Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 4, 2018


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Western Wisconsin
Victor bemoans to Maggie the strangers at the Kmansion (including Susan and Gabi). He vows to boot anyone without the Kiriakis last name, to make Maggie happy. Maggie admits she doesn't care about that; she lied to Eric about not knowing where Nicole is. Nicole's condition for keeping Maggie informed was that nobody else could know, because Brady forced her to leave town and she's afraid of him. She asks if Victor knows anything. He admits he does. Later, he's revealed everything and Maggie is shocked that Brady could do something so hateful, and that Brady reveled in tormenting Nicole/Eric. Victor had to keep the secret to protect Brady, and is worried about how much Eric knows. Maggie is still reeling, admits she called Nicole "last night" but is rethinking her agreement with Nicole. She thinks the right thing is to tell Eric where to find Nicole. Victor will back her, whatever decision she makes.

At the Kmansion, Gabi tells Chad that Abby is pushing him away. They review Gabi's lie about "Gabby"'s return. Chad doesn't see through Gabi's charade, and no real plot advancements are made, as Chad suggests that the re-assertion of "Gabby" is a result of the baby kicking. He wants to call her, Gabi talks him down, convincing him that that would stress Abby out. She leads him to decide to search the Horton House.

At the Horton House, the slimy rapist refuses to leave when Abby tells him to. He wants to speak to "Gabby." (I'm sorry, he's so pathetic I can't even write the scene.) Abby reveals a lot more about recent events to her rapist than any real person ever would, and it's awful. Abby is trying to head to the psychiatrist, rapist wants to follow, blackmails her into acquiescing.

At the hospital, Sami argues with Eli over the slimy rapist's accusations that Sami broke into DiMansion. She rants, he is calm. She tells him to be the hero, tells him about getting in to the secret tunnel, and she'll go find her mom. Eli starts, but Sami backs down.

In Marlena's room, Marlena has another flash (John does say, "It happened again,") and relays what she thinks she saw to John through a painstaking line-by-line recall. She remembers seeing somebody else with a gun, and hearing the shot from farther away than Sami was standing. They have the gun Kristen used, and will run forensics on it.

At Doug's Place, Eric and Chloe talk about Nicole's being blackmailed to leave town. He is desperate to find her, but Chloe's sceptical, wonders how Jennifer will take this. Jennifer knew, and Eric has broken up with her, the bad twin reports. Eric explains that he already asked Maggie, Chloe doesn't know Nicole's whereabouts.

At the Police Station, John comes in to see Sami. He updates her on Hattie (although she still has the Salem brain, figures some of it out on her own) and the switch and Marlena's being awake, as well as the fact that she probably didn't shoot Marlena, since Marlena remembers seeing another person. Eli enters, they didn't even need to run forensics since the bullets and gun aren't the same calibre.

Chad arrives at the Horton House; nobody's home. (Who all is supposed to live there, again?) He searches upstairs, finds the wig.

In Marlena's room, she is trying to remember who held the gun.

At the hospital, Abby and her rapist arrive. Abby hesitates since her doctor, Marlena, is recovering from a gunshot wound. Rapist encourages her to pursue a session.

Victor comes home, exchanges words with Gabi. She calls him (behind his back) an old grouch.

