Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 28, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Ben & Ciara are kissing, Rafe comes along, pulls them apart, starts lecturing Ciara. She assures him she is o.k., asks him to please not be like her mom. Rafe really goes on and on into the "speech", telling Ben to shut up, trying to have Ciara "see the light", finally takes off, calls Hope.

But Hope is busy trying to get Ted to give her some ammo on Ben. Actually, he has none, never asks his clients whether they are guilty or innocent, but will talk to Ben, get him to confess something, bring it back. Just is anxious for Hope to hide him away from Stefan. She is reluctant, now is saying she won't participate in any lies, or fake stuff. Yes, she broke rules in the past, but not any more. She wants to call Rafe back (he left messages) plans to tell him all Ted told her. She calls, but Rafe's news chases all that from her mind. She doesn't say a word about Ted, is naturally very upset hearing Ciara was kissing Ben, makes up flimsy excuses about being tied up in a case, will see Rafe at home later. Ted is surprised, but evidently Hope will hide him away from Stefan, let's go, before I change my mind.

Kate comes into hospital, meows at Kayla in her snarky way, about Kayla giving Stefan info on Kate. Kayla admits it was wrong of her, she is sorry. Kate wants her to acknowledge that Kayla is no better than Kate. She does. Kate tells of her & Roman planning to take down Stefan, telling Kayla they are all on the same side.

Stefan is with Charlotte, cooing, talking of buying books for her, but she is too young, but no one ever read to him as a child, he wants to be sure to do so for her. So, he will tell her a story. He starts with Once upon a time, beautiful princess names Charlotte.....and in walks Kate. He asks how she got in there, Kate claims the DiMera name has influence, especially with the board. She wants to see her husband's niece, then asks about Ted Laurent. Stefan assures her he is still away, and his security team is watching over him. Be glad, because if he escaped, he has enough info on our crimes to put us away.

JJ runs into Gabi, questions her about lying , saw the visitor's sheet, Gabi signed in as JJ's wife. Gabi does her whole innocent routine, wanted to see best friend, only family, so stretched the truth. JJ says why, she knows Abby is mad at her, doesn't trust her. Gabi plays innocent, oh, poor me, Abby attacked me, tried to choke me, if not for Chad, I could be dead. More of the same. JJ is off to see Charlotte, she is his niece, and Stefan not going to stop him.

JJ walks in on Kate & Stefan, she is just leaving. Stefan says come on in, says he changed his mind about no visitors, family is important, go ahead, visit, JJ brought a panda, Abby's favorite kind of stuffed animal, Stefan leaves.

Gabi has hurried over to the nurse's station, as Kayla had texted her, wanted to see her. Kayla wants to talk about Abigail, knows she has been upset, also knows that she feels Gabi set up this whole "Abby is mentally ill" thing again, including drugging her. And Kayla remembered Gabi asking for the sleeping meds, making sure they were the same ones safe if one is pregnant. Gabi is indignant, are you accusing me of drugging my best friend, and more of the same kind of talk. Kayla says well, did you? No, of course not. (Gabi swears she did not to everyone)

Kate walks in the square, stops, takes out her phone, plays the conversation with Stefan that she recorded. Smiles.

Ben & Ciara are rather awkward after Rafe leaves. Ben notes how everyone in town hates him, he has no job, no place to live. Ciara wonders if he is trying to talk her out of having feelings for him. No, just know what you will be getting into. She smiles, is a rape survivor, has no money, used some from her trust to pay his lawyer, but grampa froze it right after. She doesn't know how she will even pay her rent. She hates that she trusts Ben, then someone says something, putting a doubt in her mind, and she doesn't want to doubt him. So look me in the eye, tell me you did not start the fire, and I will never ever ask you again. Ben assures her he would never ever hurt her, ever. She is satisfied, but adds that she just ended a relationship, is not ready to start another, it is too soon. He understands, and now he says that if gets a job, and a place to live, would she possibly have dinner with him? She nods yes.

