Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 2, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ciara &Tripp are surprised to see Ben, who explains he has been released, the evidence was planted, someone trying to frame him. Ciara calls her mother, who evidently verifies, she tells Tripp. Ben says he has been in a cell for a few days, goes to take a shower. Tripp gets dressed, Ciara remains in the man’s shirt. When Ben comes out, shirtless, Ciara asks Tripp for some time alone with Ben, Tripp goes into another room. Ben thanks Ciara for believing him, and for letting him crash there, but she tells him he has to move out. He is puzzled, she says she has a boyfriend, too confusing with him there. Ben realizes he makes Tripp uncomfortable, thanks her again, Tripp has returned, and possessively puts his arm around Ciara. Ben looks once more, leaves. Tripp & Ciara hug.

Eve stops in to see Paul, looking for Brady, Not there. They chat a bit, she leaves and goes to see Marlena, (Hattie) who doesn’t know who she is, covers by talking of meds, etc. She invites Eve to sit, feels she wants to talk, Eve explains about trying to do something good for Brady, how it backfired, and now won’t be getting married. Hattie, who claims to be a world renown psychiatrist (as Marlena) advises not let him get the best of her. She was trying to help, men always blame women, etc.

Brady & Sami bump into each other, glad Marlena woke up, Sami mentions barging in on the nuptials, not invited, she did not stay. They talk a bit about her trying to find Kristen to get a line on EJ. Brady goes to see Paul, Sami wants to see Marlena but runs into Will. They sit and talk, Will tells her of how all the feelings he had for Sonny are remembered, and he still felt the same. Then explains he is staying with Paul, cannot break his heart, especially after what he has gone thru to save Sami. She figures that is wrong, of course brings up EJ again, tells Will he has to think of himself, he isn’t doing Paul any favors, blah, blah.

Brady is with Paul, tells of breaking it off with Eve, Paul talks of Will getting memory back, remembering all his feelings for Sonny, says it doesn’t matter, but he thinks it does. What does Brady think? He is saved as Sami & Will comes in, Brady leaves. Sami thanks Paul, is sorry for what he is going thru. Paul jokes it was only 3 stories, he’d do 4 stories to save someone Will loved. He is doing rehab, figures eventually he will get those legs working again. Sami leaves, Will & Paul sit, awkwardly watching a baseball game, finally Will turns it off, says they have to talk. But he mentions finding an apartment, where they can move, it would accommodate Paul’s problems easily. Paul is grateful, sounds good.

Sami goes to see her mother, Hattie has her come in, Sami is asking for forgiveness, knows her mom is mad, but Hattie easily forgives, no problem. Sami will do anything, Hattie asks her to go to Buddy’s Burger Barn, get her a triple cheeseburger, hold the pickles. Sami leaves.

Earlier, Hattie had filled a shocked John in on Kristen’s visit, and her search for real Marlena, telling how she convinced her she was not real Marlena, etc. John is super annoyed, takes off. Up in Marlena’s room, Kristen gets up, Roman is knocked out, Kayla grabs the gun, holding it on Kristen, who laughs, Kayla would never shoot her. Marlena looks scared, Kristen laughs at how Marlena dodged the bullet……..again….and takes off. Kayla tends to Roman, who was knocked out by part of the ceiling that fell, guess the bullet went up. (!!!) John comes rushing in, checks Roman, Kayla, looks at Marlena, sees her eyes are open and is ecstatic. He is talking to her, checking her, etc. Eventually her breathing tube is gone, Kayla has checked her, all is well, Marlena’s voice is hoarse, as she gets to understand she is “hidden”. Kayla thinks too early to tell her, get rest, Marlena is insistent, John tentatively explains about Belle finding the advance directive, him not willing to lose her, etc. etc. Roman decided to leave, Kayla is going to sew up his head, she says, they leave. John is talking of them putting Marlena up here, in this deserted wing that is to be renovated. She is still puzzled, well where do they think I am? Missing? No, says John, not exactly.

Brady & Eve nearly collide in the waiting area. She keeps going, he calls her back, she has nothing to say, mentions Marlena telling her to just call it a day. Brady says he will go there, pack his things, be out of their room. Kristen is eavesdropping, from 20 feet away, heard it all. Brady is in the room, bags packed, gazing at pic, drops it in the wastebasket, opens the door, and there is Kristen in sexy clothing, big smile, blocking his exit.

In her hospital room, bored Hattie takes out some electronic gizmo that plays music (she sure can hide a lot under those sheets) turns on music, loves the song. Takes off the BP monitor on her thumb, jumps out of bed, and is dancing around the room, really shaking her booty. Door opens, there is Sami with the burger…….looking shocked at what she sees. Hattie stops, frozen in place.
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I have no words for this incredible dumb Hattie/Marlena story. Actually, yes I do. Even with all the idiotic clues and bizarre behavior her own kids can’t tell it’s not their mother. John could have worked around Hattie’s threats and told Belle to back off. The covering up the documents was by far the most irresponsible act of an official. Now you mean to tell me that Roman couldn’t overpower 2 inch wide 98 lb Kristen? Aww, come on now. I find this extremely insulting to the intelligence of the DOOL fans and followers.

Of course then there is The Samantha show, another “oh brother make it stop segment”. And while I’m at it let’s not forget The Bonnie Horror Show.
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Roman gets knocked out?! Not a very tough ex cop. Ridiculous way to let Kristen go again!!! Ya think Marlena will rethink her medical directive now?

Paul and Will still makes me sad. Will did and does love him.

And yes it is past time for Marlena's kids to figure out that ain't mama!! If this little dance doesn't do it, when the triple cheeseburger should have, then they are just too dumb to live.
This show has become dumber and dumber. Used to be much better than this.
I am hoping that Will realizes he does love Paul. He did before and he still does.
Did you notice Sami’s hair was styled differently from the scene where she left Paul’s hospital room and entered Marlena’s hospital room? Must have been filmed on different days.
Ben gives me the creeps. Glad Ciara told him he had to leave.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed Hattie's dance.

Poor Roman. He's not able to save the day anymore.

Where is Brady and Ben going to live? Will Brady move back to Victor's house?
Ben back on the park bench?

I laughed when Hattie talked to Eve. Told her to tell Brady that Dr Marlena Evans
world renowned expect in human relationships told to him "get over it"

How is John going to explain to Marlena Hattie took her place and he married her.
I hope Abe opened the envelope and saw Hattie's name.
What was a compelling and emotional story showing off some of the actors acting chops has turned into a bumbling and idiotic story with Hattie. A little humor goes a long way.

Also, I've been happy Roman has been given something to do besides wear a baggy purple shirt and toss a bar rag over his shoulder. But, instead of being heroic he gets over powered by Kristen. Dumb.

Don't get me going on Bonnie and Lucas. There is nothing positive to say.
I'd rather have seen family and friends in mourning thinking that Marlena was dead. The whole thing with Hattie is ridiculous especially coming on top of two she-devils blowing into Salem. Yes, I'm talking about Sami and Kristen. The John / Marlena wedding story has evolved into a trash heap.

Dump fixated Hope in the mix of screeching females, and this show is 80 % awful. Who at Days thought this would be "must see tv" ?
Hattie dancing around was ridiculous. Is anyone going to see this for the farce it has become, perhaps Sami will get a brain today and figure it out.

I still can't figure out how Kayla won't lose her license. If she is gone, then they will have to close the hospital unless Val can become "Super Doctor"!

Hopefully Abe will see the error and put two and two together to end this farce. We don't need another ridiculous story of someone being married and cannot get out of it.