At Doug's Place, Chloe and Eric wonder about Nicole, whom they have called without success many times. They suspect she's changed her number. Eric thinks nobody can help him. Maggie appears, and says she can. "I know where Nicole is."
The corporations are one big guessing game currently. Who knows......if Chad leaves, maybe he goes to take back DiMera Corp., maybe he starts his own company. Vic should bring in someone new anyway. Philip failed, Sonny failed,Brady failed......Chad probably will fail, being Kate is giving Stefan all that info.
Thanks, Sami is cleared, evidently they did not have the gun before, so could not ascertain if the bullet hitting Marlena was from it. Sami is vindicated.
Gee, Hope lost out twice now. planted evidence for Ben, another shooter for Sami.
Where does that slimeball get off insisting on going with Abby to see her psychiatrist. Seriously.....Abby plans to see her psychiatrist who is recovering from surgery, after being in a coma for days? Huh? What is wrong with these people?
And of course, it will be Hattie she sees, not Marlena......Ugh!
No words for Gabi....Tis too sad......
I'll grant that I've missed a few scenes, but I don't remember hearing Sami say that she did not shoot Marlena. I've heard her say she didn't mean to, is sorry, etc. But I thought she acknowledged accidentally shooting her. Now she is claiming that she said all along she didn't pull the trigger. ???? Did I miss that?
Confused me as well. That is why she was arrested in the first place.
However, I seem to recall her saying something to the effect that the gun went off by itself, maybe it was set...

Trouble has been that somehow, in all the bedlam that followed the shooting, the gun was taken by Kristen, and thus they did not have the "weapon".
Marlena: Now that Doc s out the woods I am happy to say that I will once again enthralling and delighting you all with my sparkling wit and thought-provoking insight. :) Watching John and Belle fight over whether or not to pull the plug just hit too close to home. But thankfully that's over now. I wonder if the real shooter will turn out to be someone we know or if it will just be one of Kristen's goons. I have to say I kind of chuckled at the transition between Marlena sitting in bed saying she could figure out who shot who if she just could remember more, then a look of realization came over her face and then we Abigail and what's-His-Face get off the elevator. I chuckled because I couldn't briefly thinking "Oh my gosh, it's Abigail!" LOL

Gabi-Chad-Abigail-What-His-Name: Oh how I hate this mess! I don't know what's worse the way it requires characters to turn off their brains, yes Chad and Abigail I'm looking right at you. The things that don't make any sense like Sonny does not have soul custody or actually any kind of official custody of Arianna, so three really is NO reason for Gabi to still be staying at the Kiriakis mansion.

And speaking of Gabi while I still love her I 'm over her "revenge mode" When this sorry saga is finally over I hope we get one hum dinger of a redemption arc for her because gosh darn it all I want MY Gabi back!!! :cry::cry::cry:
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Thanks, Jason.

Troy, I'm so sorry about Gabi. We all want her back the way she was. I wonder
if she'll be seeing Dr Marlena later on.

WOW, Victor told Maggie the truth about Nicole shooting Deimos and Brady
made her leave town.

I didn't realize Kristen took the gun the Sami was used the other day. Good news
for Sami they found out right away she didn't shoot her mom and Marlena is
out of her coma.

I wonder why John didn't mention Roman when he told Sami how Hattie got out
of prison. He implied he did it all by himself.
Gabi is just a horrible person. Can't wait until she is found out.

I have to disagree that Stefan blackmailed Abby into going with her. She totally did that! She said it all. He never said anything. He said I didn't say that but she just went on and convinced herself to let him come with. Really just wandering around Salem with Stefan and going to see Marlena who just got out of a coma yesterday! Crazy.

I thought they had the gun that Sami supposedly shot so guess that's why the didn't run ballistics. I'm trying to figure out who else would want to shoot Marlena. Or were they aiming for John. I'm sure he has a lot of enemies.
Thought the same thing...because actually, Roman did it. But I think John was protecting Roman (who is Sami's father) as Hattie is like a time bomb. And Sami herself is a firecracker, an unstable one, who would blab to the wrong person, then realize too late she should have kept her mouth shut. :)
Thanks, Jason.

Troy, I'm so sorry about Gabi. We all want her back the way she was. I wonder
if she'll be seeing Dr Marlena later on.

WOW, Victor told Maggie the truth about Nicole shooting Deimos and Brady
made her leave town.

I didn't realize Kristen took the gun the Sami was used the other day. Good news
for Sami they found out right away she didn't shoot her mom and Marlena is
out of her coma.

I wonder why John didn't mention Roman when he told Sami how Hattie got out
of prison. He implied he did it all by himself.