And over at the Kmansion, Leo is really on a roll. Sonny is indignant, Leo is making his case for Sonny marrying him. He even does a bit as the defense attorney talking to the jury. He may not have concrete proof which Sonny mentions, but how does Sonny know what Leo might have. Is he willing to take the chance. He goes on about how they were a hot item once, if Sonny refuses to marry him, he will go to the Intruder with his story. Down goes Titan, etc. He is very flippant, then tells the boys to talk things over between themselves. Sonny asks where he is going. Leo grins, gonna have another piece of pie, and go crash in one of the vacant rooms upstairs. Off he goes. Sonny & Will cannot believe this is happening, but they have gone thru so much, have come so far. this is not going to get us down. Hug.
Thank you, Poirot.

I love when Kate uses her evil powers for good even if it does result in her saving her own behind.

Way too much lying manipulative Gabi on screen for me today.

I hope this blackmailing side of Leo doesn't go on too long. I like the snarkiness, though. One question...why does he think he can crash at the KMansion? Victor will throw him out on his scrawny rear if he finds out. Plus there are already way too many people staying there.
Hope. She is so funny. Code of Ethics and maybe she bent the rules in the past but not anymore. Apparently disposing of a body after murdering a man is just bending the rules a bit. Wow. Plus her "did he confess to you that he tried to kill my daughter". she is never going to let that go. I can't wait to find out who it really was if anyone. Could have been an accident! Way to overreact Rafe!! That was ridiculous. Can't wait for Ciara and Ben to have a date!!

I would hope Gabi asking that her prescription history is confidential would be a red flag for Kayla. When is Gabi going to get caught. I cannot wait for everyone to find out how duplicitous she has been!!! I loved JJ confronting her and her saying she stretched the truth a tiny bit when she said she was his wife!! They aren't even dating! That is way more than a tiny bit!!

I am loving Leo and his snarkiness. He has had some funny lines. Should be fun.
Kate irritates me so much. Such a hypocrite. I can’t wait for this thing with Ted to shock her.

Rafe is not his own character anymore. He’s like Hope’s version of Ivan. Her soldier pretty much. I understand him being concerned about Ciara, but all he had to do was tell her he cares about her and to be careful. Instead he went all attack dog on Ben and started telling Ciara what she can and can’t do. When she doesn’t do what he wants, he snitches. He was not like this with Will when he first came to Salem. I hate it.

Loving the slow burn for Ciara and Ben. It’s nice to hear them talk about a date. Not too long ago, the writers would have already had them in bed.

Leo is once again the MVP. As far as I’m concerned, he’s doing the Lord’s work.
Hope: She actually said that she's not bending the rules anymore. If true, it would have had archfelon Bo Brady spinning in his grave, but at the last moment Hope redeemed her inner dirty cop by entering into an illegal bargain with corrupt shyster Ted to nail poor Ben.

Will & Sonny: Will still must have residual amnesia and some of his loss of memory must have rubbed off on the Big Boy. Will is forgetting that one high-octane screech from his protective mother, Sami, would blow Leo all the way to Chicago. And Sonny isn't remembering that he's a member of the ruthless Kiriakis family, which squashes cockroaches like Leo like the mere bugs that they are. All it would take is one phone call by his Uncle Vic and Leo would vanish -- this time for good.

Rafe: He made a fool of himself mindlessly following Hope's playbook by "protecting" Ciara from Ben. He is such a loyal tool that the corrupt joke of a police commissioner should give him a little plastic badge to wear that says "Hope's Little Helper."

