punch. Yep Claire got her screechiness from her mother.

No hospital or doctor would let people all huddle around to talk to a patient who was being rushed to surgery.

I actually felt sorry for Sami when she was subjected to Belle.

John's last scene with the dress was the best part of the entire show for me.
Thanks, Poirot.

Does the hospital have a beauty parlor? Marlena probably got touched
up before going to surgery.

I cried when John was holding Marlena's dress.

I laughed when Brady turned around and saw two cops behind
him. He
probably realized they are Salem cops and they won't do anything.

I wonder if patients heard Belle and Sami scream at each other.

The line of day goes to Will "my mother shot my grandmother"
Sonny really seemed desperate with Will in this episode. His eyes, I can see why WIll was taken aback and turned off, that would turn me off too if some guy looked liked that gushing all over on me. As for Belle, I think she is speaking on behalf of the audience to be honest and that slap was welcomed. Sami normally is submissive to Carrie but Sami was ready to smack Belle back if Eric wasn't there.
So this was probably my favorite episode of the last 5 days. Why can't every family get this kind of drama and conflict? This is what I've wanted for Hope's family since 2015 but the show continues to skirt around it.

Anyway, how did Kristen get Eve? Last we saw her, she was at the police station getting ready to call Jeannie T. Is it weird that I was still Team Kristen throughout the exchange with her, Eve and Brady?

So Brady said he was headed to the hospital. I was all ready for him to visit Marlena too but instead we see him at a hotel room? Was something cut?

Marlena's makeup got better and better as the show went on

I liked Rafe being there with Sami and her siblings. It was nice that Sami had some support even if he did have to arrest her. This is the age range he should be interacting with. I also liked how he was very patient with Sami and took the time to explain why she had to give a statement. I was not expecting Sami to deny shooting Marlena or to say her finger wasn't on the trigger. I wonder if that was said for a reason. Could there be a second shooter?

Still enjoying the scenes with Marlena's kids. Belle is right to be angry--I think the anger stems from Sami being tempted to shoot John, not so much the accidental shooting of Marlena. I'd like to see her break down though with Eric or Shawn. She hasn't gotten to that stage yet.

Loved Eric asking about Claire and also loved Sami responding to Belle by saying "I love you". Also moved Eric and Belle hugging.

More great reactions from Chandler Massey(Will)

He says there are hundreds of witnesses to her shooting her mom,

I thought he said multiple? I'm not trying to nitpick but I know Rafe and his portrayer get a lot of grief on certain sites some just look out where I can. :)

John broke me at the end. Wow.
Yes, Brady lied....he had his instructions from Kristen over what she wanted from him in order that Eve not be harmed...he said o.k. He did think fast, for sure.
That said........the "hundreds" were MY words, not Rafe's. Hard to recall exact dialogue just from memory, as I do not tape the show, so cannot go back and check. Probably could of come up with a better word, if I had thought about it for a bit. LOL

And yes, don't know why some places rag on Rafe so much. I thought entirely too much time was given to Paul telling Will what happened, and Will trying to comprehend that his "mother shot my grandmother". But, we all had to understand Will not saying his memory was back. Yep, good episode, bedlam everywhere. Amazing, tho, that Kristen could grab Eve in the cop shop. Tsk, tsk. :)
Agreed about Will and Paul. That was dragging after a while. And can we please get more real flashbacks of Sami and Will instead of the same fake ones on repeat?

On another note, as much as I'm enjoying the show right now, it is way too hyper focused on John and Marlena and their kids. I can understand 2 maybe 3 episodes around the wedding but there are entire characters we haven't seen in almost 2 weeks now. It's time to show some B-stories as an aside to create some balance.