As always thank you for the kind sentiments., Katmouse. :) I remain steadfast in my belief that Gabi is not evil but is very lost right now and the character I fell in love with is still there. And if you're wondering if she can do anything- short of trying to kill Abigail-to shake that belief well I'll put it this way, If I were a comic book supervillain I would called the "Obstinate Man." I have an aunt who has a neighbor who owns mules., and when see me walk by they shake their heads in exasperation. So the answer is No. LOL

I remain hopeful that there will be some kind of twtist here that things may not be exactly as they seem. As time goes by I can't deny that hope has dwindled some but I'm happy to report that I remain a glass half full kind of guy.

On the bright side today was actually kind of a milestone. Camila Banus (Gabi) is celebrating her eighth year on the show and today marked the first time she was in a scene with John Aniston (Victor). There had a few times when they were on screen in social situations but today marked the first time Gabi dealt with the "old grouch" one-on-one so that's something, right? :)
Troy, I'm kind of impressed to finally meet someone who admits to being more stubborn than a mule! :)

Thank you, Jason, for the summary. You have an entertaining way of expressing some things.

I hope I don't get sick watching Abigail and Stefan or Chad and Gabi. I'm beginning to think Abby and Chad truly are soulmates. Neither one of them would ever find anybody else so gullible.
evidently they did not have the gun before
This is what I don't understand - Sami "shot" the gun and was in a daze and taken into custody fairly quickly - what had happened to the gun? Was it ever mentioned that it was stolen? Is it anthropomorphic?
What is wrong with these people?
The Days writers? I've been wondering that myself, LOL.
And speaking of Gabi while I still love her I 'm over her "revenge mode" When this sorry saga is finally over I hope we get one hum dinger of a redemption arc for her because gosh darn it all I want MY Gabi back!!!
I'm a former Gabi fan (not as big as you, but she was one of my modern favourites) but I fear the way she's being written now, given Ron's history on GH and OLTL, she's not long for the canvas.
Thank you, Jason, for the summary. You have an entertaining way of expressing some things.
Thanks! Some days are harder to watch than others. It's good to know our efforts are appreciated.

I'm glad to know others (I've only dipped in and out since my trip last week) are as confused about the wandering gun as I was.
I liked the flow of the Victor/Maggie scenes. Good recaps without inundating us with repetitive flashbacks. Also loved that Victor was annoyed about his house becoming Grand Central Station.

I agree that the Gabi stuff is annoying. I hope she gets caught soon and moves into another story.

Rapist is way more interesting in scenes without Abby or Chad in them.

Abby's outfit would be just fine without that baggy sweater. Plus the color washes her out.

Loved John/Marlena and John/Sami. I hope Marlena gets back to her real room soon. Interesting that John hired an ISA friend to guard her. I'm guessing John will take Sami to Marlena now.

Who is the 2nd shooter?
I'm a former Gabi fan (not as big as you, but she was one of my modern favourites) but I fear the way she's being written now, given Ron's history on GH and OLTL, she's not long for the canvas.

Yes, I remember when you generously ceded the title of Gabi's Biggest fan. before I even had to make a formal challenge. I still shudder at the thought of all the raw eggs I drank in preparation. LOL
It was another grand and glorious day in the already pathetic history of the Salem P.D. If Marlena is right about there being a second gun behind Sami that fired the shot, this means that Hope's idiots may have arrested Sami despite the utter lack of evidence that she's fired a gun -- powder marks on her hands and clothing. And then there was that ball of fire, Eli. He heard from Sami that the DiMansion tunnels are still open for business, but seemed uninterested in rushing over there despite the fact that Sami told him excatly where the entrance was and how to get access.
Interesting that John hired an ISA friend to guard her. I'm guessing John will take Sami to Marlena now.
Was this really a wise move? Given the sketchy history of the perpetually-DiMera-infiltrated ISA, that guard might just be working for Kristen.