Days of Our Lives -Tues., Oct. 9, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Sheila & Eli in cop shop, going over list of jobs, qualifications, with Eli offering to help write her resume’. She is rather discouraged, too bad not expert in forensics, she’d get hired easily. She gets back onto disparaging remarks about Abe Carver, in walks Lani, Eli tries to shut Sheila up, but she goes on and on about Abe. Eli is trying to head her off, Sheila just chatters on, ignoring him, until finally Lani says Abe is her father. Uh, oh. Sheila shuts up, Eli introduces them, citing Sheila as a good friend, from childhood. But now, Sheila gets on Lani’s case, much to Eli’s embarrassment, and Lani’s anger. She cites Lani treating Eli badly, breaking his heart after he tried to give it to her, even talks of the baby. Lani is getting very upset, tells her to stay out of her business, walks out. Sheila realizes, apparently, she talked too much, Eli agrees, she is sorry she ran off at the mouth like that, but she was trying to protect Eli. He is family. She thanks him for getting her car out of hock, will have to get a job, will do so, thanks to having her car, at least she has a place to sleep. Eli is shocked she is sleeping in her car, nope, he is taking her home, she will stay with him.

Brady & Kristen check into a motel, rather seedy in Brady’s opinion. He remarks they have been driving due south all this way, where are they going. She is not gonna tell, not the destination, it’s the journey that counts. He call their room the “no tell motel”, she wants to know if he is really interested in her, he talks of finding it hard to stop thinking of her, would find himself wondering how it would have been, then pushed those thoughts away, but they would return. Soon they are kissing, and into bed. She is happy. She has huge tattoo on her back, says she had it done after her fall, & stay in the convent. The nuns convinced her to change, go for the good, (sure, that is why she had Sami kidnapped and tried to kill Mrlena), change her thinking, so this is what she is trying to do. Maybe she got the tattoo too soon. Brady thinks she should get a heart with his name on her upper arm. He tries to get her to tell him if that comment about EJ to Sami had any truth to it, but Kristen doesn’t want to do anything but live in this moment, enjoy it, and nothing else.

Abe is with Val, he admits a lousy mood. He starts venting about Sheila Watkins, Val knows she & Eli were good friends as kids, along with her brother. She was always working herself, Terrence had died, she did not much care for the Watkins kids influencing Eli, but hoped she instilled enough good values in him…….and she evidently did, as he turned out well. Before you know it, they are arguing about the kids, how Abe’s daughter broke Eli’s heart, Abe gets ticked off, figures arguing about their children is not good for their relationship. Val suggests they make a pact, not to do so, he agrees, and even agrees to let her kiss him (she had to ask permission!).

Replay of Nicole telling Eric to leave, Xander coming in, Hello, mate. Xander is smiling, talking of how good it is to see Eric, actually holds out his arms for Eric to give him proper greeting. Eric pushes him in the chest, down they go on sofa, Eric has a good grip on Xander, telling Nicole to leave. Nope, she stands there, tells Eric it is o.k., he knows I killed Deimos. Eric is puzzled, and it does take a bit to pull it all out, but seems Nicole married Xander, either that, or she would go to prison. She was not going to be separated from Holly. Eric lets Xander up, and now Xander says Nicole has not yet agreed to consummate their marriage, much to his dismay. That is why I tried to kill you…….this shocks Nicole, what, when where. Xander explains he thought with Eric dead, Nicole might come to love went to that wedding, hid, took perfect aim, only Eric moved, and he shot his mother instead. While he is talking, he meanders around, taking a gun from some high reaching shelf, pointing it at Eric.

In Marlena’s hospital room, John, Sami & Marlena are looking at the footage, realizing it was Xander who shot Marlena. Sami never met him, but Eric told her about him, he is demented. They figure that he was Kristen’s back up plan, in case Sami did not work out shooting Marlena. They try to figure how those two were together, if Stefan was hiding them both, where they are now, figure on the run. Sami blathers again about EJ, never giving up, etc. John tells her not to pin all her hopes on it, she talks of feeling in her gut this time is different. She leaves, John promises Marlena he will find some way to undo this marriage to Hattie, and to find Xander, as no one hurts my girl.

Sami is out side, seemingly sitting in some bushes, talking to Sydney, says she will be home soon, give Johnny big hug, says she just has one more thing to take care of. Loves her. Bye.

Kristen is asleep, Brady caressing her arm as we hear his thoughts, how he intends to learn every last secret Kristen has.

Xander holds the gun on Eric, Nicole tells him to put it down, let him go, she holds the cards now, will renegotiate the terms of their agreement. Xander tells Eric to go, but he won’t leave without Nicole & Holly. Nicole makes him go, it is best, he says all will be o.k. When he is gone, she tells Xander if he ever hurts Eric, she will kill him herself. Outside in the hall, he mutters he will get Nicole & Holly away from there if it the last thing he ever does.
Sheila was pretty funny going on and on about to Lani about Abe. Hey Eli tried to shut her up. And is angry Abe back!? He sure did get po'd about his parking space. And was quite short with Val. He apparently can talk about saying whatever he likes but she can't talk about Lani.

