Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 8, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 8, 2018

Mimi and Bonnie have huge, long argument about Bonnie using Mimi’s baby for her get out of jail free card with Lucas. Mimi intends to go get her baby, Bonnie stops her, reminding her of how she took the rap for Mimi killing her father. Mimi said it was accidental, Bonnie says that claim did not work for her, She goes on about spending 10 long years in prison, avoiding shivs, and trouble, while Mimi was kicking up her heels in Pennsylvania. Bonnie even threatens to tell the authorities who really killed the dad. Mimi caves, loves her mom, but her plan is just not working. Bonnie asks for just one more day. Mimi doesn’t like the idea of Lucas having her daughter all this time, warns Bonnie that Baby Bon Bon is not her name, stop calling her that. She agrees to wait another day, then comments she doesn’t know how Bonnie managed those DNA tests. Bonnie laughs, lucked out, being you are my daughter, so enough markers matched. Of course it helped that Lucas is related to the baby’s father!

Meanwhile, Lucas sits with the baby and Chloe, going on and on about being the father, enjoying the daughter, Chloe pointing out some problems that could arise with Bonnie being the mother. But Lucas is going to sue for full custody, being Bonnie is a felon and has done all sorts of terrible things. Chloe notes he himself is a recovering alcoholic, and judges usually award to the mother, no matter what. She talks of how badly she felt losing Holly, but Lucas is very confident that he will prevail.

Sheila is in the cop shop, Abe giving her a hard time because she took his parking spot….after stealing his credit card. She claims she did not steal the card, and parking spaces are public, Abe says the sign says reserved. She did not notice. Eli says c’mon, we’ll move the car. Too late, Abe had it towed. He tells her get a job, she will be able to pay, then gives her list of city jobs. He leaves, Eli helps her go over the list, she discards some choices, he is going to help her with her resume’.

John brings Sami to visit her mother, happy reunion, hugs, etc. They all talk of her not shooting her mother, of Marlena seeing someone with gun in bushes. John gets idea to check the camera footage that covers the square, goes to see Abe to get it. Sami talks with her mom and of course, brings up EJ. She comments how much John loves Marlena, they are truly soulmates, she wants that for herself, keeps looking for EJ, will never stop, feels in her gut he is still out there, just like Will, unable to come back. Marlena asks her to consider that Kristen could have said what she did, in order to control Sami. No, Sami doesn’t think so. But then Marlena talks of all the time she spent away from Sami, Eric, Belle, because of her choices. She regrets it so much. And just wants Sami to not neglect her children, and have regrets later on. Sami promises. John returns, they get into the footage via a laptop, get to the date and time of the shooting..and uh, oh, back up. Sami says, oh, my, is that who I think it is. John says “we found our shooter”.

Eric is at Nicole’s door, she won’t open it, he is pleading with her, says he knows everything, it doesn’t matter. Knows she killed Deimos. She opens the door, he has 5 minutes. These are very emotional scenes, kudos to both actors, as Eric tells of Brady recording her confession, forcing her to leave town, says those things to him. She denies it, but Eric says Brady admitted it. He hated me so much, and was not going to let us be together. Eric continues with how much he loves her, never stopped, tried to move on, but she is the one he always wanted, will always want. Nicole finally turns to him, she is looking sad, tortured, but talks of how it upset her to say all those horrible things to him. She strokes his face, and soon they are passionately kissing. He wants to be with her, won’t leave her, knows she made a life there, they can live anywhere, he doesn’t care. Suddenly she is telling him he has to leave, now, as she opens the door, saying HE will never let that happen. Eric is confused, Brady won’t interfere. He won’t do anything. She retorts she doesn’t mean Brady. Then who? That would be me, says Xander, as he comes in, smiling, leans against the door frame…….Hello , mate.
Funny exchange between Bonnie & Mimi. Bonnie tells her she only has One Life to Live, and they will have this all the Days of Our Lives. LOLOLOL

By the way, John asks Abe about the license, and Abe said he gave the envelope to the clerk, so all is legal now. John gives a weak smile (so much for Abe looking at the paper before giving it to the clerk)
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Eric is the worst (OK - maybe it's the writers). All this time with Jennifer and all the things he said to her about how he and Nicole had bigger problems than her leaving town, and the instant the slightest hiccup happens, he bails and runs after Nicole. This has been done as badly as almost any storyline they've screwed up. It's getting to the point that I can't trust the relationships that they build, which makes me not care. I'm also tired of the forcing women into sexual relationships, assuming that's what's going on with Xander. I really hope not. I'm hoping these rape-y storylines go away along with doppelgangers. On a positive note, I did actually enjoy seeing Mimi. The acting in those scenes was great. I'm interested in seeing where this goes.
Mimi and Bonnie were funny with the one life to live and podunk town in Pennsylvania references. But seriously so Lucas is related to the baby daddy and that's why the DNA said Lucas was the father!! It's probably just a half brother. Come on what kind of tests do they run!! Eh, this is close enough. Dumb!! And poor Lucas. He is getting so attached. Well at least it is his niece!

Abe didn't even look at the marriage license?! I hope this bit is over quick and he doesn't end up married to Hattie! And I swear they are playing it like Abe and Sheila are gonna end up being paired!! They hate each other so much and we know where that usually leads!!