Gabi, Kate, and Stefano Zero: Please make them go away. Lying Gabi is unbearable, Blathering Kate is tiresome, and the very sight of Sicko O. McPerv is tough on the digestion.
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Yes, she broke rules in the past, but not any more.
I can't watch this anymore. She is an idiot.
but no one ever read to him as a child
I second my own emotion from above. This guy's an ultimate toolhat.
JJ brought a panda
I hope it's bugged.
She is satisfied, but adds that she just ended a relationship, is not ready to start another, it is too soon
Sorry writers, I won't like Ciara no matter how hard you try. She's too close to the ill-mannered Bo and the corrupt cop Hope for me to like her.
. Sonny & Will cannot believe this is happening, but they have gone thru so much, have come so far. this is not going to get us down. Hug.
This is exactly how they should handle this. In case it wasn't clear yesterday, I'm firmly on Leo's side - but I do hope he moves on soon from tormenting the boys directly. Just his living well can be the best revenge against Mr Silver Spoon and Son of Sam(i).
Thanks, Poirot.

I don't think anyone in the K mansion would notice Leo was there with so
many others staying there.

Does Victor know what happened to Leo? He might have a heart attack
if he saw him.

I liked the last scene with Ben and Ciara talking about going out to dinner
if he finds a job.

Hopefully, Kayla has some doubts with Gabi telling the truth.

It was funny when everyone kept talking to the empty blanket.
I see JS' favorite character, "Doll in Blanket" made an appearance today.

That was a really cute panda that Uncle JJ brought.

Gabi and JJ were more interesting today than they have been since his suicide attempt a year ago. It would still make soap sense for them to get together only for the truth to come out about Abigail.

I liked Rafe's dialogue with Ciara but I didn't like him pulling Ben off of her. I feel like he could have just as easily verbally interrupted them. I didn't have any issue with him calling Hope though.

Speaking of Hope, this would really play a lot better if she actually talked about why she's so scared of Ben being around Ciara. I need some Zack mentions on-screen. The actress did an interview with SOD this week where she talked about Hope being scared of losing another child but we never see that on screen. Instead she comes off as overly annoying and desperate. I say this as someone who has numerous friends who've had to bury their own children. The overprotectiveness would okay out a lot better if Hope talked about her motivations. It's not simply Ben.

As for Ted, I feel like he's working for someone. I just haven't figured out who.
Maybe Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has been trying herself, to find a reason for Hope's attitude, since the show has made no effort to do so. So she came up with that. And I can see.....having lost a husband, a child, a fiance' (Aiden). Seems the writers can't/won't give a reason, or maybe have not decided. Just odd Hope has not talked with Julie or Jen about her fears. ??
Gabi all but but stamped it on her forehead that she was drugging Abigail to Kayla. Making that veiled threat to Kayla all but confirmed Kayla's suspicions. Kayla was having doubts at first, but Gabi's little attitude erased that real quickly. :rotfl:

She's not a very good schemer. What's the point of hanging around Kate.
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Speaking of Hope, this would really play a lot better if she actually talked about why she's so scared of Ben being around Ciara. I need some Zack mentions on-screen. The actress did an interview with SOD this week where she talked about Hope being scared of losing another child but we never see that on screen. Instead she comes off as overly annoying and desperate. I say this as someone who has numerous friends who've had to bury their own children. The overprotectiveness would okay out a lot better if Hope talked about her motivations. It's not simply Ben.
The Zack aspect really does needs to be mentioned. It had slipped to the back of my mind, but Hope’s fear is completely rational. if the show doesn’t mention this, she just sounds obsessed and insane.
Ben notes how everyone in town hates him,
Gee, I wonder why.

Speaking of Hope, this would really play a lot better if she actually talked about why she's so scared of Ben being around Ciara.... The overprotectiveness would okay out a lot better if Hope talked about her motivations.
No offense, Heather, but I would think it's obvious why Hope is upset. I know I would be. Ben's not just a suspected firebug; he's a serial murderer. That's enough motivation for me.

Maybe Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has been trying herself, to find a reason for Hope's attitude, since the show has made no effort to do so.
Again, I think Hope's concern and motivation are obvious.

Hope’s fear is completely rational.
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