Is Brady seriously with Kristen? Doesn't seem like it but guess he has to have sex with her to make it real.

Nicole married Xander. This can't end well. I was very happy that Xander said it hadn't been consummated. I was wondering about that.
John promises Marlena he will find some way to undo this marriage to Hattie,
Actually, that's not hard to do, given the circumstances. If all else fails, John can have it annulled since the marriage wasn't consummated. However, in true soap fashion, John will probably (again, in true soap fashion) end up having sex with Hattie. For once, I'd like to see things done the simple way instead of drawing it out until we don't care anymore.

Sami is …… talking to Sydney, says she will be home soon, give Johnny big hug,

Once again Allie is the red-headed stepchild.
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I am so sick of Sami and all her talk about EJ. I was hoping that these writers would have just let EJ stay dead and that we would never have to hear that name again. Poor Allie, all her mother seems to care about his EJ’s children, she forgets that she has another daughter.

I am looking forward to Lani and Eli, hope the writers do a good job with this couple.
I am wondering if Allie will have her fill of absent Mom, Sami, and once Lucas' heart is ripped out over Mimi's child, she will go to live with him. Can Bonnie just shut the heck up and show more of Adrienne. I am sick of her hick style of talking and trying to bamboozle her way out of jail. It is beyond tedious. Would rather see Adrienne and Justin interacting with their family.

Lucas is headed to spiral out of control. It won't be pretty and I am sad to see that.

One little Lucas thing - could he get a haircut? That style is out of style and he is a bit over the age to be wearing it. Just my humble opinion,
Nicole: Like Mimi, she should enroll in Salem University School of Law's quickie evidence course for non-lawyers. If she had, she could have saved herself a world of hurt because she'd have known that her confession tape without corroborating evidence (which probably doesn't exist) is worthless. Like John, she should also be aware than any marriage that has been coerced can be annulled.

Sheila: It's about time somebody told the annoying Lani some inconvenient truths. :clap:It's even better that Sheila zinged it to the mayor's daughter in a highly entertaining way.:)

Xander: Constant rejection by Victor must be taking its toll. If only the old grouch had given the X-man a decent Titan job as a reward for saving Jeannie T., he'd have been too busy to waste his time forcing Nicole into a loveless, pointless marriage (after all, a hunk like Xander must have no trouble attracting young women) and trying to shoot the Salem sourpuss full of holes.

John: Why did he even bother to ask Hope to "be on the lookout" for Xander? The Ben-obsessed commissioner and her inept cops couldn't spot Godzilla in the heart of Salem.
I noticed the rings before the announcement. Can't Abe be miffed without getting so hopping mad. I must say I enjoyed Sheila and her antics! Thank God Nicole and Xander have not been intimate. With John knowing about Xander, maybe his days won't last too long. This is disjointed, but I guess that's how my brain works.

PS: Didn't Brady say he was going to get all the goods on Kristen and then turn her in?
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Thanks Poirot.

Poor Allie, she was forgotten by her mother again. I wonder how soon
Sami will get home since she's going to try to find someone first.

It was interesting to hear Xander tell Nicole he was on business trip in August when
Marlena got shot. It's Oct, but I'm not sure how many Salem days have gone by
since the shooting.

For a no-tell motel, the bed had nice sheets and pillow cases.

Will Abe and Val break up because of their kids?

Did Shelia know Eli owns the boarding house? She might be thinking she'll
be in his room.
Eli is shocked she is sleeping in her car
Perhaps it would be more helpful to show her the money tree.
her about him, he is demented.
Pot, meet kettle.
Sydney, says she will be home soon, give Johnny
And to Hades with Allie, I guess, huh? Only Lucas seems to remember her.
John: Why did he even bother to ask Hope to "be on the lookout" for Xander? The Ben-obsessed commissioner and her inept cops couldn't spot Godzilla in the heart of Salem.
How long before it's revealed that Sheila is another long lost Abe kid? Surely the animosity with Abe and Lani is leading somewhere and it had better not be to a romantic relationship because there is zero chemistry there.

Brady didn't need to sleep with Kristen if he's using her. Just befriend her until she opens up. She had better not be pregnant.

I liked that John and Marlena gave Sami a rundown on Xander because yesterday it seemed like she knew he was. Aside from the EJ stuff, I'm enjoying this Sami return. She's not eating the show.

I also liked that they explained that Nicole isn't sleeping with Xander. Plus he married her as blackmail. That should be an easy annulment.
Plus he married her as blackmail.
Blackmail is usually involved when Ms Walker ties the knot.
Surely the animosity with Abe and Lani is leading somewhere and it had better not be to a romantic relationship
I'm thinking that Sheila's friendship with Eli will be a catalyst/friction for his non-/relationship with Lani - but who knows when we only see them 3x/month.