Eric. Jennifer who? Just wow. Everything he said to her was just garbage. Didn't like them as a couple anyway but it's sad for Jen. Xander is back. Guess we should have known we hadn't seen the last of him after stealing the confession but didn't really see this coming.

When is Marlena ever going to say "I think I need to change my advance directive since it would have killed me" I just cannot believe there has been no mention of it.
Eh, this is close enough.
When Kayla gave the results to Lucas, she did say that the standard hospital test only ran 15 markers, because it was cost prohibitive to do a more in depth DNA test. I'm guessing it just wasn't run back far enough to show that Bonnie and Lucas aren't the parents, but are related to the parents.

The baby's father is probably either Austin, Philip, Rex or Mike. Heck, toss in Bill Horton or Will, too. :sarcasm:
I guess in real life situations, they run it back far enough to determine who the actual parents are. But Salem University Hospital must use some quickie test they buy off the internet for $29.99 + shipping/handling. :rolleyes:
I really hope Nicole isn't the one who shot Marlena (presumably after being threatened in some manner by Kristen and/or Xander).

Maybe Orpheus or Stella Lombard came back from the dead. (kidding)
Abe: This man needs to get his priorities straight. With all the problems that Salem has, the thing that gets him angry is that his parking spot was taken? And as Sheila said, why does he need a reserved space? Not only is he not handicapped, he rarely does any city-related work.

Mimi: She should realize that Bonnie's threats about the Mr. Bones homicide are empty. After all this time, there can't be any solid evidence and since the D.A.'s office already has a conviction in the case, it would never listen to anything jailbird Bonnie has to say. Mimi also shouldn't worry too much about Baby Bonnie. Right now, she's really fan-favorite Doll-in-Blanket, which is an inanimate object.

Nicole: It's good to have her back, but she's doing herself no favors by continuing to carry a torch for sourpuss Eric. He's certainly no prize for reasons that are familiar to viewers and as TinaY notes, he didn't exactly show sterling character the way he dropped Jenny like a hot rock.

Xander: He's also back, but why is the X-Man wasting his time tormenting Nicole? That's so been there done that and it's not like there's any money in it.
And as Sheila said, why does [Abe] need a reserved space? Not only is he not handicapped, he rarely does any city-related work.
I guess it's an honorary thing, DBF. I remember sparring by email some years ago with Greta Van Susteren because she kept calling Newt Gingrich "Mr. Speaker" long after he left the position. Like Speaker of the House Abe's title is only his as long as he holds office. Years from now, I can picture Greta meeting Abe in the town square and referring to him as "Mr. Mayor." Ah well.....

...why is the X-Man wasting his time tormenting Nicole?'s not like there's any money in it.
Maybe the sex is good.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed all the fun references. Now I understand the one about Pennsylvania.

Did anyone catch Shelia's license plate? It's TLC 4EVA. Shelia said it meant
TLC foreva. The actress T-Boz who plays Shelia was in the music group TLC.

Thank god, Mimi didn't name her baby Bonnie. What is the baby's real name and
why is Bonnie trying to keep Lucas around her? Does she love him?

I hope the clerk sees the marriage license and wonders why it says Hattie and not Marlena.
Someone in Salem must have the Salem brain.

Abraham should be embarrassed no one with the Salem PD looked at the video
when Marlena was shot.

Didn't Mimi kill her father with a baseball bat? Bonnie said today he was killed
with a fire poker in the living room.. which comes from the game Clue.

I don't think Chloe is happy Lucas wants to keep the baby.

Xander is back. How long will it take before he takes his shirt off? I know
robin wants to know :)
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Mimi was kicking up her heels in Pennsylvania
That was funny since One Life to Live (the soap Farah Fath/Mimi went to) was set in Llanview, Pennsylvania.
Gar, you beat me to it! LOL
Of course it helped that Lucas is related to the baby’s father!
I quit. If they're just throwing monkey dung at the screen and seeing what sticks, why am I bothering?
It's probably just a half brother.
He doesn't have any full siblings, and has 4 biological half-brothers, so that's a good guess (even though it's illogical).
I just cannot believe there has been no mention of it.
This is really sad, too. I know so many people who hope for a miracle, and they might see a sensationalised, badly written story like this, and think their relative will wake up if given enough time.
I'm guessing it just wasn't run back far enough to show that Bonnie and Lucas aren't the parent
The sad thing is the only way to fool this test (15/19 markers) would be if it was Lucas's twin or father especially if they also swabbed Bonnie's DNA. It couldn't have matched enough of both of them. It's a statistical improbability.
After all this time, there can't be any solid evidence and since the D.A.'s office already has a conviction in the case, it would never listen to anything jailbird Bonnie has to say
An extra level of stupid implausibility! Groan...

On top of all the horrible implausibility with this "Baby Bonnie" story - it's filled by recurring characters and guest stars - and is bound to destroy Lucas. NOT COOL.

I added Days to my DVR for this? Zap.
He doesn't have any full siblings, and has 4 biological half-brothers, so that's a good guess (even though it's illogical).
The sad thing is the only way to fool this test (15/19 markers) would be if it was Lucas's twin or father especially if they also swabbed Bonnie's DNA. It couldn't have matched enough of both of them. It's a statistical improbability.
That's what I thought after reading your "he only has half brothers" how fun would it be if Lucas had a long lost twin!!